Forum Thread
Tolter Taming // Erik
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanfictions → Tolter Taming // Erik
For Him
About Tolter

Name \\ Honesty Is Key //
Gender \\ Stallion
Erik is usually quiet, minding his own business and will probably ignore you if you calls out to him. He spaces out a lot but at the same time, you can say that he's a foal inside a stallion's body- usually making a mess and tend to play with the foals and childrens. Erik is blunt however, not used to sugarcoating things and he isn't very good at understanding others' emotions too, so this tend to create conflicts.
Velasquez's thoughts of Erik [x]
Straightforward. Too trusting. Too kind. Blunt. And cute.
Seungri's thought of Erik [x]
He looks nice I guess?
-no specific thoughts yet, hasn't actually met Erik-
Gender \\ Stallion
Erik is usually quiet, minding his own business and will probably ignore you if you calls out to him. He spaces out a lot but at the same time, you can say that he's a foal inside a stallion's body- usually making a mess and tend to play with the foals and childrens. Erik is blunt however, not used to sugarcoating things and he isn't very good at understanding others' emotions too, so this tend to create conflicts.
Velasquez's thoughts of Erik [x]
Straightforward. Too trusting. Too kind. Blunt. And cute.
Seungri's thought of Erik [x]
He looks nice I guess?
-no specific thoughts yet, hasn't actually met Erik-
Table of Contents
First Encounter
Adjusting to The New Home
Introduction of The Halter
Meeting a friend
Gaining your horse's trust
First time with saddle
Ground work
First ride
Springtime -Free Spot-
Please do not post until i've posted everything
A dark bay horse can be seen grazing in a vast snow meadow all by itself. The horse is named Erik. The stallion ran away from it's last ranch. The owner caught him a few days ago but treated him cruely as he is very hard to train. He is stubborn as a mule, aggressive and tend to panic inside a pen. The tolter have a few scratches around his hind legs as he were trapped in some wires when he was escaping, he manage to get out without making too much noise but got his legs injured. He is tired and sleepy… It's still nighttime so he might aswell take a nap for awhile. The humans might search for him- or they might just ignore that he ran away. Either way, Erik doesn't care. He trotted towards a low tree and slept there so if it starts to snow lightly, he won't be bothered by it.
The stallions wakes up with the sound of footsteps crunching the snow somewhere nearby him. He opened his blue eyes and looked around tiredly. He was met with a male-looking human wearing a navy blue parka hoodie and a pair of googles. That's the only features he can see as there's a snowstorm covering his vision. He saw the human's hand reaching out to his muzzle. Then he heard a whisper from the human 'Follow me'. The human is pretty short so he lowered his head and looked at the human's eyes. The human replied the gaze with a smile and slowly steps away, showing signs that Erik needs to follow with his hands. Erik have nothing to do any and his leg is aching- it could be infected by now, or worse. He tried to move, and only manages to do a few steps towards the human before he fell. The human dashed towards the horse and looked at it nervously. Erik blinked a few times before feeling sleepy as he feel something pinced him. He then closed his eyes after a few minutes of numbness. Before he dazed away, he hears tearing of a fabric.
