Forum Thread
Natural Ruin
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Natural Ruin
Nothing is so bad that it can't get worse. ~ Quote by Redd

All Pokeheroes Rules Apply
No Double Posting
No Spaming, Do not post unless you are filling out the form
No Cursing or Fowl Language
No God Playing
Your Pokemon Team Should Consist of only One to Three Pokemon to start
Only One Ledgandary per Team
Don't edit your post unless it is for grammatical errors
Password is Chaos
After you are accepted, edit out your password
Don't make me add more rules, I already have too many
No Double Posting
No Spaming, Do not post unless you are filling out the form
No Cursing or Fowl Language
No God Playing
Your Pokemon Team Should Consist of only One to Three Pokemon to start
Only One Ledgandary per Team
Don't edit your post unless it is for grammatical errors
Password is Chaos
After you are accepted, edit out your password
Don't make me add more rules, I already have too many

Username: Redd
Name: Rylie
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Mightyena, Banette, Seel
History: Her parents died in an earthquake, and since then she and her Pokemon have been living on their own. Living alone with her pokemon has caused her to become quite the clever thief. Years of practice have also given her heightened senses, strong enough to rival that even of her Mightyena.
Other: She is fourteen and lives in a small shack she built out of scraps of wood. She spends her time gathering supplies to survive off of. (By gathering, I really mean stealing. XD)
Username: foodslover
Name: shade
Gender: female
Pokemon Team: shiny umbreon, ditto and Red's eevee
History: she is an orphaned teen who traveled to the hone to meet red. He gave her his eevee and shade traveled back to her home just before the earthquake.
Other: she is thirteen and lives in a cave she built herself. She is a lone wolf but once she warmes up to you, she will put her life on the line for her friends safety.
Username: Xerneas
Name: Ryoku
Gender: male
Pokemon Team: Zorua (his only companion as of now.)
History: Ryoku was never introduced to human society except for clothing. He doesn't know very much language at all except for a few basic words. Since Pokemon raised him (a Zoroark to be exact) he learned how to blend in with the shadows and build shelter. He is a light-hearted kid at twelve years of age and will make friends easily.
Other: He can manipulate shadows and use them in attacks he has made for survival of the fitest.
Pokemon Team:Totodile
History:His family was killed, and he was left in the forest
Other:He has been a kid raised by his only Pokemon, to him it was more of a brother.
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Name: Scavage
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Zubat
History: Scavage was abandoned when she was 4 in a cave and saw a damaged Zubat. She picked it up and instantlu became partners with it.
Other: She prefers to be called Sage.
Username: Sylvia
Name: Crystal
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Charmander, Sh. Gastly and Eevee (All female btw)
History: She doesn't remember anything about her family, all she knows is what she has learned after the disasters. (Aka she lost her memory) She sometimes remembers things as things seem familiar.
Other: She loves fire type pokemon and is 12
Username: TheGuide
Name: Kit
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Squirtle!
History: When Kit was a kid, her parents abandoned her. As an orphan, she went to live in the woods and camped out there. Once there, Kit made a strange connection with the pokemon there and it seems as if she can talk to them. She learned to live and survive on her own, and learned not to waste and be grateful for things. One day, Kit found a little squirtle by the lake near the woods. It looked sad and lost, like it lost its family. So Kit adopted it. She later found out it was a young, male squirtle. When the disasters broke out, Kit and Squirtle survived through every one of them, almost barely making it. It was a good thing Kit knew how to survive.
Other: She can talk to pokemon and is 10 years old. ^w^
Username: Kyan
Name: Aragon
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Jolteon, Chinchou and Pachirisu
History: His family worked in a famous circus that used electric pokemons in their shows. They traveled on a ship to other cities when the disaster began, tides and storms destroyed the ship, surviving only Aragon with his friend Pachirisu, also his father's jolteon. They were on a table where jolteon saved them from the thunderstorm. One Chinchou was attracted by the light and he accompanied them to seashore.
Other: is very quick. live between the trees.
Username: Uberman1291
Name: Sinji
Gender: Male
Pokémon Team: Scyther (Right Scythe is Serrated) Shiny Porygon
History: Sinji was a very intelligent kid from birth. When Sinji was 5 he found a wounded Scyther in the woods. He took the Scyther home and had his mother (Who was a skilled Pokémon Doctor) Heal it. It's right scythe was broken and never healed correctly, So Sinji Nicknamed him Jag. After the Disasters his parents died in a tornado. He went to the lab where his father worked and found a Porygon that his father had created. After that Sinji repaired the lab and lives there.
