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The Fallen Ones ~ Open and Accepting

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs The Fallen Ones ~ Open and Accepting
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 31/07/2014 07:47 (10 Years ago)
The world is full of monsters, hiding in alleyways and cemeteries, waiting to strike, and humanity is finding out about them. Are they are ruthless killing machines, or are they just misunderstood? There are vampires, werebeasts, ghosts, and other horrors awaiting you in the night. The humans who find out about them can choose to be guardians or slayers, choosing to protect or dispose of the newly discovered species, running them to extinction or preserving their kind. The monsters are striking back, retaliating for their fallen loved ones. There is a war looming in the distance, and a question accompanying it.

What will you do?

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1) No Godmodding
2) No cursing. Random symbols are fine
3) No arguing with rp master logic
4) Only up to two characters per person
5) Format your text. Out of character conversation is in ()s and talking is in ""s
6) Be nice and respectful. Your characters don't have to be though
7) Edit out the password, which is Beastly by the way, once you are accepted
8) No logic Breaking
9) Ask me about the species you want to have by palpad or pm if you want to have a character not one of the main 3 species

Main Monster Species:
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WereBeasts: These creatures are basically humans with the ability to shift into a bestial form. They are vulnerable to silver, and dislike fire. They come in three types: Split-Souls, Dual-Forms, and Beast-Borns. Split-Souls are humans who only turn on the full moon, with a completely different personality controlling their bestial form, kind of like a split personality, but with the human side not knowing what the bestial side is doing. Dual-Forms change to their bestial forms every night, and are aware of what goes on in their other form, but isn't completely able to control it, with both sides sharing memories and most mental traits. Beast-Borns are able to control their change, and have complete control over their actions in their bestial form, and also only have one consciousness.

Vampires: These beings are much like humans, except only to feeding on blood, having sharp fangs, and being repelled by garlic, and usually ultraviolet light. These also come in three main types: Shifters, Day-Walkers, and Hunters, all of which have different abilities. Shifters, as the name implies, are able to turn into a variety of smaller animals, and often hunt animals instead of humans, the animals they turn into being felines, canines, bats, and rodents. Day-Walkers, of course, are immune to ultraviolet light, making them the easiest to blend in with normal humans, also possessing incredible speed and strength, and they usually get their blood from blood-banks. The last type, hunters, have the ability to exploit their victim's fears, also being able to sneak in and cause nightmares, also allowing them to feed off fear instead of blood, so they usually hunt humans.

Ghosts: Ghosts come in two types: Haunters and Poltergeists, both of which dislike holy water. Haunters are able to cause hallucinating and are unable to actually interact with things through physical means, but can move small objects, turn invisible, and can go through solids, also being able to access dreams. Poltergeists are able to pick things up and turn invisible and intangible, but are unable to pass through solids as Haunters can. Neither types need to eat.

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I want to be Human!
Type: (Slayer, Guardian, or innocent)

I want to be a WereBeast!
Species of Animal:
Type: (Split-Soul, Dual-Form, or Beast-Born)

I want to be a Vampire!
Type: (Shifter, Day-Walker, or Hunter)

I want to be a Ghost!
Type: (Haunter or Poltergeist)

I want to be something else!

Current Players and Characters:
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Character One
I want to be something else!
Name: Ling
Gender: Female
Monster: Dragon
Age: Over 100
Abilities: Shape-Shifting, breathing fire
History: Nooobody Knoooows, but she is the only female dragon to venture out of the haven
Description: a green dragoness that changes colors frequently
Human Form:

Character Two
I want to be something else!
Name: Fox
Gender: Female
Monster: Alp
Age: Over 100
Abilities: Shape-Shifting, Invisibility, and the ability to enter and manipulate dreams and people, but only with her tarnkappe(shape changing hat/cloak)
History: Noooobody Knoooows
Description: young looking (looks like she could be 7-10)and hard to tell the gender of, with pale skin, pointed ears, bright green eyes, red hair with black tips, and a shape changing that that can turn into a cloak, and a faint German accent which gets bolder and more obvious when she is angry

Character One
I want to be a Vampire!
Name: Crome
Gender: M
Type: Day-Walker
Age: At least a Young Adult
Description: Im a vampire. thats all you need to know.

