Forum Thread
Bubbly Pokémon Art Shop! -CLOSED-
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Bubbly Pokémon Art Shop! -CLOSED-I've been drawing for over 10 years, and I don't see myself stopping. I've been trying to do more original art, but I can't help but draw some cutesy, gaudy fan art from time to time. These are my favourite pieces. Constructive criticism is much appriciated!
Since I want to improve, I thought it'll be nice to do some drawings. There are some rules, however...
1. I draw Pokémon only. However, I'm also willing to draw Pokémon fancharacters/Pokésonas.
2. My drawings are going to be very simple, similar to Example #3. I will not draw backgrounds or whatnot.
3. Be patient. I'm not the most reliable person in the world, but if I hold off your request for a week or so, send me a message.
4. Requests are for free. There is no price to them, as it ties in with the rule above, as well as the rule below...
5. First come, first serve! Be sure to grab a slot as quickly as you can.
If you understood all of the rules, then here's the form!
1. Navuso
2. SensGirl25
3. Nurisia
Pokémon/Pokésona: Girafarig character (You can draw him in feral or furry form. It's up to you)
Reference (please give me a link): Link
Anything else?: Have fun with him.
Username: SensGirl25
Pokémon/Pokésona: Swellow
Reference (please give me a link): Swellow
Anything else?: take your time, your art is outstanding

Pokémon/Pokésona: Leafeon
Reference (please give me a link): Ref~
Anything else?: Thanks :3
Pokémon/Pokésona: Flame
Reference (please give me a link): Charmander with a cubone skull.
Anything else?: No thank you.