Forum Thread
Gothic Monster Hunters! (Basic Literate)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Gothic Monster Hunters! (Basic Literate)
I created so many characters, It's a little mess now xD
So! I want you all to take part of this story, so when in the future this comic will countries than mine (hope over +900000), I want YOU to feel part of it =w=
If you're wondering "Why you create this rp with complicated characters?" You know why?
Lets start! Hope you'll find this interesting QWQ
P.S. Photos or art that are below AREN'T mine. =w=

One day, the human hatred seemed to grow, and grow generating giant and evil monsters, which they call "Forsaken". ( Like this guy ) and the world's balance was suddenly broken.
So they called new fighters to abolish those monsters.
P.S. I'll reveal other characters and parts of the plot later on =w=
P.P.S. Guys, read the plot. You CAN move between the castle and the normal world, don't act like you're confined in there xD

Well, you all know RPs rules right? Do
I have to re-write them? I don't think so. You all have a brain,
I'll start with my rules now =w=
-Ph rules apply.
-No godmodding-
-Only I can accept people
-Don't be rude
-No perfect characters
-The password is "Snake bites"
-Don't go out of the character
-Romance is allowed, but not to much please °3°
- This is not obligatory, but I prefer that your characters have at least a slightly ghotic style (P.S. With gothic I don't mean only "Total black" characters!!!) , just to follow the plot °3°
Again, It's your choice =w=
-Referring to the section below, all of these groups have leaders. They're not main character or other, so they'll appear rarely in the story. I'll take control of them when needed.
-I'm open to any suggestion or change =w=
-Mutant power are allowed~
PSSS...The REAL password is the name of the leader of "The Victorians"
I'll start with my rules now =w=
-Ph rules apply.
-No godmodding-
-Only I can accept people
-Don't be rude
-No perfect characters
-The password is "Snake bites"
-Don't go out of the character
-Romance is allowed, but not to much please °3°
- This is not obligatory, but I prefer that your characters have at least a slightly ghotic style (P.S. With gothic I don't mean only "Total black" characters!!!) , just to follow the plot °3°
Again, It's your choice =w=
-Referring to the section below, all of these groups have leaders. They're not main character or other, so they'll appear rarely in the story. I'll take control of them when needed.
-I'm open to any suggestion or change =w=
-Mutant power are allowed~
PSSS...The REAL password is the name of the leader of "The Victorians"

The Monster Hunters are divided in
sub-cultural gothic groups (And other that I created xD)! So yes,
You can choose the style and the group!:
-There are The Victorians :
People who have a gothic-Victorian style.They like drink tea. A lot. =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Jaque Beaumont
- The CyberGoths :
They like to fight, and try new shoes in front of a mirror XD Example Female! And Male!
Leader: her Peggy ~
- The Steampunks
They have their own lab, where they can create weapons and other combat stuff. They're very useful, but be careful, they bite =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Carrie Waldgrave
- The Pastel Goths . Awww they're so cute ~ They can kill as fast as a bullet, and as brutal as a chainsaw, aaawww ~ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Karine Bloodbath
- The Gothics-Lolita
If you see girls that throws candies out of the window, RUN. THAT THINGS ARE EXPLOSIVE. And tasty too o3o!
Example Female! And male!
Leader: Lenore Banner
- The Jokers!
They like to laugh, clean the skulls on the shelf, Paint their faces and do jokes....AND RIP EVERYTHING, MUHAHAUHAHAHAHAH ~~ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Malarica Colburn
- And The Dark Rippers
They're the traditional goth style, very fanatics of horrors, bats, pumpkins and zombies. Oh yeah. Don't bother them, if you don't want to find a knife in your skull in the night! ♥ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Graham Krestel
P.S. I know its kinda hard to find images that fits these guys. I will point you some..sites where you can look =w=
There is VampireFreaks on Pinterest its only bad side is that you need registration to see every image, I stronlgy recommend it because you can find EVERYTHING in here =w=
Google doesn't help much, but it can give you a little help~
Also Tumblr and We Heart it will help! *3*
Try THIS too
For the Victorians female characters you can search Here~
The Steampunks are famous, so It won't be hard to fine images >w<
CyberGoths are easy to find too~
The Rippers dresses as a normal goth person, easy! >w<
For the Joker, I created them, so I know its not that easy to find an appropriate image. If you read their...very little description you know that They Like a lot to paint their faces =w=
-There are The Victorians :
People who have a gothic-Victorian style.They like drink tea. A lot. =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Jaque Beaumont
- The CyberGoths :
They like to fight, and try new shoes in front of a mirror XD Example Female! And Male!
Leader: her Peggy ~
- The Steampunks
They have their own lab, where they can create weapons and other combat stuff. They're very useful, but be careful, they bite =w= Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Carrie Waldgrave
- The Pastel Goths . Awww they're so cute ~ They can kill as fast as a bullet, and as brutal as a chainsaw, aaawww ~ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Karine Bloodbath
- The Gothics-Lolita
If you see girls that throws candies out of the window, RUN. THAT THINGS ARE EXPLOSIVE. And tasty too o3o!
Example Female! And male!
Leader: Lenore Banner
- The Jokers!
They like to laugh, clean the skulls on the shelf, Paint their faces and do jokes....AND RIP EVERYTHING, MUHAHAUHAHAHAHAH ~~ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Malarica Colburn
- And The Dark Rippers
They're the traditional goth style, very fanatics of horrors, bats, pumpkins and zombies. Oh yeah. Don't bother them, if you don't want to find a knife in your skull in the night! ♥ Example Female! And Male!
Leader: Graham Krestel
P.S. I know its kinda hard to find images that fits these guys. I will point you some..sites where you can look =w=
There is VampireFreaks on Pinterest its only bad side is that you need registration to see every image, I stronlgy recommend it because you can find EVERYTHING in here =w=
Google doesn't help much, but it can give you a little help~
Also Tumblr and We Heart it will help! *3*
Try THIS too
For the Victorians female characters you can search Here~
The Steampunks are famous, so It won't be hard to fine images >w<
CyberGoths are easy to find too~
The Rippers dresses as a normal goth person, easy! >w<
For the Joker, I created them, so I know its not that easy to find an appropriate image. If you read their...very little description you know that They Like a lot to paint their faces =w=