Other: He was certified as a genius at the age of 4. Due to his father being a Scientist working on Artificial Pokémon, And his mother being a Pokémon Doctor, He is Very skilled with Science and medicine.
Username: xman3425
Name: Darin
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Togepi, Espurr, Eevee
History: Darin is the lost brother of another Trainer named Thomas and always hoped to find him some day and has always grown up with a pack of Espurrs and hasn't seen many humans. He tries to fit in with everyone else but always hides at tall places. He only has some protective psychic powers that the Espurrs have taught him and always has another Espurr with him to strengthen his power if it's something heavy to lift with only a little bit of power
Other: Darin has been trying to meet people all his life but he can never learn how to speak to them because of his shyness
Name: Kage
Gender: male
Pokemon:Lucario, , Glaceon, Darkrai,
History: Kage is a little-known trainer who travels the world looking for trainers to battle.He always wears a black cloak with a hood, so no one knows what he looks like. He seems to be haunted by some kind of trauma, keeping away from friendship. The only thing he actively likes are his pokemon. He has a strange connection with Team Shadow, a team in another world.
Other: Kage has sandy hair with blue eyes... under his cloak
(? If you see Evil rising then you'll see...)
Pokemon:shiny dragonair,bulbasaur,and marill
History: addisonn left her parents after the disasters started to seek out a better life. Bandits attacked her on the road and she narrowly escaped to hope town with nothing but her Pokemon. Slowly, she remembered less and less of her family and all she knew now was misery, hatred, and thievery.
Other: addisonn had the ability to read others feelings very well, making her a kind gentle person that only steals to survive.
Username: Meliu
Name: Yuuka
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Shiny Ditto, Valenfloon, Ditto
History: Her family members were victims of a massacre by a group of crazed citizens while buying fried, seasoned magicarp (LOL) at a road-side stand. There's wasn't anything special like Yuuka being the best fighter to survive, but rather that she was somewhere else taking a poop in the toilet...which is even more sad, in my point of view. X'D She's quite the survivalist, but extremely pessimistic about the world (I don't blame her).
Other: She likes flying around on her Valenfloon by grabbing each balloon string with a hand. Like in my other RP app, this character loves dittos for transforming into utilities like a spoon, submarine, or even a weapon. She has to show them the object first, but they're trained hardy enough to remember the design for use at any time later on.
If you have images or sprites of your character I can put them here. I can also put their trainer cards too.
Name: Rylie
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Mightyena, Banette, Seel
History: Her parents died in an earthquake, and since then she and her Pokemon have been living on their own. Living alone with her pokemon has caused her to become quite the clever thief. Years of practice have also given her heightened senses, strong enough to rival that even of her Mightyena.
Other: She is fourteen and lives in a small shack she built out of scraps of wood. She spends her time gathering supplies to survive off of. (By gathering, I really mean stealing. XD)
Username: foodslover
Name: shade
Gender: female
Pokemon Team: shiny umbreon, ditto and Red's eevee
History: she is an orphaned teen who traveled to the hone to meet red. He gave her his eevee and shade traveled back to her home just before the earthquake.
Other: she is thirteen and lives in a cave she built herself. She is a lone wolf but once she warmes up to you, she will put her life on the line for her friends safety.
Username: Xerneas
Name: Ryoku
Gender: male
Pokemon Team: Zorua (his only companion as of now.)
History: Ryoku was never introduced to human society except for clothing. He doesn't know very much language at all except for a few basic words. Since Pokemon raised him (a Zoroark to be exact) he learned how to blend in with the shadows and build shelter. He is a light-hearted kid at twelve years of age and will make friends easily.
Other: He can manipulate shadows and use them in attacks he has made for survival of the fitest.
Pokemon Team:Totodile
History:His family was killed, and he was left in the forest
Other:He has been a kid raised by his only Pokemon, to him it was more of a brother.
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Name: Scavage
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Zubat
History: Scavage was abandoned when she was 4 in a cave and saw a damaged Zubat. She picked it up and instantlu became partners with it.
Other: She prefers to be called Sage.
Username: Sylvia
Name: Crystal
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Charmander, Sh. Gastly and Eevee (All female btw)
