Forum Thread
Glue's Diary
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Welcome to my diary

Name: Saba
Nickname: Sabi / Glue
Age: 16
Favorite Pokemon: Mudkip & Bagon
My event Pokemon's
My Main Pokemons
Mr. Bagon and Flower Girl finally hatched. Thanks everyone who helped
* Reached level 9.

* Reached level 10.

* Reached level 11.

* Got quest egg (Yellow).

* Sold Mr.Bagon for 15.000

* Got Flower Boy egg from "Just Married" event. Now I have both, female and male flowers.
My egg on Homescreen (12/Arp/2014)

Today's statistics

Just woke up, found 4 egg's in Daycare, Scanning them right now, hope all 4 are van/mr bagon's.
* Reached level 12.

* Reached level 13m

* Hoggy Hatched.
* Got 2 Dedenne from Awesome Liirah , male and female :)
Daily Goal's

Collect 10.000

Collect 50.000

Collect 100.000

Collect 150.000

Interacted 500 Times
Interacted 1000 Times
Interacted 5000 Times
Interacted 10000 Times
Hatch 5 egg
*Got Froakie egg from Gem Collector
* 5 More Dedenne eggs.

* Got Regirock egg from Royal Tunel
* Got Lugia egg.
* Reached level 15.
* Got in Medal Rally. Hope to make it to gold

* Made a giveaway
Giveaway Link
Todays statistic

Daily Goal's

Collect 50.000

Collect 100.000

Collect 150.000

Interacted 500 Times
Interacted 1000 Times
Interacted 5000 Times
Interacted 10000 Times
Hatch 5 egg
* Still on 3rd place :D

* Reached level 16.
Daily Goal's

Collect 50.000

Collect 100.000

Collect 150.000

Interacted 500 Times
Interacted 1000 Times
Interacted 5000 Times
Interacted 10000 Times
Hatch 5 egg
* Claimed easter event egg.
* Regirock hatched.
* Got another flower girl.
* Blue fang on home screen.

* Reached level 17.
* Reached level 18.
Daily Goal's

Collect 50.000

Collect 100.000

Collect 150.000

Interacted 500 Times
Interacted 1000 Times
Interacted 5000 Times
Interacted 10000 Times
Interacted 20000 Times
Interacted 30000 Times
Hatch 5 egg
Already hatched 20

The mystery box
2,479x Pokédollar

The key
Got 2nd place at Most berries fed, will have to wait for 30 Apr to get my prize, hope to get to 1st place by that time.
Reached level 12.
•My pokemon on homescreen. Again
•I'm at 1st place (Gold medal) in Most berries fed, medal rally