Forum Thread
Hunters/Adventurers and the Great crystals(closed)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Hunters/Adventurers and the Great crystals(closed)
Hunters and Adventers ( This is NOT an
Adventurers wanted roleplay, though it is a good book) took quests
and explored the great land, many years ago, but now a powerful
Demon took control of part of the unknown land, making it
impossible to travel into the unknown land, and sealed the best
magic in different colored crystals (will be called by like Black
crystal), the quests have declined. But, adventuring is still
possible, but harder, and going into the unexplored land could be
dangerous because the farther they get the higher the level
monsters. And, the Demon lives in a Great tower full of monsters,
and no hunter or adventurer has even passed his first

Red,Orange:Fire (fire higher than the
character's main level hurts them, same with all others)
Red:Blood(can only control own blood, when it's extracted from body, like from a cut, and can use others when blood is out.
Black:Shadow-taken by MimiKyushu
Blue:Water-taken by Scribe
Yellow,Orange: Amber
White:Light-taken by Littlegamer34
Green:Nature(like plants and things like that)-taken by ToxicFox
Azure:Has to be rivals with Crimson users, is Blue water(actually blue, not clear)-taken by Scribe
Crimson:Has to be rivals with Azure, is red fire
Gray: rock
white,gray:wind-taken by ToshiroHex
orange, yellow/pale cream: sand-taken by ToshiroHex
Almost black purple:Darkness- taken by me(DanteLelouch)
Clearish-white:Rain(a water variation, very similar to Water)-taken by me me(DanteLelouch)
Red:Blood(can only control own blood, when it's extracted from body, like from a cut, and can use others when blood is out.
Black:Shadow-taken by MimiKyushu
Blue:Water-taken by Scribe
Yellow,Orange: Amber
White:Light-taken by Littlegamer34
Green:Nature(like plants and things like that)-taken by ToxicFox
Azure:Has to be rivals with Crimson users, is Blue water(actually blue, not clear)-taken by Scribe
Crimson:Has to be rivals with Azure, is red fire
Gray: rock
white,gray:wind-taken by ToshiroHex
orange, yellow/pale cream: sand-taken by ToshiroHex
Almost black purple:Darkness- taken by me(DanteLelouch)
Clearish-white:Rain(a water variation, very similar to Water)-taken by me me(DanteLelouch)
Crystal distribution:
After each person has chosen one, at the beginning I get one of my choice, and then after I can choose one of the remaining ones of my choice. Then the others, I roll a 20 sided dice, for the people that want it.
Rules:no godmodding, use parenthesis to talk out of character ( OOC), and try not to criticize'

this roleplay is to defeat the
powerful Demon, you will have main level. And, there will be 5
parameters. strength, intelligence(how easy it is for you to learn,
wisdom(what you know), speed, persuasiveness, and endurance. You
get 6 points to spend on these 5. On your character sheet, you may
have a pet, you MUST have age, character name, hair color, eye
color, height, clothes, crystal, weight, your 5 parameters,
personality, and past. And, you may add more, to your character
My character sheet:

character name:Sesu
eye color: black
crystal: almost black purple:darkness
hair color:red like a scarlet
clothes:black cloak that touches feet, black t-shirt under that, and black sweatpants
(you can save points for later)
character's life(past):Is an adventurer, town was destroyed by monsters when he was a child, is trying to take vengeance
pet:a black cat
personality:quiet, introvert, ignores most pain talks with a booming deep voice when necessary, and is a leader type.
More information- Sesu has retractable claws in tip of fingers.
eye color: black
crystal: almost black purple:darkness
hair color:red like a scarlet
clothes:black cloak that touches feet, black t-shirt under that, and black sweatpants
(you can save points for later)
character's life(past):Is an adventurer, town was destroyed by monsters when he was a child, is trying to take vengeance
pet:a black cat
personality:quiet, introvert, ignores most pain talks with a booming deep voice when necessary, and is a leader type.
More information- Sesu has retractable claws in tip of fingers.
All characters start at level 1, please ask if your character sheet is acceptable.
ToshiroHex is co-owner so after I choose one of the remaining one of the elements, then ToshiroHex chooses, then the dice rolling

name:Anthony(nickname anthy)
Eye color:blood red
Hair color:albino white with a streak of black on one side
Clothes:pure white trench coat and a pair of white aviators with a white fedora and white shirt and white pants.
Other:nicknamed the wrath of heaven by the few whom he fights
Hair color: Chocolate brown
Eye color: Greenish-blue
Height: 5'1"
Weight: About 100 pounds
Clothes: A black T-shirt, really short shorts, pink running shoes, pokémon socks, and a black beanie that says "" (Not sponsored, I just have a beanie that says
Crystal: White
Parameters: 1 point in endurance, 1 point in speed, 2 points in intelligence, and 2 points in persuasiveness
Personality: Tbrp because I suck at sticking to a set personality, unless its my own
Other: Meg really likes pokémon and cats
Pet: Yes
Art Shop

Avatar made by me!
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 101 lbs
Clothes: Dark green ear piercings( three on each side),black t shirt, light green sleeves , black pants
Crystal: Green
Intelligence 1
Endurance 1
Persuasiveness. 2
Speed 1
Wisdom 1
Personality: Comedic,serious when must, loves canine species,loves nature,kind
Pet: Silver Artic Fox with red eyes
Avatar by Me
height: 5'6"
weight: 143
eye color: Red
crystal: Black
hair color: brown
clothes: Wears a black long-sleeve shirt, black sneakers, a light-blue apron, and blue jean shorts. Over this, he wears a royal-purple robe with golden shoulder-pads. (yes similarly to ASGORE.)

character's life(past): Grew up in a family of nobles, ran away to become a battle chef.
pet: A small tabby kitten.
personality: TBRP'd, so I can figure it out T0T
More information- He has a talent for smashing people in the head with his frying pan.

Also THIS ROLEPLAY will be CLOSING to sign-ups on Saturday at 4:00 (Indiana,North America time). (I meant emphasis on the all caps words, it isn't yelling)
age: 17
height: 6'5
weight: 180
eye color: Blue
crystal: Blue
hair color: Blonde naturally, dyed blue
clothes: Loose low-cut tank top, baggy linen pants, no shoes
character's life(past): Has been a nomad for a while, has lots of misc scars littering his body, has big burn scars on his back and shoulders from an incident he doesnt like to talk about.
personality:Sarcastic, snappy, will either do his own thing adamantly, or relax and go with the flow.
More information- Has very strong control over his power.
rp is here
(credits to ToshiroHex for help with bbcode)
Age: 17
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 200
Eye colour: Light blue
Crystal: Azure
Hair: Natural blond, ends dyed blue. Asymmetric cut with short on the right and long on the left.
Clothes: Sharp white button up, navy blazer, form-fitting black pants, dress shoes
Strength: 1
Endurance: 1
Intelligence: 2
Past: Was a roamer, not tied to one place for long, picking up a useful subset of skills. Has very sticky fingers and pickpockets people frequently.
Personality: Rude, His way or the Highway, Makes it clear if he doesnt Like something or someone.
More Info: Looks a lot like Marius, is very upset by this fact. One could say they look like twins