Forum Thread
Prim's selling Eevees
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Prim's selling EeveesI'm currently Shiny hunting Eevee, that means I currently have tons of them!
And I'm going to sell them, since I only need a few (for my PokéDex - Eeveelutions, y'know).
I have:
47 male
0 female
Make an offer. I will decide if I accept it or not.
I'm mainly looking for Fire Gems and PD, but will also accept Pokémon offers and other items.
I hope that my Eevees are going to have a good new owner.
Alright. :3 Eevee's up on GTS in a few seconds.
• woah-oh, higher, i'm going up over there •

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going to fly higher •
• woah-oh, higher, i'm going up over there •

• woah-oh, higher, i'm going to fly higher •