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Forum-Index Global Trade Station Item Trades *~$h!ny_D!@lg@_Hunt~*
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:54 (9 Years ago)


Spreading Of Raffle
So, [user]Fugacious[/user] is holding a raffle for the donation of [b]Vortex of Time Maps[/b] and [b]Adamant Orbs.[/b]
He is also buying those items
Winners have a chance at getting:
1)A Mega Stone
3)more to be added soon.....
[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread?id=39680]Take A look at this thread on the forums for more details.[/url]
[b]Spreading the hashtag you can win : Fossils, Lugia Egg Vouchers, Some Gems, etc.[/b]

As the forum states I am gonna shiny hunt DIALGA. So guys, I really require your help :-

If you got Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb for sale or donation or you are unable to hatch it as you are on a shiny hunt, then you are at the right place.

Will start my shiny hunt after collecting a minimum number of 100 /

Number of / i have collected so far :-(11/100)

Firstly, classify yourself whether you want to :-
1)Sell it to me.
2)Donate it to me for the raffle.
3)Donate it for the sake of friendship.

Also, check this raffle out to see how my race opponent's doing! If you have any Emeralds or Sky Pillar Maps, give them to him!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to sell it then


I pay you 120,000 for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case.


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[color=blue][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 120,000[img]//staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/pokedollar.png[/img][/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:


I pay you 80 for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case.


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[color=green][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 80[img]//staticpokeheroes.com/img/items/nugget.png[/img][/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:


I pay you ITEMS for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to palpad me to have a trade in this case.


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[color=red][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the ITEMS we have decided on palpad.[/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:
Have you palpaded me:


I pay you 5X Lugia Egg Vouchers for Vortex of Time (Map) or An Adamant Orb . You got to simply use the form to trade in this case. Currently have 20+ in stock.


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[color=purple][size=10][h][u]Hey, Dialga's Shiny Hunter I want to sell you [img]http://wiki.pokeheroes.com/images/f/f5/Terra-cave-%28map%29.png[/img]/[img]http://i.imgur.com/U4El12f.png?2[/img] for the 5XLugia Egg Vouchers[/color][/size][/h][/u]
I have:

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to donate it to me for the raffle.

Firstly, the name of the raffle is #ShinyDialga

So, to participate in this raffle you have to donate me a / .

Why you should do that?
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Firstly, it would help me in completing my dream to shiny hunt DIALGA and the site would have its SHINY DIALGA. Secondly, it would help you own a hatched DIALGA without breaking your long shiny chains.

In return what you get :-
You get a hatched + 30,000 or an ITEM equivalent to that+ 1X DialgaRaffleCoupon
Quote from DialgaRaffle1)You get a 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon for every donation.
2)The donator with most number of DialgaRaffleCoupons wins the raffle.

Winners of the DialgaRaffle win the following :-
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2)Mega Stones
3)More to be added soon.........

Leading Users of the DialgaRaffle are as follows :-
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1)RampagingRayquaza - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .
2)PastryPies - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .
3)NeonHyena - 1XDialgaRaffleCoupon .

Users whom i owe a DIALGA :-
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1)RampagingRayquaza donated me a .
2)PastryPies donated me a .
3)NeonHyena donated me a .

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 46
Posted: Sun, 27/12/2015 15:56 (9 Years ago)

~Okay~, then you have decided to donate it for the sake of friendship.
MY Friends who have donated me :-
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None at the moment....

And I will give you all guys some exciting gift for sure.

Trainerlevel: 60

Forum Posts: 312
Posted: Mon, 04/01/2016 09:35 (9 Years ago)
If i had these things id donate good luck though ill help the search ^·^
Trainerlevel: 67

Forum Posts: 241
Posted: Wed, 12/10/2016 15:50 (8 Years ago)
Friendly Bump ~
Trainerlevel: 62

Forum Posts: 498
Posted: Mon, 17/10/2016 12:59 (8 Years ago)
I would like to donate you a vortex time map for a dialga please!

Edit: Vortex map send!