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Lock this plz

Forum-Index Roleplay Lock this plz
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 21:53 (9 Years ago)
In the mystical land of Valkyrus a world of medieval times had begun. Dragons and other mythical creatures were roaming the land and humanity was powerful. However as we all know, greater cities mean greater danger. More and More dangerous groups of bandits and thieves quickly started spreading in the city of Ventara, the world's largest and strongest city at the time. The King Sir Jeremy Ventara and Queen Michelle Ventara established an organization known as "The Knights of Valkyrus." This Organization holds some of the most powerful knights at the time. Their purpose? Their purpose was to vanquish all evil that came in their way, no matter if it's bandits, or even dragons, they would fight on. And the leader of them, is of course Jeremy and Michelle Vantara's son, Draco Ventara. "Now that you are here and have given you all this information. We can't let you leave alive. So will you fight? Or Run?" Asked Draco.

Rules (General)
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All PH Rules apply
Every time you break one of the general rules you will be given 1 strike. If you get 3 Strikes then you get banned for a week. Do this 3 times and you will be Perma Banned
No God Modding/Power-playing
Nothing Overpowered
You are not allowed to kill fellow knights without the other user's permission.
If you would like to kill a character off, then please PalPad me 1st that way I can update the Board of Knight's
Please try not to change the story of the RP
Romance is allowed but DO NOT turn this into a Romance RP
No descriptive Romance or Gore
Remember it's the medieval times
More to Come...

Rules (Form)
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Age must be between 14-30
Maximum of 3 Characters, I will raise the limit IF enough people ask for it
Max of 2 Weapons
You may not have Crushes/Relationships with your own character
If you would like to be part of someone's history (i.e You could have your character be my character's secret sister) then please PalPad them or PM them 1st
More to Come...

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My Form(s)
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Name: Draco Ventara
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Weapon: The Gladius
Armor: The Red Akiza
History: Draco is the adopted some of King Jeremy Ventara and Queen Michelle Ventara, however he is adopted. The Only People to know that Draco is adopted are the King and Queen themselves. They Plan on telling Draco eventually but since the world is in Chaos right now they know it will be a bad idea to tell Draco now.
Crush: N/A
Other: Draco eats a lot due to the vigorous amounts of training he does everyday and night.

Board of Knights (Characters)
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Draco Ventara ~ 16 ~ Male ~ Page 1

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None and let's keep it that way

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 22:26 (9 Years ago)
Name: Amy Yuki
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: (With blue eyes)
Weapon: Night's Edge

History: Amy lived with her parents and they were very over protective. On her 16th birthday, Amy couldn't take it anymore and went outside in her garden to explore, when she turned round, she watched her house and parents get crushed by a dragon. She doesn't speak of her history yes with someone close, she joined the Knights ever since.
Crush: -
BF/GF: -
Other: Huge animal lover.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Mon, 31/08/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 01:08 (9 Years ago)
Name: Bradwr Sephtis
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: Here
Weapon: Her longsword, depicted in her image, and the dagger on her hip, also depicted in the image.
Armor: She doesn't have any at the moment, but will gain this armor soon.
History: She had a pretty normal childhood, well, as normal as one can have when you're born into one of the rogue/assassin leagues to the leader. He raised her to kill. Due to league laws, she was exiled from the league because she refused to kill a child and his mother. Refusing an order usually means death. But as she was the leader's daughter, she was given a special offer. She now seeks to join the Knights to take revenge on her father's lieutenant, who was the one to give her the order and the one to bring her before her father for execution.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: She may be small, but don't let her size fool you. She is very quick and light on her feet. Very agile and deft.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 01:24 (9 Years ago)
(Accepted,we may begin)

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 06:54 (9 Years ago)
Amy began to look around the town square markets, she couldn't see a bandit at all. "Not a single assassin, theif, nothing." She sighed.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 13:06 (9 Years ago)
Bradwr walked down the small alleyway towards the center of the town. If I do this I'm not guaranteed survival... They could kill me right away... But the knowledge I could give them... Speaking of that knowledge, I'm surprised that my father's lieutenant hasn't tried to kill me... Yet... She looked up in time to see a shadow pass over her head. She started walking a little faster. Eventually she emerged in the town square and definitely looked out of place, with her hooded outfit, obvious weapons and long flowing red hair.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 13:08 (9 Years ago)
Amy looked over at Bradwr, a little confused as she looked so different out of everyone else. "A bandit, no, they would have tired to take things already." Amy thought. She approached the figure.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 13:10 (9 Years ago)
Bradwr turned and noticed Amy heading straight for her. She just hoped upon seeing her weapons still in their sheaths that Amy wouldn't kill her right away, and hoping that her outfit wouldn't be recognized as the attire for the league of assassins.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 19:36 (9 Years ago)
Draco was in his office at the Knights of Valkyrus Headquarters. He was doing paper work and filing taxes "Man this such a a pain but work is work" Draco said to himself. Draco quickly finished and soon a man approached him. Draco looked at the man "Hello. How may I help you?" Draco asked. "Please Help a band of wolves is surrounding my family and we need help exterminating them!" The man said. "Roger" Draco said and hung up. Draco hit the bell on the wall for the knights

Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 857
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 21:14 (9 Years ago)
Amy turned away and heard the siren. "What's the mission Draco?" Amy asked herself, putting her hand over her sheath.

(Edited due to warning - Reason: Thought it was modern day.)
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Tue, 01/09/2015 23:52 (9 Years ago)
(Their are such things as sirens in the medieval times)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:00 (9 Years ago)
Name: Erin Scarlet
Age: 14
Gender: F
Weapon: SUPER heavy swords.
Armor: Thinks armor is stupid.
History: Doesn't wanna talk about it. She's very mysterious so nobody knows.
Crush: -
BF/GF: -
Other: -

Don't be a couch potato...be a hardcore potato.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:02 (9 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:02 (9 Years ago)
(recap? I'm too lazy to read)

Don't be a couch potato...be a hardcore potato.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:05 (9 Years ago)
(Basically Draco hit a bell and signaled for all the knights that their is a mission)

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:09 (9 Years ago)
(oh okay ^^)

Don't be a couch potato...be a hardcore potato.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 00:36 (9 Years ago)
Draco got his armor on and followed the man

Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 01:07 (9 Years ago)
Name: Alexandria (Call her Alex)
Age: 17
Gender: female
Appearance: (stupid Google failed me so.. Imagination time!) A girl that has super short (like boy hair short.) brown hair and green eyes. She usually wears super thick clothing even in the summer.
Weapon: Bow and arrows, and a sword.
Armor: thick metallic silver armor that forms a wolf-like creature.
History: she acts like a boy to protect her identity. She will probably never say why or show her true form.
Crush: doesn't have one
BF/GF: doesn't have one.
Other: She basically acts like yellow from the pokemon adventures magna to sum it up.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Wed, 02/09/2015 01:27 (9 Years ago)