Forum Thread
The Modded Adventure RP Sign-Up
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Modded Adventure RP Sign-UpRules/Notes:
Please have proof that you have a minecraft account to sign up. (If I know you IRL I will know if you do or do not.) i.e. an account, a picture etc. etc.
Please only use your account! (meaning skin.)
The password is my favorite video game. (Hint - Not minecraft or this one.)
Once you're accepted, please hide the password
Only one player per person (if that makes sense x3)
Favorite Block:
Name: Sora
Username: KawaiiNekoKitten
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Favorite Block: Pink Wool, Pink Clay, Purple stuff (pink and purple blocks)
Proof: Here.
Skin: It's on here.
Personality: Kind, sweet, aggressive, forgetful, bossy, annoying.
Other: Nope.
Password: *smiles*
Username: RuthLittle
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Favorite Block: Sea Lantern
Proof: here
Skin: look up
Personality: rp out
Password: you'll never know...
Username: Leli_
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Favorite Block: She likes anything that comes from the end, as well as every form of stone bricks.
Proof: Yo!
Skin: See previous....
Personality: Leli is rude and sarcastic. She is extremely adventurous, which could get her into some recklessness. But she's extremely honest, and will help anyone in need. Except if she hates them.
Other: Leli's favorite general item is the Elytra.
Password: It's a potato!
Username: PhoeniXXTalon
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Favorite Block: FIYAHHHHHHHH (and lava and command blocks and the all the new blocks in 1.10 from the nether and structure blocks) wow thats a lot of stuff idc 8)
Proof: I dont need it I'm *cough*un*cough* fortunate enough to be ur friend 8)
Skin: Here and it's epic 8)
Personality (oops forgot this): My norm personality which is pretty much random, impulsive, lazy,
Other: The *cough*un*cough* was a bad joke btw just so u dont get offended xD
Password: Pal-padded it to u

Name: Ren
Username: teius
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Favorite Block: Brewing Stand
Proof: Um...

Personality: Ren mostly jokes around and is goofy, but he can become serious if he wants to.
Password: yee