Character One
I want to be a WereBeast!
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: Dual-Form
Age: At least a young Adult
Description:Black hair and he often have black clothes

Character One
I want to be a Vampire!
Type: Shifter
Ag: 15
History:not willing to talk about it
Description: favorite animal to turn into is a silver cat with white socks, a white tail tip, and a white chest and face with blue eyes. Tall, slim, and blonde with penetrating blue eyes.

Character Two
I want to be something else!
Name: Moonshine(Moon)
Monster:Alicorn (unicorn+Pegasus)
Abilities: can speak different languages and heal stuff. Can use minor magic.
History: Aura found her when they were both 10
Description:Silver body with sky blue hooves, silver mane and tail with lines of sky blue. horn and wings lined with sky blue. When a human, tall, slim, long, strait black hair blue eyes. Nearly identical to aura

Character One
I want to be a WereBeast!
Name: Ryder
Gender: Male
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: (Split-Soul, Dual-Form, or Beast-Born) Beast-Born
Age: 18
History: Doesn't talk about it
Description: He's about 6' 1". He is very bulky and muscly. He has light brown shaggy hair with light red eyes. He has a tattoo of a dragon along his left arm. His right ear is pierced with a light blue stud. He often wears loose shorts and a hoodie. In his wolf form he is -around 5' 6". He has dark brown fur. He has a scar on his left eye that doesn't carry over when he shifts human. He is very temperamental and protective of his sister.

Character Two
I want to be a WereBeast!
Name: Fawn
Gender: Female
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: (Split-Soul, Dual-Form, or Beast-Born) Beast-Born
Age: 9
History: To be found out later
Description: She is a very quaint little girl with long blonde hair that goes about half way down her back and light green eyes. She is around 4' 10". She is very small and frail. She often wears a light pink dress that goes to her knees. In her wolf form she is about the size of a lab. She has dark grey fur and emerald green eyes. She is sly and cunning. She is always at her brothers side.

Character One
I want to be a WereBeast!
Name: Shade
Gender: Female
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: Beast-Born
Age: 22
History: She doesn't like to tell
Description: A black haired girl with black bomber jacket, black finger less gloves, black ripped jeans and black steel toed boots

Character One
I want to be a Ghost!
Name: Luna
Gender: Female
Type: (Haunter or Poltergeist) Haunter
Age: ???
History: Luna doesn't know how she died. Seriously, all of a sudden, she just... died. Ever since then, Luna just wanders around, haunting things, and not many people notice her. She rarely talks, mostly because almost no one sees her.

Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Thu, 31/07/2014 22:11 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a Vampire!
Username: Corebess
Name: Crome
Gender: M
Type: (Shifter, Day-Walker, or Hunter) Day-Walker
Description: Im a vampire. thats all you need to know.
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Thu, 31/07/2014 22:29 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a WereBeast!
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: Dual-Form
Description:Black hair and he often have black clothes
Password: (Y)

Thank you Girafarig

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 02:09 (10 Years ago)
Both accepted. Please edit out the password
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sat, 02/08/2014 21:23 (10 Years ago)
Goodness we need more people.))
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:03 (10 Years ago)
Anybody wanna start?))
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 401
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:04 (10 Years ago)
(i shall start)

It was a dark night. Cold, Full moon, perfect for me. I walked down Emadoran Street, and that was when i saw her. She was a green dragon, and she was flying gracefully over head, but too high for any normal human being to see. I decided to follow her, but she was too fast, even for my enhanced speed.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:09 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a Vampire!
Type: (Shifter, Day-Walker, or Hunter) Day Walker
History:not willing to talk about it
Description: favorite animal to turn into is a silver cat with white socks, a white tail tip, and a white chest and face with blue eyes. Tall, slim, and long blonde hair with penetrating blue eyes.
Password: ITS CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(may i make another form?)

