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New Explorations, Old Friends(NavuXAbby onexone)

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP New Explorations, Old Friends(NavuXAbby onexone)
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 19:00 (9 Years ago)
Lau gave a smile at Sera's pep talk, and bounded after her to close the space. Once they had entered the dungeon, the first thing that he noticed is that there was water all over the floors, and streams everywhere.

"I didn't realize that this was a full on mystery dungeon," he said, his tails swishing behind him as he felt more comfortable. After all, this meant that it should be easier to pass through than if it were just a normal river they had to fight their way through.

He dropped to all fours and bounded off ahead of Sera, looking every way that he could, then crashed right into a wall where he wasn't looking. Maybe he was just a little too eager to get through the dungeon.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 19:41 (9 Years ago)
The Snivy saw her partner a bit better after they entered, most likely because of his type. However, he seemed too excited...and hit a wall. Sera couldn't avoid laughing a little, not in a teasing way, but an honest laugh as she found it a bit funny. However she approached Lau, checking he was alright. Once they saw it wasn't something too bad, they continued their journey. Both of them seemed a bit eager to see what else was inside a dungeon, aside from walls and water. It didn't took them much time to find some kind of path that seemed to go deeper on the dungeon. Everything seemed quiet, the main sound around them were their own steps. Sera wasn't as excited as Lau regarding the streams, yet she didn't find it annoying either.
They looked at each other, nodding and deciding to follow the path. As they did so, the water level started to go up...either that or they were going down. Everything seemed correct, but suddenly Sera received a Water Gun. It didn't really affect her due to her grass type, but it bothered her.

"Who's there?!" she asked, a bit pissed off.

"You shall not pass" replied a voice.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 19:51 (9 Years ago)
Lau felt the water splash off of Sera and onto him from where she was attacked with the Water Gun. He quickly turned to face where he reply came from.

"We have a mission here, so I'm sure we can work something out," he stated, though he eased himself between his partner and the unseen threat, since he didn't want Sera to make the situation worse because of her irritation.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 20:40 (9 Years ago)
"Well of course there is a solution..." Sera just certainly angry, but she actually noticed she shouldn't act like that, because it would take them hours to reach the place this way. "Yes, there's a quick way" she smiled.

Before Lau could say something else, she decided to use her strongest point; strategy. With a single attack, she removed the menace. Throwing Leech Seed all over the place were the attack came from, she immobilized their opponent. As they moved towards the Pokémon they saw an Oshawott.

"Now you won't be able to move. You are going to let us pass, right?" the Snivy was back to her serious tone and expression, like if she was about to attack.

"Sorry! Excuse me! I...I just wanted to protect my home!" it murmured, a bit scared. Sera felt like it was telling the truth, so she calmed down a bit and apologized.

"No, excuse me for being like this. I thought we'd have to fight, but maybe Pokémon here are not always that bad? However I won't release you know, instead I'll do so when we come back from a small mission" she blinked an eye and the thin vines of Leech Seed lowered the pressure over the Oshawott's body, without releasing it.

Once again, she cut someone short. Once Lau and Sera were far away from the Oshawott, she looked to the Buizel's look. She wasn't too sure what to say.

Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 20:53 (9 Years ago)
Once they walked away from the Oshawott that Sera took down, Lau gave a sigh.

"Fighting isn't always the answer," he said, then stopped as he heard what he thought was crying.

"We're not that deep in the dungeon, yet, are we?" he asked, but without waiting for an answer he took off in a run to see what the crying was about. He slowed to a stop when he saw a young Azurill crying while her parent seemed to be scolding her for something.

The gold buizel gave a sigh, again, then turned back to look for a way forward.
"The sooner we can find the Bonsly, the better. We don't want it to stay lost any longer than it needs to," he said to Sera.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 21:15 (9 Years ago)
"Yes, let's get this done as soon as possible" it's all that Sera could say while watching the little Azurill too.

