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Stabilization's Art Journal!

Forum-Index Diaries Stabilization's Art Journal!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 03:16 (9 Years ago)

Stabilization's Art Journal

Hi! I'm Stabilization and I'm going to use this thread as both an Art Journal and an Art Improvement Journal. I'm going to be joining this thread to try to improve everyday! This will be easier especially since I have AP Art class, where I do nothing but art for two hours. This lil improvement thing will help me figure out what to do in this class! :D

Anywho, I will add posts whenever I add new art, and I will have a Table of Contents up on this post here! Anytime I post a new drawing, I will add it to the Table of Contents. I will be uploading all art to DeviantArt first, so if you have DeviantArt blocked, you sadly won't be able to see my art.

Mari's Improvement Challenge

Day 1: Introduction
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:
Day 8:
Day 9:
Day 10:
Day 11: Sadness
Day 12:
Day 13:
Day 14:
Day 15:
Day 16:
Day 17:
Day 18:
Day 19:
Day 20:
Day 21:
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:

Other Art

Gamer Mc Slice 'em Ups

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Sat, 12/09/2015 20:44 (9 Years ago)

Day 1: Introduction
My favorite thing to do is honestly making faces. Apparently my face is like elastic and so I like pulling all the expressions I can possibly do...any expressions that don't include moving one eyebrow and not the other, at least. I can move all of my face in weird ways EXCEPT my eyebrows. Both have to move together in order to do expressions. The price I have to pay for comedic effect...(cries)

So, I decided to draw Darkkyo (the blue one) pulling tons of expressions, along with Gamer, my friend's purple cat character.

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Tue, 22/09/2015 06:14 (9 Years ago)

Day 11: Sadness
Ooops drew a character from a Nuzlocke story crying over a dead pokemon in a pokeball. OOOPS.

Also I like the colors of the background.

Ignore all that shading. I like it, but I know plenty of people don't like that shading style. c:

Critiques would be very appreciated!

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Wed, 23/09/2015 22:44 (9 Years ago)

Day 12: Zodiac
Since it wasn't specified what Zodiac to do, I decided to mix both of mine! I'm a tiger (wood tiger to be specific) and an Aquarius, so I made it a wood tiger holding a barrel of water that's leaking.
I think I'm gonna make a full blown painting of it. Painting a tiger out of wood would be such a huge challenge and I love the idea. ovo

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 551
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 01:00 (9 Years ago)

Critiques are very welcome here!

I want to improve!

Sooo, there's a dragon on FR named Betelguese. It's supposed to be Betelgeuse but oh well.
He is my ugliest dragon but I like him the most. ;v; Too bad this drawing is only a few days old and ALREADY outdated, since I applied a Cherub gene to him.
(PS, click the image to go to the image on DeviantArt!)

Gamer Mc Slice 'em ups!
A little drawing for my best friend, Gamercat22222(She also has a PH account, by the name Gamercat. It's her little space cat thing, Gamer! :D
(click the image to go to the DA!)

I was playing Pokemon Sweet Version (a rom hack where all the pokemon are sweets!) and my favorite starter is Brownisaur, which evolves into Chocosaur and then Fudgasaur. Which, yes, this line is the equivalent of the Bulbasaur line.

Once again, you can click the image to go to the image on DA too!