Forum Thread
♥︎ Holland's Diary ♥︎
Forum-Index → Diaries → ♥︎ Holland's Diary ♥︎
Hi, I'm Holland/Cat/Caitlin, and this thread will be mainly for my notes. I'd prefer if you do not post here, please and thank you. Previously know as xInfiniteStars and Ravvie.
A few things about me-- my favorite color is actually not pink, surprise surprise. I just chose a pink theme for the Pokeheroes. If you can't already tell my favorite pokémon is Eevee, and I am a Potterhead. I am a big fan of Marvel (and an even bigger fan of Tom Holland).
If you'd like to Palpad me go ahead, but there's a 50% chance I won't reply if it's a simple 'hi'. If you add me, sometimes I don't add back, sorry.
I am currently collecting electric gems for my shiny hunts, and a few offers are up in the Gem Exchange. If however you would like PD instead, palpad me. And for the few of you who are generous enough to donate them, thank you & I'll remember to return the favor.
I have nice days and not-so-nice days, just like everyone else. I'm normally friendly, unless I'm not in the mood to chat. I come off as pretty straightforward sometimes, so be warned. I'm not trying to be rude, it's just my nature.
Thanks for reading,
xx Ravvie


Set Date to Start Hunt: tba
Perfect Pair: Yes
Chain: 105
Date Started: May 30, 2017
Date Ended: August 1, 2017
Shinies Hatched: 1
Click on Shiny to See!
Ninetales (Alolan)
Chain: 41
Date Started: November 20, 2017
Date Ended: November 29, 2017
Shinies Hatched: 1
Click on Shiny to See!
Chain: 159
Date Started: December 26, 2017
Date Ended: February 18, 2018
Shinies Hatched: 1
Click on Shiny to See!
503/1,000 collected
Dragon Gems:
7/5 collected
Fairy Gems:
12/5 collected
None atm!
None atm!
If you're willing to donate your gems, I will gladly accept & will be happy to help you in return (interaction exchange, plushies, etc.)

Hey everybody! So quick update, I've changed by username from Ravvie to Holland. I've been wanting to change it for a long time and I didn't know what to change it to, so finally, I decided on Holland (obviously after the Holland brothers; Tom, Sam, Harry, and Paddy). Yeah, so don't freak out if you see 'Holland' in your notifications, it's just my new user.