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Keife191's secret thoughts -_-

Forum-Index Diaries Keife191's secret thoughts -_-
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Thu, 03/12/2015 03:15 (9 Years ago)
Welcome to Keife191's Wonderful World of Inner Thoughts!!!

about me:
i'm a boy, i'm younger than i feel and older than i look ;)
i like the color Green, i love Pizza
i'm addicted to candy, gummy candy like gummy worms are my true downfall
Squirtle is always my fist pic when playing pokemon. Blue version was my favorite
Video games are my passion, i have close to all systems and play 24/7
and i Love pokeheroes :)

my favorite games:
LOZ Ocarina of Time -- (Best game ever, no challenge)
COD Modern Warfare 2 -- (Best shooter hands down)
ES Skyrim -- (huge RPG do whatever the hell you want)
Tales of Symphonia -- (love the tales series but symphonia is the best story)
KOTOR -- (knights of the old republic was a great star wars game)

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1st place = "Advent Master 2015" title, a Zorua plushie, and 75,938 pd
2nd place = a Growlithe plushie and 37,970 pd
3rd place = z Magicarp plushie and 18,986 pd

Winners have been announced and the contest is now over. the winners are

1. Timidleo
2. Accident
3. Sarienta

in the event of a tie for any placement, the tied contestants will be put into a random drawing for each tier that is tied for points.

Remember, every 10 contestants we gain after the first 10 will add 50% to the pd rewards :)

67 Contestants -
















Pet Dark Prince Zorua for good luck ;)
Don't Poke the Jigglypuff

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Thu, 03/12/2015 15:28 (9 Years ago)

Title: My Mentor

When i first got here in Emera town, there was one very nice person who helped me out, i didnt know anything about pokeheroes, and when i needed guidance she was there,

Midnight_Rein. unfortunately she was chased off because of bad experiences with the community, however she is responsible for my permanent stay here. if not for her i would probably have moved on to some other game.

she was my mentor and my friend, and i am so glad to have met her, even with as short a time it was.

this is proof that a good community can bring good people in, while a bad community will chase good people away, we all need to do our best to show that we are a good community that welcomes good people, and not the latter that chases them away.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Fri, 04/12/2015 19:01 (9 Years ago)

Title: Learning from Experiences

my time in pokeheroes has been smashed with both good and not good experiences, and all these experiences have taught me things. trading with people, dealing with moderators, helping new people, and coping with things when i see people treating others unfairly.

lots of different situations, i've dealt with all of these, some of which i did the wrong thing and learned from my mistakes, and other times ive had to realize sometimes there is nothing you can do.

these things you have to learn on your own, theyre things that cant be taught and they require a humble personality to learn quickly, (i do not have one ;) ) needless to say its taken me a long time to learn and ive had lots of trouble because of my slow learning.

all in all everyone learns eventually. some take more time than others. but dont discount them when you learn for yourself. they are the most important things you could know. the best teachings are learned from personal experience.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Sat, 05/12/2015 22:42 (9 Years ago)

Title: Look Before you Leap

organizing a contest or raffle is hard, i didnt realize when i started how much of a commitment it is. i'm learning fast and im sure this will make my future contests much easier now that ive ironed out some of the details on how things need to be done. and each step taken is another foothold in the community for me, and im not backing down now :) veteran status here i come ;)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Mon, 07/12/2015 18:02 (9 Years ago)

Title: shiny hunting like a boss

i've been hired to shiny hunt a certain pokemon for a friend. i was lucky enough to get my first shiny at 70, lets hope my next two come as fast ;)

the first time i shiny hunted i was chasing after ponyta, it was an average hunt i got the first ponyta at 99, but the second ponyta came well after 150 eggs :( . the second shiny hunt was for tyrogue, i got 3 and that was a bad hunt. all three tyrogues took over 100 eggs to get.

my two ponytas i kept for my personal collection, the tyrogues i sold, and this third hunt is of course for my friend.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 15:33 (9 Years ago)

Title: My life (RL)