So, I decided to give to you a rough
explaination of the castle, so you can move freely by yourself

The entrace is composed by a large doorway in dark wood, a
talking gargoyle guards it. When you enter, you can see a large
courtyard with tall willows and some benches under them. There are
a lot flower bushes too, and a little space where to cultivate
ingredients for everything. At the sides you can reach on the other
floors by going up on a spiral staircase. On the 2nd Floor there
are the important rooms, like the canteen, the director office, the
library, the saloon meetings and the infirmary. On the 3rd Floor
there are the rooms of the hunters. In the basement you can find
the Steampunk's lab, the prison, and the training room (very
hi-tech X3) AND the Companion lab.
Well, thas it =w=
There are other background characters, so I'll present them =w=
Felix takes care of the kitchen, and the food! Yummy! (Ha has a black parrot named Carrot too XD)
Frey guards the prison, and she tends the garden too~ (P.S. she's a little psycho, so be careful xD)
Ephedra leads the infirmary (because she's the only doctor XD)
Cassandra is the director, she is always in her office and she is the first who call everyone and brings them in the saloon, where she tell them the next target!
Zavaria with Ambrosia leads the training room , be careful, THEY'RE TOO SERIOUS >~<
And Alice (Frey's sister) leads the Companion lab~

Well, thas it =w=
There are other background characters, so I'll present them =w=
Felix takes care of the kitchen, and the food! Yummy! (Ha has a black parrot named Carrot too XD)
Frey guards the prison, and she tends the garden too~ (P.S. she's a little psycho, so be careful xD)
Ephedra leads the infirmary (because she's the only doctor XD)
Cassandra is the director, she is always in her office and she is the first who call everyone and brings them in the saloon, where she tell them the next target!
Zavaria with Ambrosia leads the training room , be careful, THEY'RE TOO SERIOUS >~<
And Alice (Frey's sister) leads the Companion lab~

Hunter or companion?:
(If companion) Partner?:
Country of origin (of the character):
Room n°:
Story (optional):
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Special Power:
Hunter or companion?:
(If companion) Partner?:
Country of origin (of the character):
Room n°:
Story (optional):
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Special Power:

