Forum Thread
Summer Soul Center
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Summer Soul CenterHave you come to pick up an animal? No? You've come to order? What do you want to do?
Feh. Not for me. Baiii!
Yus! I've come to the right place!
Okay, the adoptables need you! They need a loving owner who will share memories with them, since they can't leave the internet. They want lots of love, so be sure to click them every once in a while. I'm sure they feel love somewhere in their pixels!
Finally! You ready to order some pets? Great! Just remember to be polite, then we'll get along just fine.

1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center
Welcome to my Order Box! Just write a small post, saying who you are, what creature you want, and what designs/colors you want! Each one costs a minimum of one thousand pokedollar, but you can tip me if you feel inclined (*wink, wink*).
I’ll make sure to send you a notice when your order has been carried out! (Meaning I’ll palpad you once I’m done with it.)
1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center
Welcome! Here, you get to adopt animals that have been found on the streets, poor babies! They are longing for any owner, which makes them half as expensive, prices running between 250-500 PD! But(t), remember to only adopt one per day, because everyone wants a chance! Here they are:


*Small condition on these guys, they'll stay in the original post, but you can put them wherever else you want, but they will also be here to show off the fabulousness of their species.
1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center
Pretty sure that the title is self explanatory! But… I guess I should explain it. So, two owners bring their pets together in an awesome breeding experience. To breed your pets, one owner has to supply a box of chocolates, which costs two thousand PD. (Basically, pay me 2,000 Pokedollar before you breed!) The owner who supplies the box will get the first choice and if only one pet is born, they get the choice between one thousand PD and the other owner gets the pet. If neither want the pet, it will go to the Adoption Center. THIS IS FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE! There is only a nest per species, so if there is No cross-breeding. That feature may come later, but I am not prepared for that type of thing just yet.
Fluffi - Usually produce from two to three pets in a litter. Three in a litter is extremely rare. Breeding takes one to three days.
Sqeerib - Usually produce three to six pets in a litter. Six is very rare, and they usually give birth to about four pets. Breeding takes five to twelve days.
Wrenip - Usually produce two to four pets in a litter. Four is relatively common and the amount is random. Breeding takes two to five days.



1st post: Welcome/Pets
2nd post: Order Box
3rd post: Adoption Mall
4th post: Breeding Center