Erik opened his eyes. He looked around his surrounding with a tired gaze. He's in a barn, laying on some hay. This place is warm… He saw the barn of the door is open, and saw a black and possibly white colt staring at him behind a snow tractor. Erik tried to stand up but feels as if he doesn't have any legs. He looked back slightly and saw bandages on his leg. He blinked a few times before remembering the event from last night. Huh. There's a blanket on him and a pail of water a few inches next to him. He can't quite reach the water pail however. He saw someone entered the barn as he tries to get the pail of water. The human from last night entered, he is giggling because Erik is reaching out his tounge to get the pail of water. Erik can see the human clearly now. The human seems to have a female build- but identifies otherwise. Erik can see some bandage wrapping around his chest under his coat. The human hair is colored blue,black and light blue. He is tanned and his eyes are bright blue. On his nose bridge, an upside down cross tattoo can be observed. When he blinked, a snake eye tattoo can be seen staring directly at Erik. He is wearing a normal winter coat, pink by color but there's a lot of red and black markings. The coat doesn't match the wearer's hair color and looks ugly on him, but what Erik knows about fashion? The human stopped giggling and pushed the pail of water closer, helping Erik drink it. The human then helped the stallion gets up. No words came out of any of them until the human gazed at the stallion's eye and say "Your name is Erik, and you are the new addition to my little family." he says before leading Erik towards a stable with a sleeping macchiato in one of the stalls with what seems to be windows. Erik then was left in one of the stable stall with some fodders and water. He closed his eyes as he heard snows crunching outside, made by the colt earlier. Erik won't bother to move, his legs feels numb and he is tired. He then dazed off to sleep. Dreaming about the springtime. Perharps he will became sober of this situation tomorrow?
749 words and 3897 characters
Author Notes
Erik opened his blue eyes slowly as usual. Then he looked around the stall he is in. He can feel his legs pain soothed a bit since it doesn't feel as if it was being bitten by a wolf. Erik looked around the stall in distress and started hopping and neigh uncontrollably. The human from before walked pass the open stable door with a sack of sweet oats, but when he heard Erik's neigh and 'thump' as he kicked the stall he is in. He rushed inside with the sweet oats throwing it near the mochiatto's stall. without noticing it. The male looked at Erik ragging in his stall and tries to calm himself down first "Erik, what wrong? Calm down, everything is alright." he said slowly, approaching the horse as he opened the gate. Erik looked at the human and backed off slowly as the human reach out his hand. "It's alright, I'm here now" He says, taking a few steps back, too. Erik slowly approaches him and headbutt him slowly. "Your leg is healed, huh? Let's go, I'll tell Jen to check that up." The male human then lead him to the barn from before. Erik followed him calmly, the reason for his sudden 'attack' is because he thoughr he was alone. He hated being alone. Anything is better then being alone. Plus, this human saved him during the snowstorm.
As Erik and the human arrives at the barn, another human-which is a female can be seen sitting on the hay eating apple. "Jen, how many times I told you to not eat the horses' apple?" the male human says and frowned at the teenager whom is addresed as Jen "It's hand-picked apples grown in winter. How could I not eat it?" Jen says, puffing her cheeks. She is about 5'5, probably around the age of 16. Her hair is dark brown, it can be seen brown in bright places. The length of her hair is until her shoulder blades. She is also wearing a white parka hoodie and black jeans. "By the way, Awan, where are the sweet oats you said you 'cooked'?" Jen said towards Awan, the boy who is too young yet so mature with all the tattoos and style of clothing. "…Velasquez!" he 'screamed' with his low voice and ran back to the stable. Erik blinked and looked at Jen, the girl who is eating the apples. "You look hungry… Want some apples?" Jen asked Erik and jumped down the high bale of hay, giving Erik a shiny red apple. Jen is the one that takes care of the food in --- Ranch. She usually eats the one that's edible to humans however, but she grew healthy because of that. She even eat flowers like what. Well, don't judge her. Erik chow down on the tasty looking apple. It's small but it taste very juicy and sweet. He rub his head on Jen's hand, signalling for more "Nope, mine~" she says childishly. Awan enters the barn with the sweet oats sack. "Just give it to him, seriously." he says and rubbed his itchy neck. The twosome spent the next 3 hours taking care of Erik and showing him around. Erik doesn't really care and doesn't pay attention to it. He then was allowed to run around in a paddock.
Strangely, the grass is greener on this side. He can see a macchiato sleeping under the shade of a tree while chewing something. Erik approached the stallion and woke him up with a soft neigh "Shut up Seungri I'm trying to sleep." the stallion says, not giving a glance towards Erik. "I-I'm not Seungri… My name is Erik…" Erik voiced slowly. The stallion looked at him and blinked "Huh. Hello and welcome then. Now scram, I'm tired." he says and continue to sleep. Gee, what a rude stallion. He didn't even told Erik his name! Erik trotted somewhere far away from the macchiato and starts to daydream again. The next thing he knows is he is led to the stable. He slept there despite it's only just around 7:00 PM. He was tired. He always has been so.