Useraname: TxTiger99
Name: Axel Ash
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Hunter or Companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?:
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush: hehe, later later uvu
Country of origin: Germany
Group: The Steampunks
Room n°: 130
Description: She is solitary, doesn't like too much people around. She sit often on the castle's roof, to play with Carrot or to eat some candies that Frey give to her. She likes to train with the dummy and a bow. When Cassandra announces a new target, she jumps on her mecha and run through a portal. (Not in a fantasy mood today XD)
Veicle: Mecha
Weapon: Titanium claws armored with bullets too.
Special power: She can trasform her skin in titanium .3.
Name: Axel Ash
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Hunter or Companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?:
Sexuality: Lesbian
Crush: hehe, later later uvu
Country of origin: Germany
Group: The Steampunks
Room n°: 130
Description: She is solitary, doesn't like too much people around. She sit often on the castle's roof, to play with Carrot or to eat some candies that Frey give to her. She likes to train with the dummy and a bow. When Cassandra announces a new target, she jumps on her mecha and run through a portal. (Not in a fantasy mood today XD)
Veicle: Mecha

Weapon: Titanium claws armored with bullets too.
Special power: She can trasform her skin in titanium .3.

Thats it! I'm sorry if I'm too suffocating, this story is really important to me =~=
Name: Khaalida
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Hunter or companion?: Companion
(If companion) Partner?: Axel Ash
Sexuality: Undetermined
Country of origin (of the character): The castle.
Group: The Steampunks
Room n°: 130 with her master Axel
Description: She is very energetic sometimes, she can be aggressive towards people she doesn't know but is fiercely loyal to her master and her friends.
Veicle: NA
Story (optional): She hatched 19 years ago in the hands of Axel. When her little golden eyes opened up she found herself staring into her new master's face.
Image? (Its preferable .w.) She is a little bigger than a normal housecat. Her wings spread out a couple of feet for each side.
Weapon: Her claws, teeth, and stinger-like tail.
Special Power: She can breathe fire.
Other?: Let's have some fun!!!
Password: Jaque Beaumont
Name: Eveline Brodeur
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Hunter or companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?: N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual
Country of origin (of the character): France
Group: The Gothic Lolitas
Room n°: 114
Eveline acts pretty courteous most of the time and even makes a point to stay graceful when fighting monsters. She always strives for greater goals, though she stays self-controlled. Despite these ladylike traits, she cares more about herself (at an emotional standpoint, anyway) and can be all too trusting. She can be quite the flirt if she puts her mind to it, and honesty is one of her top priorities. Eveline is a very charismatic and outgoing young lady, but she's somewhat emotionally unstable and suddenly leaving behind her family and friends has taken a toll on her.
Veicle: A bicycle =u=
Story (optional): Since I'm braindead right now I'll have to come up with it later :`)
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Weapon: A crossbow!~
Special Power:
Other?: Jaque Beaumont looks cool. ouo
Password: ***** ********
Username: bellric
Name: Zeph Irvin
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Hunter or companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?: N/A
Sexuality: Asexual
Country of origin (of the character): United States of America
Group: The Jokers
Room no: 108
Description: Zeph is a very curious person and, ultimately, a child at heart. He loves playing harmless pranks and, yes, enjoys the occasional not-so-harmless prank. He is a habitual liar and makes up such fallacies on a dime (with at least half of the lies for no reason, such as pointing someone in the wrong direction just for the fun of it). He is somewhat solitary.
Story (optional): still braindead so i have to pass on this one >~<
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Weapon: A large variety of daggers, ranging from rondel daggers to push daggers.
Special Power: Zeph can project illusions with his mind. These can range from very simple (a dog chasing a cat) to very elaborate (illusionary hunters to distract monsters). Though these illusions can be very misleading, they are just that, illusions; they are not solid and can be passed through.
Other?: Nope
Password: ***** ********
[I have a question. Can I have more than one character? You see, I'd hate for this rp to be overrun with females X3
also, I'd have Eveline be older but all of the gothic lolita pictures I found were of teenagers/young adults D`:]
I give you a medal for "A bicycle" XD
Woa so cool! *3*
-Jaque =w=)
o3o! Oh yes! You're right, I created too much females, Its my fault u-u
You can do that! *3*
Oh don't worry, the images are just examples, you can change the age ;)
P.S. Its my fault again, Can you edit your form? I edited it in the post a little late I know....
Name: Selinia Krakalenge
Age: 20
Hunter or companion?: Hunter
Sexuality: Pansexual
Country of origin (of the character): Transylvania
Group: Steampunks (Sort of)
Room n°: 136
Description: Though she is technically part of the Steampunk group, she rarely spends any time with them, preferring to remain alone, hunched over some new piece of research. When she does interact, she is cold and logical, to the point that she doesn't seem human at all. Not exactly the type to have many allies. No one can deny her usefulness in the field though. She always has a potion ready to weaken the enemy, or strengthen her allies. Monster tossing you around? There's a potion for that. Had your arm torn off and your intestines tied in knots? There's a potion for that. If worst comes to worst, she can pin a monster down for a few minutes with her gaze. She quickly becomes the backbone of any team she hunts with.
Vehicle: Mirror of Travelling Can transport her to any location, as long as she has been there before. Take a few minutes to charge up before activating, so not a combat transporter.
Story (optional): That is her secret. (To be RP'ed)
Image? (Its preferable .w.)
Weapon: A potion for every occasion.
Special Power: Gorgon eyes (The longer she looks at something without her mask, the more energy she drains from it. She grows stronger, while the enemy grows weaker.)
Password: ****************