History: She doesn't remember anything about her family, all she knows is what she has learned after the disasters. (Aka she lost her memory) She sometimes remembers things as things seem familiar.
Other: She loves fire type pokemon and is 12
Username: TheGuide
Name: Kit
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Squirtle!
History: When Kit was a kid, her parents abandoned her. As an orphan, she went to live in the woods and camped out there. Once there, Kit made a strange connection with the pokemon there and it seems as if she can talk to them. She learned to live and survive on her own, and learned not to waste and be grateful for things. One day, Kit found a little squirtle by the lake near the woods. It looked sad and lost, like it lost its family. So Kit adopted it. She later found out it was a young, male squirtle. When the disasters broke out, Kit and Squirtle survived through every one of them, almost barely making it. It was a good thing Kit knew how to survive.
Other: She can talk to pokemon and is 10 years old. ^w^
Username: Kyan
Name: Aragon
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Jolteon, Chinchou and Pachirisu
History: His family worked in a famous circus that used electric pokemons in their shows. They traveled on a ship to other cities when the disaster began, tides and storms destroyed the ship, surviving only Aragon with his friend Pachirisu, also his father's jolteon. They were on a table where jolteon saved them from the thunderstorm. One Chinchou was attracted by the light and he accompanied them to seashore.
Other: is very quick. live between the trees.
Username: Uberman1291
Name: Sinji
Gender: Male
Pokémon Team: Scyther (Right Scythe is Serrated) Shiny Porygon
History: Sinji was a very intelligent kid from birth. When Sinji was 5 he found a wounded Scyther in the woods. He took the Scyther home and had his mother (Who was a skilled Pokémon Doctor) Heal it. It's right scythe was broken and never healed correctly, So Sinji Nicknamed him Jag. After the Disasters his parents died in a tornado. He went to the lab where his father worked and found a Porygon that his father had created. After that Sinji repaired the lab and lives there.
Other: He was certified as a genius at the age of 4. Due to his father being a Scientist working on Artificial Pokémon, And his mother being a Pokémon Doctor, He is Very skilled with Science and medicine.
Username: xman3425
Name: Darin
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Togepi, Espurr, Eevee
History: Darin is the lost brother of another Trainer named Thomas and always hoped to find him some day and has always grown up with a pack of Espurrs and hasn't seen many humans. He tries to fit in with everyone else but always hides at tall places. He only has some protective psychic powers that the Espurrs have taught him and always has another Espurr with him to strengthen his power if it's something heavy to lift with only a little bit of power
Other: Darin has been trying to meet people all his life but he can never learn how to speak to them because of his shyness
Name: Kage
Gender: male
Pokemon:Lucario, , Glaceon, Darkrai,
History: Kage is a little-known trainer who travels the world looking for trainers to battle.He always wears a black cloak with a hood, so no one knows what he looks like. He seems to be haunted by some kind of trauma, keeping away from friendship. The only thing he actively likes are his pokemon. He has a strange connection with Team Shadow, a team in another world.
Other: Kage has sandy hair with blue eyes... under his cloak
(? If you see Evil rising then you'll see...)
Pokemon:shiny dragonair,bulbasaur,and marill
History: addisonn left her parents after the disasters started to seek out a better life. Bandits attacked her on the road and she narrowly escaped to hope town with nothing but her Pokemon. Slowly, she remembered less and less of her family and all she knew now was misery, hatred, and thievery.
Other: addisonn had the ability to read others feelings very well, making her a kind gentle person that only steals to survive.
Username: Meliu
Name: Yuuka
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Shiny Ditto, Valenfloon, Ditto
History: Her family members were victims of a massacre by a group of crazed citizens while buying fried, seasoned magicarp (LOL) at a road-side stand. There's wasn't anything special like Yuuka being the best fighter to survive, but rather that she was somewhere else taking a poop in the toilet...which is even more sad, in my point of view. X'D She's quite the survivalist, but extremely pessimistic about the world (I don't blame her).
Other: She likes flying around on her Valenfloon by grabbing each balloon string with a hand. Like in my other RP app, this character loves dittos for transforming into utilities like a spoon, submarine, or even a weapon. She has to show them the object first, but they're trained hardy enough to remember the design for use at any time later on.
If you have images or sprites of your character I can put them here. I can also put their trainer cards too.

