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Fire Emblem Awakening: The Novelisation

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Fire Emblem Awakening: The Novelisation
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Fri, 01/09/2017 19:18 (6 Years ago)

Hey! Ok so let me explain. I am a massive Fire Emblem nerd, and I love the story of Awakening, and I love writing, so I thought, 'Eh, why not!' And did this little monstrosity. I am using my very first play through of the game as a base, with my Robin, my pairings, and my strategies all condensed into this. So this means that's aim going to be quoting and paraphrasing lines from the original game, so don't blow up about it to me. ALSO I'm excited to announce that every so often I'm going to be dropping non canon Shepards and Villain based of my ocs and my close friend's characters, so if any of them are reading this and you see your/your character's name: THIS IS WHY I WAS ASKING YOU WIERD QUESTIONS DORKS!!xx anyway, have fun reading I guess!
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 02/09/2017 09:09 (6 Years ago)

Invisible Ties

The white haired Mage stood back to back with her partner. She smiled as she fired another bolt of electricity at a monster, then turned to her friend. He had just finished the last of the beings and returned his partner's smile. "That's the last of them. Shall we?" "After you!" She laughed, and drew her sword. They charged at the immense oak door, and entered large ballroom. The dying light of the sun shone through the large purple stained glass window with a strange symbol and a dragon curled around it as decoration, casting violet panels onto the polished marble floor. "Up there!" The blue haired man yelled, pointing to a figure on the balcony. The Mage fired another bolt of lightning and missed. The man on the balcony laughed, and jumped down, attacking her partner. She intercepted the blow, and pushed the other man, Validar, backwards. He grunted, almost in appreciation. "Alright. This is it, our final battle. We'll show him that this so called 'destiny' can be rewritten! Now let's end this dastard!" The mage's friend yelled. He moved a few steps to the right at her command, and she advanced left. They approached Validar from the left and right and struck at the same time. "Foolish children! You can't stop what's already taken place!" The dark wizard growled. The Mage's partner nodded at her, then struck again, and the Mage let off another blast of thunder magic, dealing a finishing blow. Validar crumpled to the ground, and the duo that had taken him down retracted a few paces. "It's done. Finally..." the Mage sighed in relief, and leant against her friend, who wrapped a protective arm around her. "Come on. Let's go." The blue haired warrior smiled, and the two walked to the door. "You... you won't win... Not if I can get away with this... damn you BOTH!" The dying dark Mage yelled, and sent a bolt of black magic at the soldier's back. "Look out!" The Mage screamed, and pushed him out of the way at the last second. She took the full impact of the blow, launching her backwards as Validar collapsed again, unmoving. "Are you alright?" The soldier asked worriedly, pulling her up from the ground. "It's ok. He's gone now." He smiled, but the Mage didn't respond, her head bent. "R-- Argh!" He yelled, as the Mage fired a bolt of lightning and stabbed into his stomach, her eyes glinting red. But it soon passed, and she stared at her friend, then her hand in horror. "Hh... W..whatever this is... it's not your fault. Go! L..leave this place!" The dying warrior said, falling to the ground. The Mage rushed over, and placed his head on her lap. "Milord! No! Please!" She cried, tears streaming down her pale face. "It's ok. You can lead the Shepards, I know you can..."
"Not without you...!"
"It's ok, sweet. I'll see you again... Robin..." And with those final words, with the last of his strength he kissed her forehead, and exhaled one last time.
"Milord? No... no no no! Not like this! Please no!" She screamed, shaking with agony as a phantom laugh echoed around her.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sat, 02/09/2017 14:13 (6 Years ago)

Chapter 1
The Verge of History

"But Chrom, we have to do SOMETHING!" A girl's voice echoed above my head. It was dark, night... no wait, my eyes were shut. I opened them slowly, and two blurry figures stood above me. "What do you suppose we do?" Another voice, male this time, joined the first. It was vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it. My eyes were open now, the figures coming into view. "I... I dunno!" The first voice, the girl, with blonde hair in twin tails was looking at the man, who was obviously taller and older then her, with messy blue hair. Then, the two noticed I was awake, and bent down. "Hey there!" The girl smiled at me, and the man began to chuckle. "There are better places to take a nap then on the ground, you know." The girl giggled slightly, and the man extended his hand. "Here, let me help you up." I took it, noticing a strange red marking on my hand. He pulled me up, and we stood face to face, noses almost touching. I was pretty sure I was red as a beet. I started going through a mental check, but was lost from the beginning. "Thank you... Chrom." I said, addressing the man who helped me up. "Ah, so you know who I am?" The man, Chrom, asked. "No, but it's strange. Your name, it just came to me!" I said, rubbing the back of my neck. That little nap on the ground had left me sore. "How odd... What's your name? Where do you hail from?" Chrom asked again, smiling slightly. I had to admit, he was quite handsome... focus, focus! "My name is... hmm...."
"You can't remember your own name?"
"I'm not sure if... Pardon my asking, but where are we?" I asked, reddening slightly.
"Hey! I've heard of this! It's called amnesia!" The girl piped up, tilting her head in my direction.
"It's called a load of Pegasus dung." Another man said. He was of a large build, and had brown windswept hair and clad in full armour. "We're to believe that you remember milord's name but not your own?!"
"I'm not lying!" I said in defence, clearly panicked. I was flustered. They thought I was lying, I mean who wouldn't, but still!
"...Fredrick, what if it is true. We can't just leave her here alone and confused! What sort of Shepherds would we be then?" Chrom half scolded the other man, Fredrick.
"I know milord, but 'twould not be wise to let a wolf into our flock." The taller man cautioned, and Chrom nodded. "Right then, we'll take her back to town and sort things out there."
"Wait, wait, wait... do I have any say in this?" I asked, taking a couple of steps backwards.
"Relax, friend. We'll hear all that you have to say when we get to town. Now, come." Chrom said, half a request, half an order. I sighed, and followed, albeit reluctantly.

Welcome! WHOO I am so hyped about this. Like I said, I'm Paraphrasing most of this, so don't get all huffy at me. Anyway, part two of this is gonna be out soon so hah. I wanted to do all one thing but I haven't finished part two and didn't want to wait until id finished hehe... anyway! CHROMIN SHIPPING.... START!