They didn't really talk too much during their exploration. Just some words here and there to check out certain places, warn each other about possible dangers and take decisions through the paths. Sera wasn't too sure, but she felt like there was a rather tense atmosphere there. She didn't know if it was her fault either, or if Lau was already like that before even entering or starting the mission. All she knew is that she didn't like that kind of feeling, since it was rather dark and silent for a team, especially if that team's members were excited for their first mission. She wanted to say something, yet she couldn't find the words, so she just decided they should finish this and then perhaps talk. There was a faint cry. That wasn't the Azurill's cry, so perhaps it could be the Bonsly they were looking for. After running a little they finally saw him. The baby was a bit scared, in a slightly big, rounded place of the cave with no entrance other than the one they had used. It was far too silent and the baby was really scared, crying. They had to be sure before moving.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Tue, 23/09/2014 21:36 (9 Years ago)
As they got to where they could see Bonsly, Lau gave Sera a look as if to show that he thought it was all too quiet there as well. As if to prove them right, the pink Snivy from earlier came flying from somewhere and crashed on the ground, the bag that had been around his shoulder coming off and falling open. The only contents within were berries, and with the rough treatment they had gotten from the fight, most of them were squished.

His vivid blue eyes with a strange nick to them cut over to the newcomers and a smirk played on his face. He gave a nod towards the crying Bonsly, as he got to his feet, just as a rather large Feraligatr came towards them.

Lau shivered as he looked up at the massive beast that was three times the size of the rest of them, and most likely well more powerful than all of them put together.

The Snivy was light on his feet and dodged a few attacks, moving to the other side of the angry water-type to get the attention away from the crying child. It was clear that the Feraligatr had been enraged beyond the point of reasoning, and right now the best course of action was to get the child away while the strange Snivy kept the water-type busy.

"There's no way that we can take on that thing. I think the best course of action is to go ahead and get the kid out of here and back to his mother," Lau whispered to Sera, since even with her and the stranger's type advantage and even if it were two against one, there was just no way to win this match.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 18:08 (9 Years ago)
The pinkish Snivy caught Sera's attention. However, she didn't keep her glance on him for too long, as she saw the giant crocodile coming in. She thought he was being a bit reckless, but perhaps that was just because of his interest on protecting the baby. Anyway, after listening to Lau's suggestion, she could do nothing but agree with her partner, since it seemed a bit too dangerous trying to defeat the Feraligatr.

They moved fast, without making much noise so the Pokémon would be focused on its fight with the other Snivy. It wasn't too difficult for them, as they were small. Sera suggested Lau to carry the baby on his back, since she wouldn't be able at all to do so. Meanwhile they were going to the exit, which was the place from where they came in, Sera couldn't avoid watching all the moves of that other of her same species. She was a bit curious about him, as it was rather weird that a single Pokémon did missions alone. Once they were about to leave, she heard some kind of scream that didn't seem to come exactly from the crocodile. She turned back to see the pinkish Snivy falling on the...floor? Well, the floor was covered a bit by water, but it was still there.

"Take care of the baby" was everything she said to her partner right before going where the fight was taking place.

Lau seemed to be about to say something, perhaps he wanted to avoid her getting in troubles, but she couldn't just go and leave someone else behind, being in danger. She threw her Leech Seed all over the Feraligatr's body and stood next to the small Pokémon. She knew that this fight would be either impossible or really hard, but there had to be another way to escape from there. She decided it. Everyone would be safe and sound as long as she was there.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 18:18 (9 Years ago)
Prince jumped into the air to avoid one of the Feraligatr's attacks and saw the Bonsly on the Buizel's back. He gave a sigh of relief, glad that the child would be safe, but while he was distracted, the large water gator caught him with its claw and threw him to the ground.

A pained cry came from his mouth, unable to stop it, as he was slammed into the wet ground. He quickly got back to his feet, though his vision was already blurring from the pain coursing through his body. He saw the small green flecks from the Leech Seed growing on the opponent, then looked to his side and saw a determined Snivy standing there.

"Go with the kid. I can keep this guy busy until you two get him to safety," the pink Snivy said to her, the parts coming off of his shoulder starting to glow a light green as he prepared a magical leaf. It might be a no miss attack, but that was only because it threw out so many tiny leaves, and he couldn't risk a stray leaf hurting the others in the area.

