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^Chloe's Canvas Of Life^

Forum-Index Diaries ^Chloe's Canvas Of Life^
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Tue, 30/06/2015 17:37 (9 Years ago)


Welcome to my Diary. Some of my previous usernames were Gummi and Nightcore. I will be changing back to 'Gummi' as soon as possible!! I like my current username, I just like my old one more.<3 Now, enough about that. I will be using my diary as an art dump as well as a diary. I might not update this every hour or day, maybe even week! I am in school, an artist, and a birb.

-Is short with brown hair.
-Is shy until you get to know me.
-Is not very confident.
-Is not a nerd.
-Is bisexual.
-Is taken.
-Beggars, just.. Eh.. You should leave now.
-Low leveled idiot.

I do enjoy roleplay, it just depends when and whom you might be. Please do not bother me Every. Single. Time. Of. The. Day. I do mean this, and Im sorry if I offend anyone in anyway but just like you I need some space..

Rules For You


Others That Visit

-I will not be making free art unless stated or very close friend (Close friend=Talk to you a lot, on friendlist)
-Do not, and I repeat, do not ask for Pokedollar, Pokemon, Nuggets, etc...
-Please, please, if you do something that makes me angry/mad/sad and I say stop, that means stop. Do not come crying to me if you get reported and or ignored.
-Do not harass my friends. It's makes them angry, which gets me angry, and will just cause drama for everyone. It's better just to keep your opinion to yourself unless stated so.

Things That I Like

I enjoy chocolate. Food in general.
I like Charizard, it's my favorite pokemon.
I like dogs more than cats.
I do like anime.
Roleplaying is always fun.

Things That I Do Not Like

Annoying people.
Hurting my friends.
Not being good enough.
Failing in school.
Failing at friendship/relationships.
Hardcore Homophobics.
Nosy people.
Touchy-Feely people.
Dark Chocolate.

Table Of Contents

Important Dates
Close Friends/Moms
Pokesona/OC Art

And thus are some of the things I do not like, and do like. This is just a starter to get you 'interested' pfft, in my Diary. Thank you for visiting!

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 03:37 (9 Years ago)
Important Dates To Remember

-July 31, 2015 (Day I -Jmet Prince_of_Hope.)
-April 2 (Eri's birthday)
-August 15 (Dunkle's birthday)
-August 17 (-Asriel-'s birthday)
-December 4 (Craig's birthday)
-February 26 (-Kei's birthday)
-February 18 (Mal's birthday)

- December 15, 2016 - Started dating Kino

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 03:42 (9 Years ago)

Are You Crazy? ~Aqua_AngelPrincess
Why, yes, yes I am. Thank you for noticing.

What's Your Real Name? ~Ilovcows
Well, my birth name is Chloe, but I don't like it. So I go by the name of 'Fae' on here.

How Did You Find PokeHeroes? :o ~Podunk (AKA Claus)
My brother showed me the site, and after a while I really liked it.

What Is The Air-Speed Velocity Of An Unladen Swallow? ~Daemon~Grimm
Is this okay?

What's Your Favorite Pokemon And Why? ~Rare_Pepe
Charizard, it was my favorite in the anime series when I was younger.

Why Are You So Amazing ^U^? ~Char_The_Kawaii_Banana
The same reasons you are so cute and nice. We're just awesome people. XD

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 03:44 (9 Years ago)
Close Friends

List Of Moms


List Of Dads
-Mal's future boyfriend (but only mal can call him daddy, i can't D:<)

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 02/07/2015 17:01 (9 Years ago)

Title: 7/2/15 11:57 AM

Today, I made another sprite, more like a small animation, but..Whatever, I like it and I also started a fan club with one of my friends. I reallllly think it's legit. I made the forum, but she's helping me out. If you'd like to join, just go to my contacts or my signature. The cow picture is linked to the forum, I..Also did that. But, whatever. You say whatever a lot. ..So? Anyway, today has been going good so far, even though I haven't eaten. For some reason Im just not very hungry today. My Diary is pretty boring, isn't it? Oh well.
Nothing I can do to make it better really, I could add pictures but Im too lazy right now.
Im also kind of mad/sad because one of my close friends unadded me, Im not sure why, but oh well. I can't change people's mind about me really, I am who I am. Not my fault Im like this. Yes it is.
Stahp! D:<
Well, bye for now.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 16:50 (9 Years ago)
11:48 7/7/15

Sorry I haven't updated this, I've been busy at home. :p
Last night I tried the hottest pepper in the world, the Carolina Reaper. Going at 2,000,000,000 SCH,
that's VERY hot. On the other hand, I have been doing digital art. I love doing it now. It's really fun to do, it takes a long time though. You can check them out on my DeviantArt at ILikeScaryThings.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 01/10/2015 23:13 (9 Years ago)
'About Me' BB Codes

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//September 26//Single//Fameme//
[quote=Dcasom][i]"Sometimes, even demons gotta suffer in their own hell
So they will become a better demon"[/i][/quote]
Some things about me?
Well, for starters, I have amazing friends on here, so many I can't list them all, x3
I love my Pokesona, (The art under this) Chastlyeon. I named it that because shiny charizard+Shiny Mega Gengar+Shiny umbreon=Chastlyeon!
August 8, 2015 is a date I will save forever!
I can be ver rude when I want or someone offends my friends, mind you, I can type very fast and very offensive when angered.
Thanks for visiting![/color][/center]

MADE BY THE GREAT Rare_Pepe!!!!!