In real life i'm really introverted and i have trouble talking to people. i've had social anxiety for all my life and it's made some things really difficult in my life, getting a job, asking questions, making friends. In high school i ended up being a emo loner guy, wearing dark clothes, not caring about school, stuck in a deep depression. the friends i did manage to get were fine with who i was, my friends were kind of nerds and other regular people, weird that my dark personality would attract normal people lol.

after highschool i gave up my emo side and started wearing normal clothes, i still had the social anxiety so i still couldnt make friends easily. and getting a job wasnt great either. i worked at fast food places for a few months, but eventually id get let go because my personality didnt mesh well with the restaurants.

in college i tried picking up a trade, but as much as i tried i couldnt get into it, so i dropped out and moved away, now i live as a stay at home dad and get all day to play games and other things, i just have to make sure the house is clean and take care of my kid. which isnt easy, but its doable. i just hope he doesnt take after me personality wise lol.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Wed, 09/12/2015 19:39 (9 Years ago)

Title: friends

making friends is quite the process, each personality has to mesh perfectly or it all goes poof. sometimes friends for a long time can have one fight and be done, and other times two friends can not talk for months at a time and then strike up a conversation like theyve been talking for ages.

the friends ive made i treasure above all else. i try to be nice and considerate, im not super generous, i believe in making your own path. so i hope they value me as much as i value them. maybe i come off as cold and greedy, who knows :(

i have been offering my services as a mentor in the introduce me thread, and whenever i see someone asking something that i know the answer to i always jump up and help. so even if i dont give my things away, i give something even more important, i give myself wholeheartedly.

the most important thing is to be a nice person, you dont have to throw away your life to do that, just give what you can and if thats not enough then the people who are taking from you arent worth the effort. if a smile and a good word arent enough then neither is your time and effort.

make good friends and treasure them, and always try to be the best you can be. and good people will flock to you, we have to stick together :)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Sun, 13/12/2015 04:52 (9 Years ago)

Title: dont worry im still here ;)

sorry its been awhile since ive made an entry, its been hectic the past few days. my advent calander contest is going well, we've got almost 70 contestants now. and we're more than halfway through the calander.

And now that we can send christmas gifts things are even more hectic, ive dug into my nugget supply to send 5 extra gifts each day to try and keep up, and i've got all the items i need except the retro egg. i hope soon i can get it to appear.

also as a side note and mass announcement make sure when accepting christmas gifts to have an open space in your party, or any gift that would have had a retro egg will be completely empty!!!

in regards to my hunt, now that i have my shiny charm and a week of premium, i should be able to finish my eevee hunt fairly quickly, and then ill be able to actually hatch my legends and complete my hoen dex. of course i still need a ditto so i can breed the dyoxys once i get it so i can have all its forms :)

and finally for this entry, i hope everyone enjoys the christmas holidays and has a very merry christmas :)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Tue, 15/12/2015 04:39 (9 Years ago)

Title: goals in pokeheroes, and maybe life ;)

when i came to pokeheroes, i had a few goals. the first and most important was to "catch them all" and it still is the most important goal for me. but now after being in the community and seeing how many users are in pain, i think we have an important goal we should set as a community, to be open and caring with each other, stop scamming each other and try to be nice when we can, lend helpful ideas and opinions and give off an approachable vibe.

well now that we got through the mushy part lol, on to the next goal ;) . my second goal is to get onto the ranklist. theres several ways ive considered doing this, i think the most obtainable rank for me would be; number of pokedex entries, since that ties into my first goal of catching every single pokemon ;)

my third goal is a very selfless and probably unobtainable and useless goal lol. i want to be uber rich ( 100 mil range ) and convince the other uber rich users to donate 10 mil each to Professor_Rowen so he can be #1 in the ranklist for richness ;)

my fourth goal is to complete the 4th badge set so i can be the first person to get the reward of it and hoard the fame lol.