Name: Valentine
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Hunter or companion?: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?:
Sexuality: Demisexual Polysexual
Country of origin (of the character): Croatia
Group: The Pastel Goths
Room n°: 80
Description: Dedicated when he puts mind to something but most of time irresponsible. He is arrogant, but can stand when someone isn't honorable. He is scared of being forgotten and losing loved ones around which he is really nice person. He wants to destroy all Forsakens so he can go back to normal life. He enjoys in poetry, sometimes he writes it, and he can't swim.
Veicle: Motorcycle
Story (optional):

Weapon: Axe
Special Power: Healing
Password: Jaque Beaumont
Username: viki123
Name: Icefire
Age: 20
Gender: Genderless
Hunter or companion?: Companion
(If companion) Partner?: No one, jet
Sexuality: Asexual Panromantic
Country of origin (of the character): Companion Lab
Room n°: Right now in Companion Lab
Description: Normal companion made to help hunter. Icefire will try to help anyway ze can, but is really self conscious.
Story (optional):
Image? (Its preferable .w.)

Weapon: Everything that can used as weapon on itself
Special Power: Ice fire
Other?: Looking for Hunter
Password: Jaque Beaumont
Yes! Okay then, we CAN STAAART!)
Axel sat on the roof, with her usual candies in the hands. She looked at the tall willow in the courtard and a line of memories passed through her head.
"How many years I've been here? I really can't remember" she giggled.
She then layed her eyes of the black silhouette that was flapping toward her.
The bird continued to fly but suddenly it changed direction, heading toward the battered bench under the willow.
"Whats wrong with that bird?" She raised an eyebrow. So she shrugged and ate one of the candies.
The sun was setting, the bell of the dinner rang.
(WOW! Looks cool! Congrats! *3*)
Icefire was lying in Companion Lab. Ze got up and walked around. ''Why don't I have my hunter already?'' Icefire asked zeself. ''Maybe I am just ment to root in Companion Lab.'' Ze then looked around place that now looked like cage.
Zeph was in his room, plotting a prank on one of the hunters. He didn't particularly know which hunter, but one of them would have to do. "Fake doors... swapping the Victorian's teas with black coffee... Monster illusions... Ugh, I've done everything." Zeph heard the bell, but didn't intend to go to dinner. He was going to stay in this spot until he found out exactly what to do. Yes, exactly this spot. No moving.
Two minutes later, Zeph was racing down the hall to the canteen. Never mind pranks; he was hungry!!
"There you are Khaalida, I was wondering where you were" she reached the animal's ear and began to rub it, then she kissed the tip.
Suddenly the ring of the bell filled her ears and her eyes laid on the other hunters that were slowly walking toward the canteen.
"Well, this candies didn't fill me. Want to eat something good, Khaalida?"
She smiled at her companion.
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Hunter or Companion: Hunter
(If companion) Partner?:
Sexuality: Bisexual
Country of Origin: England
Group: The Steampunks
Room n°: 137
Description: She's geeky and way too into things like Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes (IMPOSSIBLE!) She is usually found with a Gameboy and her trusty tools, having a fake sonic screwdriver as well, mixed with real tools, such as hammers and cranks. She can be nice, but also very stoic, mostly when tired or bored.
Vehicle: Electric scooter
Story (optional):
Image: Here!
Weapon: A few throwing knives, and small dart gun, darts filled with lethal amounts of cyanide.
Special power: Shape shifting. (Any animal, and can still talk, though mostly telepathically.)
Other?: Nope! :D
Password: Jaque Beaumont

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Jenny was looking down at her Gameboy as she walked to the canteen. She looked up slightly, then groaned when she realized that the Persian had beaten her Vulpix. She turned it off and put it in her pocket. She looked around at the other hunters and companions, sighing. She managed a small half-wave to Axel, a half smile on her face.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"