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Forum Thread

GTS Offers

Forum-Index Bugs/Complaints Solved GTS Offers
Trainerlevel: 154

Forum Posts: 825
Posted: Thu, 20/07/2017 23:09 (6 Years ago)
I have a Ditto set up here in GTS. It says that I have three offers on it but I can only see one of the three offers.

This is the only offer that I can see (blurred out the name and items offered). I even refreshed several times, scrolled all the way to the bottom, and even had a friend make an offer on the trade but it's still showing the same one offer despite it saying that I have multiple offers on the trade.

EDIT: I'm assuming that the list of items was too long since I was able to see a part of a second offer (just the Pokemon offered but not the items) shortly after this thread was made.I was however, able to see the rest of the offers once the 1st offer (one included in the thread) was cancelled.
Nevermind! I had the person offer again and was able to see all three at once (This time they were listed as the second offer). I'm not sure why i couldn't see them all at once before though.