Welcome to the Academy of Hope and Despair! What's that?It's your
new year here? It's fine!Everyone is new! All you have to do is
KILL to graduate! You also have to escape without getting
caught!So,can you do it?LET THE GAMES
Umami Oishi
Umami wakes up, she always think tables and chair is a good bed
"Afternoooon" she said as she yawned, Wait- she remember
now, she is in Hope Peak's Academy not her usual highschool… How
did she fell asleep here though?
Yawning, Mio woke up and observed her surroundings.'How did I end
up in here...By the looks of it,I was supposed to be in Hope's
'Oh jolly, I'm late!Yay!' Mio said sarcastically in her
head.'Ah,Hope's Peak Academy...Let's go in.'She thought.Just as she
step inside the doors she heard a loud ring.'W-What's with the
ringing?! 'She panicked and fainted.
'That's right,I died for a bit.'She lightly chuckled and looked to
her right 'A letter..?Let's see what it contains.. '
Please go to the Gymnasium. You won't be alone. There are others
As soon as Mio read the letter,she stood up and left the classroom.
Umami Oishii
Umami realize there's a letter, but it's covered with her saliva-
that's what she get for opening her mouth while being asleep
"…Still readable…" she reads it- 'Go to Gymnasium
blahblahblah' "Who are you to tell me order you piece of
paper?" she said and sighed, no other choice it seems… She
walks out of the classroom and began to wonder around for the
Hebime Tanaka
Hebime wakes up- with his beanie stuffed in his mouth, he must have
been hungry. He grabbed his water bottle and washed it, instantly
putting it on his head Oh hey, A random letter he thought,
reading it and walks out if the classroom with his scarf covering
his mouth
Hebime Tanaka
Hebime saw a figure walking into a room- that must be the
gymnasium! He ran towards there and jumped in like he's doing a
touchdown "Gymnasium!" he said and rolled around- stop doing
that, you are going to get dirty
Char name here, I forgot
Just walking to find the gymnasium
Hebime Tanaka
Hebime now know what the figure he saw earlier, another student! He
simply waved and gets up, cleaning himself "I wonder what are we
doing heere?" he said and walked literally in circle because he
have no objective
Hebime Tanaka
Hebime grabbed the paper ans looked at the girl's mouth, She kinda
looks like a voodoo doll "Well… I'm not the one to judge your
action. Sometime people want to hide something so I won't ask!"
he said and grinned, giving the paper back, just incase
Hebime Tanaka
Hebime nodded slowly with a blank face "And how many are
there?" he muttered and let out a sigh- why they need to be
here anyway? Hebime let out a sigh and wondered around the
gymnasium to look for anyone- or anything
Umami Oiishi
Umami opened every door she can find "Gymnasium…Gymnasium."
she says to herself and continue to search for the Gymnasium
Samekishi woke up from his deep slumber. Yawning, He stretched and
observed the place
"Classroom huh? I wonder who sent me here"He muttered. Looking at
his desk,He saw a letter. "Go to the Gymnasium...Huh" He read aloud
and went outside to go to the Gymnasium. While wandering around,He
saw a female opening doors."Oh,Hey there. By the looks of it,you're
looking for the Gymnasium? " He said.
Umami Oishii
Umami heard someone- it's another student! Great to.know she's not
alone "Yeah. How do you know? she asked and closed the door
she was opening