Forum Thread
Just your average art shop (temp closed)
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Just your average art shop (temp closed)PWYW, under the condition that payment is over 100k PD (or over 50 nuggets)
How much you pay won't determine the quality of art, I'll always draw to the best of my abilities.
Please note I cannot do humanoid-esque drawings. You're literally gonna get stick figures lol
I can; however, attempt to draw anything else :)
My strong points are dragons/dog-ish things
You're free to check through my posts to see what my art style can consist of; I'm kind of all over the place with styles.
Most drawings will be chest/headshots, unless you specify you want full body (in which case PWYW increases to 200k+ PD (or 100+ nuggets)
canvas sizes will generally be 500x500x unless full body, which i'll try to get to 800/1000 x 800/1000
Once I accept your request, please gift the PD/nuggets over, I will not accept the gift until your drawing is completed & sent to you :)
I was totally not waiting for you to post this...
As for my request could you please make me a banner with a shiny Ho-oh and Mew? Can the dimensions be the same as the one you did for me in my signature? The rest of the design I can leave up to your imagination?
Thanks and good luck with the shop!
I will like a Shiny Munchlax in a banner.
I am not sure what the dimensions should be, but please make it the same size as the mew one in your examples. (Larger if you need the space ^_^)
Not sure about the background, can you decide for me?
If possible, can you write Frankenstein(tinyfont) on the Munchlax's tummy? (or you decide where to place it)
Thank you Girafarig! I love your works in your examples, they look wonderful!
I would like to request a drawing of Nayami but looking like a mega Absol
I could actually give you some Pokedollar here :p
Fullbody drawing
Size like whatever is easy for you, just not too small. Not smaller than the size of Sableye/Raikou drawings if possible :3
Thank you!
I'll go ahead and probably make it slightly larger than the raikou size then ^-^
cause really :B bigger = more details!
I had no clue you could charge for drawings on here :o
But it's all good!
I need the practice again since I kinda.. stopped for a few months xD

Is it possible for Frankenstein to appear on the White/greyish part of the tummy in extremely tiny font. Actually perfect if it is small and almost non-visible :P.
I honestly don't mind if i am the only one who knows it is there! The big frankenstein letters at the bottom is :s blocking the beautiful scenery.
If it is too much work, it is fine then! Still looks wonderful and perfect for me. :B
Check back sometime tomorrow and I'll update this post with the smaller font :3

Done and done, Sorry, I really tried to get your name in its' yellow part of the stomach, but just couldn't get any fonts to actually be legible when they were placed in it, lol.
I still placed your name in the stomach area though :3, just right under the yellow part.
Hopefully this is what you wanted!

I would like to request a drawing of same style; fullbody of that size more or less :3
Of Vai - The Banette at the right top corner. It's like a normal Mega Banette, but with the green and blue pearls on the head, the golden ribbon, the "dress" that as you can see is pink - purple on top part and purple - pink on bottom, with some golden parts aaand something like a white "shirt" under the dress.
She's mischievous and playful, loves jokes and jewels :3
Can you draw me a Umbreon on a hill, with a little bit of fog and with the moon in the background? Like for example:
And can you make it like a banner, about the size of the Gliscor one?
Thanks! (I'll tip you to :-) )

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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