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Doorways (sign up open!!!!)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Doorways (sign up open!!!!)
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 23:41 (8 Years ago)
welcome to my first sing up

A group of college freshman have been experimenting on particle collision and dimentional rifts.
Their leader Rayne had been secretly creating a smaller more portable device without telling her friends.
They had just finished the last preperations for their final test.
They now will be finding what is beyond the rift. What will they find in the unknown.

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Sexual orientation:
Species:(Humans to start with more to be added)

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Werelings(half human animal hybrid like people)
Uolians (spirit like astral being with a constantly changing form)
Moorlens (8 limbed creatures with dragonlike head human like torso with 4 arms and horse like body with dragon like feet)
(any species suggestions please palpad me)

1. All PH rules apply
2. Mild romance and cussing
3. No godmodding or bunnying
4. Please keep to the storyline
5. No mary sues or gary stus
6. Please hide signature
{will change as time progresses}

Here is the RP

My Forms
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Name: Rayne or Ray
Age: 21
Gender: Female but looks like a young guy
Sexual orientation: Polysexual Polyamorous (but is reluctant to ever say her true feeligs)
History: Grew up in a foster system as a kid and obsorbed herself in science books and physics. She once tried to tell one of her foster parents she didnt like boys but she liked girls more and they tried to beat the homosexuality out of her. She rarely talks but she only speaks to those she sees as deserving. She is feircly loyal and protective of her friends and those she calls family.
Specialities: Intelligence and empathic
Crush/Partner: Crushing on both Maru and Aranea
Other: Leader of the group

Name: Luka
Age:16 winters
Gender: Male
Sexual orientation: Bi
History: Born from the leader of the Lupa Tribe. He lost his mother after his birth and is very sensative about it. He has been trained well.
Species: Wereling Lupa Tribe
Specialities: strong sense of smell and hearing and a strong endurance.
Crush/Partner: Never been interested yet.
Other: carries a knife with him always.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 23:57 (8 Years ago)
Sexual orientation:not a concern....
Apperance:a female with pale white skin, has dyed aqua hair. has blue eyes with yellow center, wears jeans and t-shirts most of the time
History:unknown. (mystery killed no one...maybe)
Species:(Humans to start with more to be added)(wereling, later in time i guess)
Specialities:being motherly when needed, tries to lighten mood, will hurt anyone who messes wit her homies.
Crush/Partner:nada. (prob won't do this.)
Other: she doesn't know What she likes... so don't ask her.
Trainerlevel: 18

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Tue, 13/09/2016 23:58 (8 Years ago)
Name: Izabella or Izzy
Age: 20
Gender: female
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Apperance: here
Species:(Humans to start with more to be added) human
Specialities: REALLY good at reading??
Crush/Partner: a bit on Hanamaru
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 01:32 (8 Years ago)
Both accepted. Just need a couple more to start
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 02:14 (8 Years ago)
Name: Aranea
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Pansexual ; Asexual; Polygamous

History: Stuck in a screwed up family, she ran away at 15. She met the group soon, and really liked it. She never talks of her past.
Species: Humans; More to be added
Specialities: Smart; Good at stealth
Crush/Partner: Crush on Ray and Maru whoops
Other: She's really quiet and kind, and shyyyy. She also is afraid of pretty much everything, and is sensitive when it comes to her past. She'll probably cry if you mention it. She is a complete nerd, and like she's younger. Not in an annoying way, but in a scared, helpless way. She also is skinny, almost too skinny, and short. She stands at 4'8. She is frail and delicate, both physically and mentally. Sometimes she'll start speaking in French, her native tongue. Also she has a cute French accent. :>
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 767
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 02:21 (8 Years ago)
Name: Hanamaru or Maru
Age: 22
Gender: Fenale
Sexual orientation: Polyamorous Bisexual
Apperance:Raven haired girl one the left
History: Hanamaru always felt alone, mainly because she loved science. A rumor started when she was still in elementary school that she was gay, and was actually studying a way to change her gender, though neither was true. Well maybe she did feel some kind of attraction to other girls as well, but she hated the term "Gay" The rumors followed her throughout high school, and seriously demoralized her. Even though she was a sciantific genius, she always kept quiet. She was allways interested in other dimensions and always dreamed of going to a dimension where the Hanamaru there didn't suffer as she had. She started studying with Rayne in hopes of finding that dimension.
Species: Human
Specialities: One of the few people that know how to defend herself and others, as well as a good understanding of Parallel Universes and Dimensional Rifts?
Crush/Partner: Has a thing for Rayne
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Wed, 14/09/2016 02:47 (8 Years ago)
Both accepted <3 we can start any time the rp is in the first post
Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 312
Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 23:48 (8 Years ago)
Age: 22 winters
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Bi
History: lowest amonst her tribe Felix lost both her parents at 5 and has been on her own since. She refuses to speak to most people unless their aura is just right.
Species:Feline tribe
Specialities: night vision hightened hearing and smell very flexible and agile.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 23:53 (8 Years ago)
I cant see your pic but accepted!!
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 30
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 00:39 (8 Years ago)
Name: Sheena
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Sexual orientation: Straight
Appearance: Pale skin, long black hair, intense ice-blue eyes, wears dark cloths (though she secretly loves dresses and pretty things)
History: She has a dark past she's trying to escape, joined the project in hopes that it's success can let her escape to a new world where she can stop running. She keeps her emotions and heart under strict lock and key.
Species:(Humans to start with more to be added) *can't decide what species Wereling to make her later*
Specialties: Camouflage, silent movement, fast reflexes. Secretly very talented in the use of various weapons, specialties being knives and although she is an expert shot with guns, she likes to go old school with bows.
Crush/Partner: None.
Other: Can be very blunt and cold in her logical way of thinking, and says exactly what she thinks. She says she likes to be alone and can be hard to deal with, but she's secretly lonely. Scared to make friends because she fears betrayal, so she tends to push others away. Has a cute side, but she rarely shows it, though it tends to come through in glimpses where sweets are concerned ^_^
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 06:45 (8 Years ago)