Hi,I'm hiraeth and welcome to my art shop!I'm not really a good
artist,but I'm getting better day by day!If you're looking for an
art shop,you've come to the right place!
➼ Rules
✥ All PH rules.
✥ Please pay after I have done your art.
✥ When the slots are full, please do not order.
✥ You can pay me with whatever you want. I accept PD,nuggets and dA
✥ Please don't rush me! I'll cancel your order if you do
✥ I have the right to say no to your order.
➼ What can I do?
I can do digital,pixel and wiggle icons!I can draw humans, [some]
pokemon, fursonas and pokesonas! I cannot draw dragons, NSFW
content, birds and complex characters.
Username: Gracemomo
What type of art do you want: wiggly :D
Reference/Character: Eevee!
How much are you willing to pay:its a secret!
Other?:I love your art! Can you make one like my profile? And can I
make it my profile pic? c:
Username:well y'knew me(Excel
What type of art do you want:Digita
Reference/Character:KR Ex-Aid
How much are you willing to pay:eayyy,maybe my shiny floette or
Other?:I wonder if you taught by D XD(If you could draw like first
digi's example? ;)
olraitlah Username:ExcelAccel
What type of art do you want:digital
Reference/Character:any Thing?
How much are you willing to pay:10k
Other?:draw like the first dgital example(Y) ;)
Username: Sorixina
What type of art do you want: Digital
Reference/Character: I'll send you through PM .
How much are you willing to pay: 26k PD
What type of art do you want:Digital
Reference/Character:Your favourite female anime character
How much are you willing to pay:15k
Other?:detail in palpad
alright but my phone/pc is confiscated bc i got rlly bad
i got a spare laptop hidden in my room,which is what i'm using to
type rn
so,ill be offering traditionals temporarily until i get my
sorry for the inconvenience!i swear ill get good grades so my
phone/pc wont be confiscated ;w;