Sprite time! Here are some sprites people have made for me.
These are by Kevix XDE.thank you Kevin!
By Comet and Aqua
Thank you. More to come probably soon.
Ok found some more.
From Zoka Thanks!
From Wraitheon1
And finally(I think) Contra. And thats all. Thank you contra. I will
put up more as I order them.
Well that was an unexpected plot twist... Apparently I am now a
psychopath villain who wants to burn down the whole region. The
reason is that a summon he tried using didn't work. I wonder if I
should be worried about my mental health... Nah.
Wow... I love Halloween parties. I mean I didn't even expect it to
be fun since the school was the one hosting it. I wouldn't have
even gone if it wasn't mandatory for me to go. But you know what, I
made it fun! I decided if I had to go that I would do the most
random thing in the world. I dressed up in a parrot costume. So I
had to help some of the booths but I got to have fun with the
friends who had come. Then at one point some soda exploded over a
booth so I had to "fly" in order to keep the crowd occupied.
"Flying" as they called it was jumping off a table and landing on
my face. Yeah... it was great.
Oh and I suppose I should have posted this earlier but if you want
to ask any questions you can pm me... duh.
That's all for tonight but tomorrow I'm going to another Halloween
party and it's sure to be fun. Moika!
Well I think it's about time to tell you guys some stuff about
~ I am an american boy who is half Finnish.
~ I am in eight grade right now so that's why I have a lot of time
to be on here.
~ I strongly disapprove of cussing.
~ I love reading books. A series I am into now is called "The Laws
of Magic"
~ I read a variety of Manga but I usually just stick to Naruto.
~ I live in Oregon.
~ I ski.
~ Right now I am very sore.
~ And lastly I am planning on attending Stanford like my
Rebel against the pokeheroes staff in the gameHow high can you count before a member of staff posts?
Play it and help us beat the staff and take over pokeheroes. Also
there is a 22k prize for the person who posts the number 269.
The party was pretty amazing. I got to watch Nacho Libre and
Napoleon Dynamite. There was lots of snacks and an indoor slide. I
got to tackle people on the trampoline. Yeah it was great. The only
downside was that I was really really sore. So half the time I was
moving I was in a bit of pain. I'm still sore today but it's not
that bad.
Worst Halloween ever this year. It reminds me of my birthday when I
was all abandoned by my mom who went to California. I was supposed
to go with my dad but then my grandpa became sick so I couldn't go.
And all of my friends were busy because it was spring break. My
life sucks.
And I've calmed down. Life is good school is good everything is
good. But really it's all good. My life is awesome. I am also
awesome and humble and conceited. :P So I won third place in a hat
contest in my block class. It had a rocket on top of it and it was
surrounded by pine needles. There were like five other hats that
were way better and got honorable mentions. I asked my block
teacher if I should be a hat maker... 3 times. The first two time
she ignored me. On the third she said, uh.... sure yeah why not.
got to page 44. tbc[/quote] My quote thing isn't working... By the
way if you have any quotes from yourself feel free to pm them to
me. that's enough for today, made it to page 75 today.
So my dad just had his birthday and mt sister came home from
college for the holidays. I had a concert and a christmas party.
And finally I've found out that U only have a couple of friends.
Welllllllllll I"m premium member now. Thank you greninja.
Also the before mentioned R.P. That I made is finally up and
running after what seems to be a month. Christmas is right around
the corner. Really just want someone to chat with. Why? Because I
get bored otherwise.
So I have a new avatar with shades so it is extra cool. Also I am
shiny hunting meowth. I'm doing well as in I haven't hatched
5000000000 eggs with no shiny. But I am also being a publicist for
Tina and carpets competition. Fire against poison. Who will win?
Well hello journal. Glad to see your still here... I am so lonely.
I have one good friend who's always busy and two others who like
hanging out with each other more and about 100 acquaintances who I
see at school and only at school.
So I get lonely and love having conversations with people over pm.
So if your reading this pm me about how m day was or something. Or
beg for money. (Ok don't do that.)
Anyways these days I've stopped pretending to be happy at school.
Every now and then though sometimes I decide to make a bit of an
effort. *Shrugs* But what can I do?
Still lonely so please send me a happy pm or something.
Anyways no school today! I'm going camping in a ski lodge for a
night and get to do anything! It should Be really fun. Anyways I
just got a new haircut and I think that it feels awesome.
Depressed a lot lately. Send my happy pms please. Or money. Money
is good. :P. But I got to go mini golfing today. yeah me and my
friends each made a course.