"I'll follow once I can slip away from this fight," he added, though he was panting from overexerting himself already, just to keep the focus on himself.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 18:36 (9 Years ago)
As she heard that Snivy's words, Sera couldn't avoid but show a timid smile. He was someone who was trying to cover them and the baby, but she was relieved enough knowing the Bonsly was safe. Now she didn't have a reason to not help. She didn't want to leave him behind.
She saw him preparing Magical Leaf, and even though she was almost sure that she could escape with the other two, she could easily see how tired he was. She actually doubted, as on one side she didn't want to get hurt, as it's natural, but on the other, the Snivy could get in bigger troubles by just standing right there.
Meanwhile she was thinking, the other was trying to cover them. The male looked back for a moment, perhaps checking if they were safe or something, so he didn't see the crocodile's bite coming again. She reacted quickly, grabbing the Snivy with her Vine Whip to keep him safe, getting that bite on her whip. The Feraligatr was truly strong, since a single attack made her reduce the pressure over the male's body. She quickly, but carefully put him on the floor again, just to react and avoid their enemy's claws. As the crocodile started to scream due to the effectiveness of Leech Seed, she approached the other Snivy.

"I am definitely not going to leave you here! C'mon look at yourself! You are not in the condition to fight. You helped the Bonsly, therefore I'll help you. We must make a way to escape, but together!"
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 18:44 (9 Years ago)
Prince was caught by surprise when he was snatched up by the vine whip. He turned his head to complain, but saw the massive foe bite into Sera's vine and felt her grip loosen before she put him gently back down.

The Feraligatr gave a screech in pain as the Leech Seed took effect, and the pink Snivy whipped his head to look at the other one coming over to him.

"Go," he ordered, letting loose his magical leaf, creating a pretty effective cover as he turned to run. However, he wasn't running towards the exit. He got to where his bag had fallen and snatched it up, then gave a sharp turn to head where he had seen the Buizel head off with the Bonsly earlier. It was time to get out of there, but even in this situation, he wasn't about to just leave his berries behind.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 19:22 (9 Years ago)
She saw the Snivy running towards his bag that had fell some time ago. She didn't know what he had there, considering the situation, it had to be really important for him. The Feraligatr was being affected by the Magical Leaf and her own Leech Seed, so that should be enough to let them escape. Once she saw the other Snivy had finished picking up all his stuff, she made some short of sign, telling him to follow her. She wanted to lead him to a safe place...hopefully we would actually follow her.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 19:27 (9 Years ago)
Prince saw Sera wave at him and smiled as he slung his bag over his shoulder again and ran to catch up to her.

"Are we going to head after your partner?" he asked with a flick of his tail as he glanced towards where the Feraligatr was preoccupied.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 20:50 (9 Years ago)
"Yes, we are going to get out of here as soon as we can. But all of us, together" she replied without looking back again to the Snivy. They walked a bit to finally find Lau and the Bonsly, safe and sound. "Let's go!" she said, feeling a bit better now that everyone was there.

On the way back, as promised, Sera released the poor Oshawott who wanted to protect its territory. After that, nothing stopped them until they finally saw the meadow near the river. They should go immediately to the guild, mainly for the small or dangerous injuries they had suffer. Lau didn't get any kind of attack, though, from what she remembered. She was really curious about the pinkish Snivy with his bag.

"Excuse me, I didn't really had the chance to present myself. My name's Sera, what about you?"
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Wed, 24/09/2014 21:19 (9 Years ago)
Prince lingered a little behind the other three pokémon, as they weren't his team. So when Sera introduced herself and asked about him, he took a moment to reply.

"I go by Prince. I know it's somewhat of a pompous title, but it's what I've gone by since I was a little thing," he replied, then looked at Lau, who seemed to be silent out of minor annoyance more than anything else. Probably because he was partnered with someone who seemed to always jump at a fight instead of trying to find other solutions.

Prince eased a little closer and smiled at the Bonsly.
"His mother should be waiting at your guild, right?" he asked, wanting to be sure, since that was the usual case, but the flier from earlier hadn't clarified anything about a meeting place, and if the mother put in the request to multiple guilds, then it was possible that she was waiting elsewhere. The pink Snivy just asked on the off chance that one of the others had heard anything from any of the other guild members. After all, there was no way for him to know that everyone that was there when he showed up were all newbies.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 20:34 (9 Years ago)
Sera remembered the name. She got it stuck on her head. She nodded when she heard the question Prince had asked. Well, actually, she couldn't say yes for sure, but she guessed the mother should be there. If not, they'll ask one of bigger authorities of their guild. That shouldn't be a problem.