Name: shade
Gender: female
Pokemon Team: shiny umbreon, ditto and reds eevee
History: she is an orphaned teen who traveled to the hone to meet red. He gave her his eevee and shade traveled back to her home just before the earthquake.
Other: she is thirteen and lives in a cave she built herself. She is a lone wolf but once she warmes up to you, she will put her life on the line for her friends safety.

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
Name: Ryoku
Gender: male
Pokemon Team: Zorua (his only companion as of now. ((Can I catch a legendary at some point?)))
History: Ryoku was never introduced to human society except for clothing. He doesn't know very much language at all except for a few basic words. Since Pokemon raised him (a Zoroark to be exact) he learned how to blend in with the shadows and build shelter. He is a light-hearted kid at twelve years of age and will make friends easily.
Other: He can manipulate shadows and use them in attacks he has made for survival of the fitest.
Password: edited out
Name: Scavage
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Zubat
History: Scavage was abandoned when she was 4 in a cave and saw a damaged Zubat. She picked it up and instantlu became partners with it.
Other: She prefers to be called Sage.
Password: I like trains!
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Name: Crystal
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Charmander, Sh. Gastly and Eevee (All female btw)
History: She doesn't remember anything about her family, all she knows is what she has learned after the disasters. (Aka she lost her memory) She sometimes remembers things as things seem familiar.
Other: She loves fire type pokemon and is 12
Password: Bob :D

Name: Kit
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Squirtle!
History: When Kit was a kid, her parents abandoned her. As an orphan, she went to live in the woods and camped out there. Once there, Kit made a strange connection with the pokemon there and it seems as if she can talk to them. She learned to live and survive on her own, and learned not to waste and be grateful for things. One day, Kit found a little squirtle by the lake near the woods. It looked sad and lost, like it lost its family. So Kit adopted it. She later found out it was a young, male squirtle. When the disasters broke out, Kit and Squirtle survived through every one of them, almost barely making it. It was a good thing Kit knew how to survive.
Other: She can talk to pokemon and is 10 years old. ^w^
Password: Meow! ^w^ lol
Meow meow lol ^w^ Hi everybody :3
The world is filled with weird and odd things ^w^

Name: Aragon
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Jolteon, Chinchou and Pachirisu
History: His family worked in a famous circus that used electric pokemons in their shows. They traveled on a ship to other cities when the disaster began, tides and storms destroyed the ship, surviving only Aragon with his friend Pachirisu, also his father's jolteon. They were on a table where jolteon saved them from the thunderstorm. One Chinchou was attracted by the light and he accompanied them to seashore.
Other: is very quick. live between the trees.
@xerneas: yes you can catch a Ledgandary, but only one. Will it be reshiram? ^^
Anyway, we have enough people now so I'll start us off! XD )
Rylie felt water splashing on her nose, she opened her eyes and groaned. She'll need to fix the roof soon, she thought. She quietly stepped out of her shack, trying not to wake her Pokemon. Her effort was futile though, her mightyena heard her and follows her out.
Rylie sighed and stroked it's back and looked up at the grey sky, it was drizzling softly. "It's time to get some more supplies," She told the Pokemon. She glanced back at the sleeping Seel and banette in the shack, they'll be ok on their own. Rylie ran off to the nearest town, her mightyena following.

Ryoku was walking on the edge of town. His Zorua on his shoulder he heard a twig break in the woods. He made no noise but got ready to be attacked. He got in a low stance a Lucario had taught him in his early childhood.
Rylie saw a figure near the town, she froze. Mightyena taking the hint, did the same. She knew it could just be a random villager, but you can never be too careful... They could be a crook or a .... She scowled, Stop it! Rylie scolded herself, It's just a villager. She and her Pokemon slowly approached the person, mightyena growled.

Username: Uberman1291
Name: Sinji
Gender: Male
Pokémon Team: Scyther (Right Scythe is Serrated) Shiny Porygon
History: Sinji was a very intelligent kid from birth. When Sinji was 5 he found a wounded Scyther in the woods. He took the Scyther home and had his mother (Who was a skilled Pokémon Doctor) Heal it. It's right scythe was broken and never healed correctly, So Sinji Nicknamed him Jag. After the Disasters his parents died in a tornado. He went to the lab where his father worked and found a Porygon that his father had created. After that Sinji repaired the lab and lives there.
Other: He was certified as a genius at the age of 4. Due to his father being a Scientist working on Artificial Pokémon, And his mother being a Pokémon Doctor, He is Very skilled with Science and medicine.