694 words and 3684 characters
Erik woke up, but is half awake. Someone tied a rope around his neck and lead him somewhere. He doesn't know where nor does he care, but he can hear the sound of crunching snow, they must be outside. He was lead into another building with wooden flooring. He then immediately woke up when he felt something cold on his body- oh, it's just water. He then felt something 'burst' on his face, once it stopped it rinses other part of his body. Awan is giving him a bath, in the winter. At night. That's dangerous! But the building felt so warm and the water isn't icy cold or anything.
Erik fell asleep, he doesn't remember much of what happened last night. All he remembered is that Awan gave him a bath somewhere. And now he is in his stall. He looked at Velasquez on the next stall. He is eating with a very depressed or angry expression. His face is always like that, however. He never express joy. Well, Erik has been here only for like- 3 days? He should't judge the macchiato harshly.
Velasquez eyed him and give him a glare before continue on eating. Erik is just like Velasquez himself. Lazy and never cares about anything. But later on, they will learn that they are the complete opposite of each other. They might hate each other to the point where they doesn't want to see the other, but it has been proven before, opposite attracts each other.
As Erik was lost in his deep though he felt something on his face. Wait. There was nothing there before. He doesn't know what it is but it feels uncomfortable. He then saw Awan with a bucket of water and behind him is the foal from the earlier days. The colt is dragging a snowboard with what seems to be flowers inside a bucket. Awan is also holding a... how do you say it? Halter. It looks colorful and… spring-like. He is very curious now. But back to that weird thing on his face. He starts to shake his head in attempt to get it off but no results can be seen. He then gave up after just a few seconds and looked in the water. Wait… It's a halter… I'm so dumb. he thought and looked at Awan who was sniffing the flowers before giving them to Velasquez and putting some here and there in the barn. Awan eyed Erik and dragged him out of his stall with the bland dark brown halter as the lead. He then took it off 'Finally! he huffed. But then Awan put on the halter he held earlier. "He-hey it suits you!" he says with a grin and gave him some flowers and an apple before skipping out happily, the foal trailing behind him "What in the hay just happened?" he says to himself. The stall door was left open and the stable door, too was open out wide but there seems to be no icy wind. It's a little warm outside, too. "Good job princess, that halter sure suits you like what Cloud said." Velasquez says and trotted out of the barn with an apple in his mouth. Erik tilted his head weirdly at Velasquez's comment. He looked back in the pail of water and if horses can drop their jaw like they are suprised, he would do it now. "I… am… FABULOUS!" his mood suddenly lights up as he viewed the many sides of his face to see the halter. Erik galloped out of the barn and jumped around as if he was light as a feather to express his feeling of excitement.
605 words and 3158 characters
The halter is light blue with flower patterns around it. The flowers color are blue, red, purple, yellow and white. The flowers are arranged in a bush with a clear blue sky. There's some butterflies of bright colors, too. The metals are golden colored.
Closest illutration of Halter

Erik repeated what he always does when
he wake up in the morning. Open his eyes slowly with no interest
at all and eat, drink then sleep for awhile. But since he's
in a different place now and his stall door always seems to be
open. He trotted out and steals Velasquez's sweet hay pellets.
Velasquez is sleeping and probadly won't be waking up soon. As he
continue to munch on the sweet hay pallets he heard snow crunching
outside of the barn. He peered his ear up to listen and saw a boy
with a dirty blond hair, wearing a strawberry colored chullo hat,
red and pink scarf tied to his neck, a pair of pink mittens and a
black jean. He's about 5'6.
I will be finishing this, hopefully this year, I'm so full of ideas