I want to be something else!
Name: Moonshine(Moon)
Monster:Alicorn (unicorn with wings)
Abilities: can speak different languages and shape shift. Can use minor magic.
History: Aura found her when they were both 10
Description:Silver body with sky blue hooves, silver mane and tail with lines of sky blue. horn and wings lined with sky blue. When a human, tall, slim, long, strait black hair blue eyes. Nearly identical to aura
Password: COTTON CANDY IS TASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:14 (10 Years ago)
(yes, each player gets 2 characters, but just edit your first post, k? Also, please edit out the password, you are accepted)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:19 (10 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:20 (10 Years ago)
"Watchu lookin at?" A pale child looking to be about 10 looked up at Crome, the full moon framing it's pale face. The child's gender was extremely hard to place

(Erm, Ling is actually one of the only dragons that ventures out of the haven. The only female. No female would fly out of the haven to raise/lay her egg.)
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 56
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:25 (10 Years ago)

Aura stood beside Moon in her human shape, "Lets take a look at the town, find out more aboutthe people here," a ghost of a smile flickered across Aura's lips,"So when it is time to strike, we are ready." Moon nodded, striding away.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 03:26 (10 Years ago)
(10 means that she's still a child. she would be as big as a golden retreiver anyways)

(And dragons can't survive without their mother for longer than a week when younger than a year, that time being MUCH shorter when in eggs)

(Sorry for being a spoil-sport, but a dragon has to be AT LEAST 100 before they venture out of the haven.)

(Maybe a were-beast pup/kit/child? They can be born in bestial form)


(Hey, you there?)
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 14:41 (10 Years ago)
(Ok, I'm counting it that your second character is a WereBeast)
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:01 (10 Years ago)
I want to be a WereBeast!
Username: Sandslash
Name: Ryder
Gender: Male
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: (Split-Soul, Dual-Form, or Beast-Born) Beast-Born
Age: 18
History: Doesn't talk about it
Description: He's about 6' 1". He is very bulky and muscly. He carries around a long sword. He has light brown shaggy hair with light red eyes. He has a tattoo of a dragon along his left arm. His right ear is pierced with a light blue stud. He often wears loose shorts and a hoodie. In his wolf form he is -around 5' 6". He has dark brown fur. He has a scar on his left eye that doesn't carry over when he shifts human. He is very temperamental and protective of his sister.


I want to be a WereBeast!
Username: Sandslash
Name: Fawn
Gender: Female
Species of Animal: Wolf
Type: (Split-Soul, Dual-Form, or Beast-Born) Beast-Born
Age: 9
History: To be found out later
Description: She is a very quaint little girl with long blonde hair that goes about half way down her back and light green eyes. She is around 4' 10". She is very small and frail. She often wears a light pink dress that goes to her knees. In her wolf form she is about the size of a lab. She has dark grey fur and emerald green eyes. She is sly and cunning. She is always at her brothers side.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:03 (10 Years ago)
Accepted, please edit out the password))

When Fox didn't get a response from the vampire, she wandered away from him, walking down the moon-lit street
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:20 (10 Years ago)
Ryder breathes in deeply, holding his sword close in his left hand. Fawn stands beside him as she waits for him to let her sit. Ryder walks up to the window of the apartment that the two had decided to stay at for the night, fearing the worst outside. When he doesn't see anyone he decides it's safe. He finally points to the bed and Fawn flops onto it, laying face down, burying herself in the soft blanket. Ryder snorts slightly and sits onto a wood chair, watching the streets below.
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Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:22 (10 Years ago)
As Fox walked down the street, she felt someone watching her, and looked up into a window, seeing a blonde girl staring out of the window. She made direct eye contact with her, waving
Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 500
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:25 (10 Years ago)
Shadow hides himself in the Shadows when he looked after prey

Thank you Girafarig

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 458
Posted: Tue, 05/08/2014 15:28 (10 Years ago)
Ryder watches the person on the streets, then draws the blinds. He growls slightly to himself and listens as Fawn begins snoring in her sleep. He rolls his eyes and begins carving things into the floor with his sword. He needs to sleep, but he can't. His hands twitch slightly and he stops carving, laying back against his chair a bit and staring at the ceiling.
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