Forum Thread
FenneCake's Journal
Forum-Index → Diaries → FenneCake's JournalBred by Me
Title: Page Two : Plushie Progress

Shiny Buizel Plush Progress:1/1

Mega Charizard X Progress: 3/10

Mega Charizard Y Process: 2/10

Christmas Fennekin Progress: 14 / 100

Buizel Plush Progress:20/100

Fennekin Plush Progress:10/100

Ralts Plush Progress: 10/100

Plushykarp Progress: 47/1000
Title: Page Three : Future Shiny Hunts
→ Fennekin [X] [X] COMPLETE
→ Dark Ponyta []
→ ♂ Buizel [X] []
→ Lucario (Riolu) [X] [X] COMPLETE
→ Growlith [X] []
→ Winter Numel []
Title: Page Four : Harvest Sprites
Nappy - Orange [X]
Hoggy - Yellow [X]
Timid - Green [X]
Aqua - Light blue [X]
Staid - Dark blue [X]
Bold - Purple [X]
Rainbow - Rainbow []
Title: Page five: Gifted Shinies
For ChaosQueen
For threshfeather
For ImaRainbowRio
For CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen
For sirjerith
Title: Page Six : BBC Progress Bar
Title: Page Seven; Art for me.
Title: Page 9: FanGirl Named shinies/megas
Oliver Queen Growlith
Loki Gogoat
Charlie Bradbury - Easter lopunny
Ones I want :3
Oswald Cobblepot - Piplup
Bruce Wayne - Noibat
Castiel (aka Misha Collins) - Pikachu
Dean Winchester - Houndoom
Sam Winchester - Houndour
Title: Page 10: Collections
Title: Page 11: Hunts (Current - Dark Poyta)
Hunt started: 04/05/2015
Chain: 314
(4 Shinies hatched so far.)
(2 Megas hatched so far.)
Congratulations! A shiny Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #147)! 15/06/2015
Congratulations! A mega Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #157)! 17/06/2015 (#10)
Congratulations! A shiny Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #196)! 28/06/2015 (#49)
Congratulations! A shiny Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #240)! 03/07/2015 (#44)
Congratulations! A shiny Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #314)! 39/07/2015 (#74)
Congratulations! A mega Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #???)! 28/08/2015 (#??)
Congratulations! A shiny Riolu hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #461)! 10/09/2015 (#147)
FenneCake is currently hunting Tyrunt.
Hunt started: 10/09/2015
Chain: 75
(3 Shinies hatched so far.)
Congratulations! A shiny Tyrunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #65)!
Congratulations! A shiny Tyrunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #68)!
Congratulations! A shiny Tyrunt hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #72)!
FenneCake is currently hunting Absol.
Hunt started: 08/11/2015
Hunt Ended: 30/12/2015
Chain: 480
(13 Shinies and 3 Megas)
FenneCake is currently hunting Combee.
Hunt started: 04/01/2016
Chain: 470
(7 Shinies hatched so far.)
FenneCake is currently hunting Dark Ponyta.
Hunt started: 01/07/2016
Chain: 40
(0 Shinies hatched so far.)
Title: page 13: Plushies Made by Navuso


Fixed PlushCake
Title: Page 14: Vivillon

1.Vivillon (Icy Snow)[X] 2.Vivillon (Polar)[] 3.Vivillon (Tundra)[X] 4.Vivillon (Continetal)[X] 5.Vivillon (Garden)[X] 6.Vivillon (Elegant)[X] 7.Vivillon (Meadow)[X] 8.Vivillon (Modern)[X] 9.Vivillon (Marine)[X] 10.Vivillon (Archipelago)[X] 11.Vivillon (High Plains)[X] 12.Vivillon (Sandstorm)[X] 13.Vivillon (River)[X] 14.Vivillon (Monsoon)[X] 15.Vivillon (Savanna)[X] 16.Vivillon (Sun)[X] 17.Vivillon (Ocean)[] 18.Vivillon (Jungle)[X]
Title: Page 15; Personal Codeing
Starting: 5k
Starting: 5k
Starting: 5k
Starting: 5k
Title: Page 16; Random stuff
For the Heck of it, My Plans if I ever left.
(Just the plan for my shinies)
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen Would get
The Fenne Family
And Queen
Iskandar Would Get
Flynn Rider,
And Nightwind
Tambacat Would get
And Sunshin
Pumpkaboo would go in wondertrade. Unless I pick for him to go else where
TambaCat FenneCake #1 Brave
Raiachi FenneCake #2 Sassy
Sirjerith FenneCake #3 Gentle
Shiny Raylong gave me an egg
Title: Page 17:Contest Template
To win a free shiny of your choice! Read the rules below.
→ Useing the Hashtag #fennes_____Hunt
→ Guess the number, my current shiny will hatch at!
→ Say which pokemon you want me to hunt for you
→ Pokemon must be breedable.
→ No events or Legendarys,
→ DO NOT copy someone elses guess, if you get it right, the original person who guessed first will win. Not you.
#1 #FennesRioluHunt - Winner - Blacktiger5 - Prize Shiny Tyrunt.
Title: Page 18: Sprites made with Piskel

