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Prince's PH Inspired stories

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanfictions Prince's PH Inspired stories
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 06:55 (9 Years ago)
Ey, what's up?
The name's TheHellPrince but call me Ken or Craig

This will be my collections of stories I made up that's inspired by my everyday life(?) on PokèHeroes
It can happy or sad or… I dunno, plain random. But yeah, comments and critics are allowed. But for critics, don't be plain rude.

Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 07:40 (9 Years ago)

My name is Basil, I'm a male Bayleef! My owner name is Eme! Ilive in Emera Town, a town where.… uh… There's emerald! Oh yeah, I want to tell you a secret. Emera Town doesn't exist, I am in a browser pokemon game! How cool is that? Well, yeah it gets pretty boring especially when your owner logs out and leave you for days.

Today, my owner have set me up for rumbling! But he set me up to rumble in the Fiery Furmace. I wish I can beg for them not to send me there, but I can't. Well, time to rumble, eh? It's only for 12 hours so I should be golden!

It only have been an hour, but I am tired. The pokemons here is not nice at all,they keep attacking me and I am weak to fire types so it hurts so bad! Well, just 11 hours left, can't be too bad right?

I ate my second Oran Berry, need to be more careful now because I only have one left. The pokemons here keep stealing the berries, but even if I manage to get them, I have to bring it back to my owner! It's a must! Plus, those berry is for my trainer berrygarden. He likes farming!

4 hours have passed, I found some gems and box. A charmander stole my last oran berry and I am starving. Just 8 hours left then I can eat!

The pokemons stole my box and gems! I have to get them back for my owner! But then I realize, when I was running to chase the thief, some PD falls and then a bird pokemon flies pass by and wipe the gold coins into the lava! What to say to my trainer now?! Oh no, I forgot about the thief! I lost the thief tracks an have to find the gems and boxes all over again.

A nice Torkoal gave me a lemonade because I look thirsty! Of course I am! But, my trainer needs this! I have to give it to my owner and not drink it for myself! The torkoal was impressed of my loyalty and offer me more lemonade for myself, but I reject it so he can give it to other pokemons. I'm not greedy y'know?

8 hours passed. It feels like it have been a week since I am here, but only 8 hours. How do I know? I'm addicted to time. And it feels like… My time is running out. The pokemons keep attacking me and I burned my leg because the bird pokemon from before came out of nowhere and challenged me, but then I almost fell into the lava. I'm tired and need a rest, but my trainer won't be happy if I only bring him back 250 Pokedollars, a red box, a lemonade, and two fire gems he would be pis- he would be mad!

2 more hours… I can't continue this. I only have a few HP left and I ate all the berries I can find but the pokemon just…attacks. Out of all places, why did he sent me here? The Fiery Furnace is like Hell. The heat is starting to sear my poor skin. My leaf, which was sharp as knife is just like a snail without it's shell. The pokemons laughed at me for my injury, big pokemons. The smaller ones hust watched and hide, or laugh with them so they won't beat them up. Fire doesn't go great with Grass.

A few more minutes. Just a few more MINUTES. I need to get out of this place! Please… No more fights, no more torture… Please, I beg of you, system! Why did my trainer did this to me? His own beloved starter? His favorite pokemon? This everstone… My trainer gave it to me so I won't evolve because he already have a Mag-magni… something. My mind can't think about anything anymore…

The suddenly, I see a light.

I'm at the rumbling center! My wounds is healed and I am back to my perfect shape! I let out a tear of happiness as I looked around to see my friends who was at their matching type area. Boy I am jealous of them. That's him! My owner! I'm going to tell him how I fought the Moltres despite how I lost and burnt my leg which is healed now. Before i can say anything or even eat anything, He took the items with an unimpressed smile and then…

He clicked Resend

If only pixels can die I would be free
He just do it over and over again
He can't hear my silent cry
He kept cursing me for only bringing berries
He hates me as a starter
He likes another pokemon more
And just calls me a stupid green giraffe
He is my trainer
I must remain loyal

Moral of the story
Change your rumbling pokemon from time to time uvu
And let then rumble at the place where their types matches/super effective
and love your starter even if you hate the pokemon <3

P.S I always have sentimental value even pixels, so if you don't like my way of thinking. The door is there ;3
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 1,222
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 07:48 (9 Years ago)
That is.....
Now I'm glad I only send my Delphoxes to Fiery Furnace, I bet they've got lots of friends there XD
Rage || More rage || Ultimate rage
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 07:51 (9 Years ago)

Now I am going to do something about how people conplain too much of things that Riako have spent lot's of his time on or something similiar
Be grateful dammit >->
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,130
Posted: Sat, 16/05/2015 07:55 (9 Years ago)
Aw... It's so sad ;;^;;
Good thing I only send Vaporeon there ewe

Send more stories here please~ X3
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 02:01 (9 Years ago)
Don't look yet!

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My name is Endel. I am a pokemon trainer in Emera Town. Let me tell you a bit about Emera Town. It's a place full of friendly residents and the pokemons are very special. The legendaries often visit and sometime cause some kind of havoc when some other trainers tries to catch them by stealings their orb ms that summon their kins. Oh, did I say stealing? I mean getting it fairly by fighting the legendaries themself after a trainer have proven their bond and hard leveling up time with the pokemon.

It's very weird though… I know that in Emera Town the place is very big and have lot's of places. But just one thing makes me feels… Weird. Do you know about Giratina? 'The Devil Pokemon'? Well, I know that if you manage to get your hand on an orb called 'Griseous Orb' or something you can go to the Ancient Cave and try to get it. Well maybe I have one? I should ask the Item Shop keeper…

He said that the yellow orb thing I found in a mystery box yesterday is the orb needed for Giratina. That's… Great I suppose? Maybe I can… No, that's crazy. I'm a pokemon trainer, not a beast tamer! I don't even think anyone would do that! Well… You know what? I'll try

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 02:17 (9 Years ago)
In that last story:
I send Pokémon that are super effective there.
Then they are just like:

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 52

Forum Posts: 1,251
Posted: Sun, 17/05/2015 02:18 (9 Years ago)
Gotta love your pokemon uvu