Made by the great Podunk!

Made by the great KASUMEME


Not Pokesona art, BUT It'S GREAT. By Rare_Pepe/

Pokesona art by England![/center][/spoiler]

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//September 26//Taken//Fameme//[url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=29688&post=789760#789760]More About Me[/url]


[quote=Dcasom][i]"Sometimes, even demons gotta suffer in their own hell
So they will become a better demon"[/i][/quote]
Some things about me?
Well, for starters, I live in the United States ('Murcia). I am a white female, and totally not a nerd. Like for real, Im not. I love anime, preferably comedy/romance anime. Dragonball (Z, Super, Dragonball) Is also good. I do not care for GT.
I love my Pokesona, (The art under this) Chastlyeon. I named it that because shiny charizard+Shiny Mega Gengar+Shiny umbreon=Chastlyeon!
I can be ver rude when I want or someone offends my friends, mind you, I can type very fast and very offensive when angered.
Thanks for visiting![/color][/center]

MADE BY THE GREAT Rare_Pepe!!!!!

Made by the great Podunk!


MADE BY: Salacune<33

Pokesona art by England![/center][/spoiler]

[center][spoiler]Made by Prince_of_Hope[/center][/spoiler]

[color=darkorange][center]| | Hinata | | Taken | | Smol | | [url=http://pokeheroes.com/forum_thread.php?id=29688&post=789760#789760]More About Me[/url] | |[/color]

[img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/40f7/f/2014/016/0/e/beating_heart___black_by_xuzio-d72hib5.gif[/img] [user]-Asriel-[/user] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/40f7/f/2014/016/0/e/beating_heart___black_by_xuzio-d72hib5.gif[/img] [user]Reapu[/user] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/40f7/f/2014/016/0/e/beating_heart___black_by_xuzio-d72hib5.gif[/img] [user]Mithzan[/user] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/40f7/f/2014/016/0/e/beating_heart___black_by_xuzio-d72hib5.gif[/img] [user]Dweeby_Ticci[/user] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/40f7/f/2014/016/0/e/beating_heart___black_by_xuzio-d72hib5.gif[/img]

"It's true that I'm not very tall. However! I can jump!"
[size=8]| | [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Craig]Dadchi[/url] | | [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=-Kei]Sugamama[/url] | |
| | [url=http://pokeheroes.com/userprofile?name=Prince_of_Hope]Mom[/url] | |[/size]

[spoiler]Made by Prince_of_Hope

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Sun, 11/10/2015 07:54 (9 Years ago)
Future Shiny Hunts

More To Come~

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Fri, 16/10/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)

Quote from Eri_Lis14

Quote from Dcasom"Sometimes, even demons gotta suffer in their own hell
So they will become a better demon"

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Mon, 19/10/2015 23:56 (9 Years ago)

Rare_Pepe (Pepe for short) is a great friend of mine, she is a wonderful person with amazing grammar and vocal cords. She's an adorable little totodile and you should send her all the love<3~

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 22/10/2015 11:12 (9 Years ago)
Oo~OC/Pokesona Art~oO

MADE BY THE GREAT Rare_Pepe!!!!!

Made by the great Podunk!

Made by the great KASUMEME


Not Pokesona art, BUT It'S GREAT. By Rare_Pepe/

Pokesona art by England!

This is Demobri, my first OC. Drawn by Rare_pepe!


Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Sat, 27/02/2016 16:37 (9 Years ago)
Marikot's Art Challenge
Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Day 4:

Day 5:

Day 6:

Day 7:

Day 8:

Day 9:

Day 10:

Day 11:

Day 12:

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 16:

Day 17:

Day 18:

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22:

Day 23:

Day 24:

Day 25:

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 28:

Day 29:

Day 30:

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 21:40 (8 Years ago)
Wow I haven't updated this in a long time.. Just been really bored I guess. So I've started crushing again. (sURpRISE SURPRISE) but the worst part is that it's on an old ex. I cant do this tbhh
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 20:37 (8 Years ago)
I made it easy on you, weekend
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Wed, 01/06/2016 13:58 (8 Years ago)

"Knock, Knock
"Who's there?"
"Flower who?"
"Flower you today, Sweetheart?,"

But nobody came.

&#9825; &#10084; &#9825;


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• Bisexual-Polyamorous • Taken • Smol • She/Her •

Hi, I'm Gummi, literally just another PH user to be honest. I love drawing, singing, and dragons. ohM YGO D dragons. I like Undertale, GMM, and Youtube in general.

• No, I will not join your raffle.
• No, I will not buy your pokemon.
•No, I will not sell anything to you unless stated otherwise!
I will not add you if we haven't talked at all.
Credit to everything that's not mine.

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I love you.

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 233
Posted: Thu, 09/06/2016 01:59 (8 Years ago)



"You can't force someone to love you. The best thing you can do is strive to be someone worthy of loving,"

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-Chloe - Taken - Fandom Trash-

Just your normal PH User.
Credit to Tumblr and Alex Hirsch