my fifth goal is a very selfish goal and contrary to others thoughts. i want to be super popular, i want to have over 5000 friends here and be widely known across the pokeheroes universe ( if you see this and we arent friends, feel free to add me. im a nice player and helpful when i can :) )

my sixth goal is to learn everything i can about pokeheroes so i can be a God at the royal tunnel ( over 10,000 levels #1 player, really? )

my seventh goal is to make a berry empire, i want to build up so much berries and cooking dishes that i can make millions off the bulletin board or just selling my goods on my stall :)

and thats the end, now you know a little bit more about me ;)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Fri, 25/12/2015 19:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: christmas tidings

merry christmas to everyone. my advent calendar raffle is almost over, i just have to wait for a few more submissions and calculate the results. as a side note i will be looking for someone to create a badge for me to give to the grand prize winner (i know, i should have thought of this sooner lol )

my family has had a good christmas so far, my kid got his gifts and me and my girlfriend went to town for the day :) .

i hope everyone is having as good a day as i am, good luck :)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 18:10 (9 Years ago)

Title: Raffle

well my raffle finished a couple days ago and i have to say it was a long road, but it definitely felt worth it. i look at the winner and their shiny new badge and it just feels awesome :)

if you feel up to it id strongly suggest you should make a contest, just make sure youre prepared for it to be difficult and adapt to the hardships lol. it really is worth it in the end.

i will probably continue this contest as well. next year if theres another advent calendar we might be seeing a new advent champion 2016 ;) the badge will change of course, i think ill stick with my favorite pokemon. next year might be a blue badge with a squirtle inside :)

and on a different note ive decided to hunt for the entire eevee list O_O 8 shinies more or less lol. i have 2 right now, long road ahead
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 11:32 (9 Years ago)

Title: New year

This year has been crazy, amazing, terrible, fun, lousy, just all together insane year lol. i found this game 3 months ago and i love it, my family found a new house and i got to quit my job and become a stay at home dad, ive almost finished my star trek marathon, my raffle was a resounding success. soo much this year lol.

and my hopes for this new year are just as high, i want it to be just as crazy every year :) , my eevee hunt continues and after that i will be hunting shiny combee so i can have a full set of 5 for my honeycombs. then i might shiny hunt miltank just to see if theres a difference for the stables lol, maybe ill get gold milk (hope its not yellow O_o ) lol jk jk. but maybe they give more milk or produce faster or maybe even cost less berries to maintain.

i've been playing a game in RL called Ark survival evolved, and its amazing, but soo much hectic, my friends refuse to play on peaceful with me, so i have to play on pvp with them and theres soo much hate on pvp, everyone kills every person they see, and the ones who dont actively hunt players try to stay hidden and if you get too close to them they beat you up and make you go away. but the game is just sooo fricken addicting, its like minecraft on steroids lol.

i hope you all had a great year, and i wish you luck in this next year :)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Fri, 21/10/2016 19:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: I've been away, but I'm back now

2016 has been a interesting year, lots of things dragged me away from pokeheroes but hopefully thats all behind me, politics and life stopped me from being here with all of you. i also think apart of it is that ive really bred all the regular pokemon i could, the rest are really grindy like event pokemon or legendaries and megas. even badges have gotten to that point, the ones i have left are the ones few have gotten lol
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 285
Posted: Mon, 13/11/2017 19:57 (7 Years ago)

Title: I've been away part 2

2017 has been a very eventful year, so much politics and so much life. but im back to pokeheroes once again, lets see how long it lasts this time ;)

no advent contest from me this year, i think it was a one and done kinda thing, it was fun but a lot of work and because it was the first contest ive made it was a lot of calculating and balancing and trying to figure a fair way to choose the winner. too much to deal with

ive also started playing pokemon go and am preparing for star wars battlefront 2 tomorrow.

on pokeheroes ive decided to start trying to grow all my berries to lv 100 and keep working on the fishing, im going to continue my shiny chain for combee even though it doesnt seem like anyone wants them anymore so i wont be catching any pokemon anytime soon, just breeding at the daycare.