FenneCakes Face

Welcome, Here I will help you learn how to use the Gem Cauldron.
The Gem Cauldron can be found near the Gem Collector
The Cauldron is pretty easy to use when you know what you are doing with a little help. There are a few easy steps the only hard part is getting the gems.

Gems are the main Item you need to use the Gem Cauldron. They are pretty easy to come buy, but getting a few of every type is not that easy because some, like the dragon gem, are a little bit rarer to find.
Gems can be found in these places:
The Rumble Area
Royal Tunnel
On your pokemon or in Boxes they bring
The Treasure Hunt Game
Golden Slots
(only on Plus and Legend Mode)

Boiling Gems is a fun little mini game you do to get your item. When you Boil you are given a time limit, and you have to click on the gems that the Cauldron shows you.

You can Increase your time limit buy going to the Item Shop in the Emera mall, Going under the Miscellaneous tab and buying the Odd Incense

It will look like this with the amount of time your item takes to boil.

The last step is the easiest, Waiting. Weather it is 10 minutes or a few hours all you have to do is sit back, enjoy the rest of Pokeheroes or doing something in your real life and eventually the item you were making will be done.
You will start out with only be able to make three stones, You need to make those stones multiple times to unlock the next set.
Title: Adoption
Welcome to FenneCake's Adoptables!

For now, Shadow is out of commission and Undyne will take his place as mascot. Meet my newest creation. Isn't she perfect?

♥ These are Auctions. Highest bid wins at designated time.
♦ Art is only allowed to be used by Winner
♣ Only Bid PD please.
♠ No Bidding ten minutes before reset.
♥ No re-selling art, or claiming as your own [s]obviously[s]
♦ All credit for species and art goes to me.
♣ Any fanart is allowed if permission is given by owner of certain character.
♠ DO NOT EDIT IMAGE YOU ARE GIVEN. I worked hard on this. even if you win, the image below should never be edited please.
♥ You can only bid on at least two at a time
♦ Please ONLY post if you are bidding. If there are any other problems please PM or Palpad me.
♣ Please pay within the 24 hour limit I give you, Or the Adoptable will be given to the last bidder.
New SECTION!! Strong Suggestions
♥! Please, do not bid over how much you have unless you are 100% know you can the money in the amount of time between your bid and the end of the auction. Remember when the bidding ends you have 24 hours to pay me.
Newest Adoptables
All Adoptables are unnamed. Once you win, please give these babies a warm home and a loving name.
Tetty - Candy
Crawlba - Blushing
Herven - Twins
Starting: 5k
Highest: 35k
Bidder: Yuki-chan
Starting: 5k
Highest: 6k
Bidder: Yuki-chan
Starting: 10k
Highest: 11k
Bidder: SunGoddess23
This Auction ends: December 13th
Past winners!

Shenzi -Candy Corn Tetty
Hoodlor -Toxic Crawlba
StarStruckPlayzGames - Jack-o-Lanturn Herven, Personal Designed Herven, Cake Herven, Minty Herven, Flowey Herven
GhostGem - Mummy Luvbugge
LeChatBox - Personal Designed Tetty, Crinkle Tetty, Rainbow Crawlba
TheMemeOne - Personal Designed Luvbugge
Hoodlor - Jack-O-Crawlba, Crayon Luvbugge
LucarioLand - Witch Tetty, SkeleGryph Legendary!
Nuvaso - Skeletal Herven, Lantern Luvbugge
Yuki-chan - Rainbow Tetty, Lava Crawlba, Sans Tetty
SunGoddess23 - Monarch LuvBugge
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen Muffet Crawlba
Warnings and Banned