Forum Thread
Crittolos {Open!!}
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Crittolos {Open!!}
Ok, so now that you've seen how you can order your very own Crittolo, I suggest you fill out the form! I'll make an example of my forms and what could come out of them.
Coming soon!
Now, these are the people who currently have orders for these little monsters placed.
And these are the orders that are on hold.
1* Lonely_Swadloon
2* Squid-Girl
3* LadyAvery
Sorry, all spots taken. Please wait until we open again.
1*All PH rules apply
2*English ONLY. Any other language is considered spam and will be reported immedeatly.
3*Be patient! It is very hard to make creatures. Please do not rush me. If your order has been delayed for more then a week, I will probably get one of the admins to help you out.
4*NO HUMANOID CREATURES. (At least until I get better)
5*NO RE-ORDERS BECAUSE YOU DO NOT LIKE YOUR CRITTOLO. People like this drive me insane. If it's something minor I got wrong, I'll fix it. If it's something huge, like the design of the wings or the size, sorry, stick with what you have. I'm bad at resizing and if it was huge but you wanted it tiny, it won't come out looking as well tiny.
6* Use the form. PLEASE.
7* Please do not put to many colors or details, like going into detail about the scales, or the fur, or the pupil's I'm not a very detailed drawer.
8* NO STEALING MY ART OR CLAMING ITS YOURS. I am pretty sure this is illegal. Also, please do not remove my signature from my art.
Now, onto the important people and the ones no longer allowed in the lab.
1*Me, of course, Professor Halli. I AM the founder of the lab, you know.
Nobody yet. YAY!
Thanks for dropping by! Hope you like your Crittolo! (If your ordered. ;) )
Crittolo Form
Hello! I am LadyAvery-and I would like to have a Crittolo to call my own!
I would like it to have.....:Body of a domestic shorthair cat, green eyes with brown in the center as like cat eyes, big ears like an african serval cat, a bunny tail, and the size of a ragdoll cat.
Its colors would be...: Calico(Pic for a reference)
Professor Halli: Any Species that you want your Crittolo to be based off of?:
A Cat mainly but with certain features, mentioned above.
Professor Halli:It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential: 2,500 PD
Anything else?: PLZ Contact me (Palpad) if you have any questions towards my order or such.
I'm a bit picky or least I think I am ...I'm sry I'm weird
I would like it to have.....: Wings and a bushy tail!
Its colors would be....: Lavender, teal, and a rose color.
Professor Halli: Any Species that you want your Crittolo to be based off of?:
Yeah! A fox!
Professor Halli: It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential.: I'll pay 2k PD!
Anything else?: If you have any concerns about my order, PP me! Bai~!

Question for me?
I would like it to have.....: The main body of a cat, but tail(s), wings and horns of a dragon!
Its colors would be....: A lovely mix of orange, green and black
Professor Halli: Any Species that you want your Crittolo to be based off of?: A Neko Mata (this) and a dragon, any dragon, all dragon
Professor Halli: It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential.: 7K PD
Anything else?: That about covers it, just lemme know if there's an issueo owo

[center]Hello! I am Glotilde2 and I would like to have a crittolo to call My own
I would like it to have....: Body half raven/reptile, Red eyes, and along cat tail, the other parts like a mexican hairless dog
its Colors would be...: black fur with dark pink, giraffe spots
Professor Halli:any species you want your Crittolo to be based Off?:
Mexican hairless dog, mainly
Professor Halli:It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential: 2k
[b]Anything else?:

Don't starve >:3

I would like it to have.....: A fin on its head like a mudkip and "ears" like a mew, I also like mews tail ;) Wings would also be cool (if it's possible: wings like Happy form Fairy Tail), and a scarf around its neck would be nice too maybe :D
Its colors would be....(colors here, of course.): light blue (like a shiny relicanth) with normal- and light brown, white and maybe pale lavender :)
Professor Halli: Any Species that you want your Crittolo to be based off of?: (shiny) mew (?)
Professor Halli: It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential.: Relicanth
Anything else?: I don't know what the difference is between "Available Spots; 1, 2, 3 and 4" and "Waithing for an order to be done; 1, 2 and 3" But if I'm not allowed to order a Crittolos, sorry, it seemed to me that it is allowed ;)
Any other things else?: Sorry if my English is not correct :P (Y)

I'm maaari (a girl, wow... that's so
surprising xD)
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
And I like fire and ice-pokemon a lot! Why is there no pokemon with both fire and ice-type?!?! >:D
Oh, and I like (shiny!!!) Mew! :D please help me train my mew :3
And here's one of my most precious pokemon
And Hide & Kaneki :D
I would like it to have.....(features here): A fit russian blue cat inside a tank
Its colors would be....(colors here, of course.):The tank is all green and n the side of the body of the tank it says CUMANIAN and the head of the cat is a darker black whilst the rest of the body has a light black and has a hat
Professor Halli: Any Species that you want your Crittolo to be based off of:No thank u
Professor Halli: It takes a lot of time and effort to make these, you know. Payment is and essential.:
Anything else?:Nothing except that I will pay you 5 - 10K depend on whatever and if its the awesomest thing in the world I will pay 13K