What seemed to be a problem was Lau. Not him, but his silence made her think there was something wrong. However, she couldn't understand what was that exactly, and she didn't feel like debating something with her partner in front of someone that had just presented himself. It didn't take them much time to reach the guild, since Serenity River was kind of near it. Some minutes later, they were back "home" with the rescued baby. While Prince was keeping some company with that one, Sera stayed near Lau and couldn't resist anymore.

"What's going on? Are you feeling bad or something?" her questions were sincere, she didn't want to make him feel worse, she was actually worried about him.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 21:03 (9 Years ago)
Once they were at the guild, Prince took the Bonsly off of Lau's back and sat down with the child. He was surprisingly good with the kid, as he got the Bonsly to laugh, and at that point Lau turned away and began to walk and look for the mother. Sera spoke to him before he could get far in his search, though, and he stopped to turn and look at her.

"Violence isn't always the answer. The Oshawott probably could have been reasoned with. And I'm sure that rude Snivy did something to anger that powerful water type, so there was no reason to get involved. Plus, if he's a team of his own, there's no reason that you should have jumped in. I'm perfectly fine, but I need you to understand that things aren't always solved by fighting. You said that you're a calm nature, but all I've seen of you is hasty and quick to fight," the shiny replied to her concern, then gave a sigh.

"I'm going to look for the mother. You can either help look, or go back to the other... loner" he said, then turned to walk off again.

Prince looked up at the two of them, sensing the tension, but shrugged it off and dug into his bag to pull out a berry and offered it to the Bonsly, giving a gentle smile, hiding that he could feel the tension even from where he was out of the way.
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 21:29 (9 Years ago)
Even hearing what he said, Sera started walking next to him.

"That's true. Fighting may not be the answer, that's what I've been taught and that's why I am calm nature. It's true that you've seen me in this way but I can tell you that is in part because I'm rather new to this and I'm a bit young still. I don't really know about your past, family or similat and from what I remember I have told you about me either. There are things that happen to me at times. I can't really control myself at certain times, I don't know what is causing that. However I am sure about one thing; I don't regret jumping into the battle. He may be a loner, he may be a team on his own...but I believe he just wanted to protect the baby and perhaps that caused a rather tense problem with the Feraligatr. What about if the big one was frightening or attacking the baby? He could have jumped there to protect the Bonsly. Plus I don't want anyone around me to be hurt. I am going to protect others from the dangers of this world. If that means attacking a Pokemon that is like 3 or 4 times bigger than me, so it be." Sera finished her point satisfied.
Trainerlevel: 69

Forum Posts: 1,828
Posted: Thu, 25/09/2014 21:36 (9 Years ago)
Lau rolled his eyes at Sera's response.

"He's a loner for a reason. The fact that you're making excuses shows that you are still young, as you said. It was our first mission, and if you had gotten hurt, or even got knocked out, it would have been a failed mission. While it's sometimes good to jump in and help others, it's not good to put the whole thing at risk. Plus, without knowing the full story, you jumping into a fight that isn't able to be won was just stupid. If you are supposed to be calm, then you should try and control yourself more. After all, that's a part of being calm. Well, I'm not a serious type, yet I feel like I have to be in order to keep things from going increasingly wrong. I mean, did you think at all before jumping into that fight? Did you think at all before taking down the Oshawott? Even if you were raised that way, it's not right!"
Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 998
Posted: Fri, 26/09/2014 06:47 (9 Years ago)
"I admit the Oshawott trouble was an error. It somehow annoyed me, but my idea wasn't making any damage. I used Leech seed yet they weren't active. They didn't drain energy from its body, I just used them so it wouldn't move as we would have lost time there. What about if we had found a solution for that but not the Feraligatr, maybe it would have hurt the Bonsly or the loner. Its not my intention to hurt anyone, I try to think fast about what to do. Thinking before fighting? Let's be honest, I usually do and plan a strategy before doing so. I can easily create plans in my mind. At that moment what I thought was saving others without taking care of my security I guess. I thought about it, maybe not enough though. I prefer taking care of others instead of others caring about me...Are you worried about me? You can't accept I may jump to fight to save someone else who needs help? Then I think this won't go well. I think before acting yet there are times in which I may directly jump"