Forum Thread
Violet and Volcan's Sprite School!
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Violet and Volcan's Sprite School!You walk into the school and wait at the entrance. An orange Typhlosion with purple flames is there to greet you with a smile on her face.
Well, hello there! My name is Violet. Violet Lantana to be exact. Did you come here to learn, perhaps? If you did, then welcome!
Welcome to Violet and Volcan's Sprite School! Here, you can learn a lot of different sprites! Please excuse our staff, we haven't recruited a lot of people.
She walks you over to a sign.
Please read over the list of rules to get a full understanding.

1. All PH rules apply.
2. Please respect others.
3. Please use the form provided.
4. Please speak English unless you know the teacher you have can speak another language; and in that case, only speak that language in a PM please.
5. Please don't rush the students/teachers. I would really like to stress this rule.That means no sending palpads/PMs to students or teachers about time. You may send me and only me palpads/PMs. If a student/teacher takes too long to respond, tell me please and I will take care of it. Thank you.
6. Example sprites are not free to use!
7. Only 3 classes at a time please.
8. If you want to be a teacher, then you must have at least 5 things you can teach and can be something not on the list or something on the list.
9. NOW TEACHING WITH 6TH GEN SPRITES AND MEGAS! You can find them here. If you want a mega just type Blaziken and Blaziken and its mega will come up.
10. Don't know what prerequisites means? Well here is its meaning. Please give me examples of your prerequisites as proof you can do them. Thank you. Also, please do not say, "I don't know what this means." Because you can click the link to find out or look it up yourself. I get this too often and I'm tired of it.
11. You must show me proof of your prerequisites. That means you cannot just say the prerequisites. You have to show me proof. Please show me the image or a link to your shop that proves you know what you need to know. I also get this way too often.
12. Don't forget to read us rules! If you don't, it'll make us feel bad. :c ... The password is Dreams. Have fun, and please read us all! :]
13. If you want to sign up for a class, make sure the teacher you request is active. (It will say so if you click the teachers spoiler.) If you see a class where only the inactive teacher is teaching, do not request to learn it.
14. Drama is not acceptable in a school environment.
15. There is now a test for teachers. Anyone that would like to become a teacher must know how to make basic fusions, basic recolors and basic animations. (Not counting for teachers that have already been accepted.) There will also be an exam for those three classes. (The basic sprite options.) Us teachers will vote privately for 2 days. If you get enough accepted votes, then you're in. If you get more declined votes, then... I'm sorry. When you post your form, like I said, make sure you know the three basics. I will then give you an exam via the thread.
16. All teachers will now have to vote in order to accept new teachers. They must look over the wannabe teachers exams and say either accepted or declined in a palpad/PM to me only. Please do not send it to anyone else. (I will send the exam sprites to the teachers, no matter how good or bad they are. They will be judged in an unbiased manner, and the votes will be anonymous.)*
*Since there is only one teacher at the moment, this rule will not be a thing until more teachers are accepted.
I will add more if needed.
2. Please respect others.
3. Please use the form provided.
4. Please speak English unless you know the teacher you have can speak another language; and in that case, only speak that language in a PM please.
5. Please don't rush the students/teachers. I would really like to stress this rule.That means no sending palpads/PMs to students or teachers about time. You may send me and only me palpads/PMs. If a student/teacher takes too long to respond, tell me please and I will take care of it. Thank you.
6. Example sprites are not free to use!
7. Only 3 classes at a time please.
8. If you want to be a teacher, then you must have at least 5 things you can teach and can be something not on the list or something on the list.
9. NOW TEACHING WITH 6TH GEN SPRITES AND MEGAS! You can find them here. If you want a mega just type Blaziken and Blaziken and its mega will come up.
10. Don't know what prerequisites means? Well here is its meaning. Please give me examples of your prerequisites as proof you can do them. Thank you. Also, please do not say, "I don't know what this means." Because you can click the link to find out or look it up yourself. I get this too often and I'm tired of it.
11. You must show me proof of your prerequisites. That means you cannot just say the prerequisites. You have to show me proof. Please show me the image or a link to your shop that proves you know what you need to know. I also get this way too often.
12. Don't forget to read us rules! If you don't, it'll make us feel bad. :c ... The password is Dreams. Have fun, and please read us all! :]
13. If you want to sign up for a class, make sure the teacher you request is active. (It will say so if you click the teachers spoiler.) If you see a class where only the inactive teacher is teaching, do not request to learn it.
14. Drama is not acceptable in a school environment.
15. There is now a test for teachers. Anyone that would like to become a teacher must know how to make basic fusions, basic recolors and basic animations. (Not counting for teachers that have already been accepted.) There will also be an exam for those three classes. (The basic sprite options.) Us teachers will vote privately for 2 days. If you get enough accepted votes, then you're in. If you get more declined votes, then... I'm sorry. When you post your form, like I said, make sure you know the three basics. I will then give you an exam via the thread.
16. All teachers will now have to vote in order to accept new teachers. They must look over the wannabe teachers exams and say either accepted or declined in a palpad/PM to me only. Please do not send it to anyone else. (I will send the exam sprites to the teachers, no matter how good or bad they are. They will be judged in an unbiased manner, and the votes will be anonymous.)*
*Since there is only one teacher at the moment, this rule will not be a thing until more teachers are accepted.
I will add more if needed.
Violet leads you out of the room with the list of rules.
Now that that's over with, I would like you to meet my twin brother, Volcan. Volcan Erupción Lantana.
She leads you to another Typhlosion, except this one is purple with orange flames.
Hello. I will escort you to the forms. They are this way.
He leads you to a sign with the examples of what everyone can teach.
What we can teach!
Art Boards!
Basic animations!
Basic fusions!
Basic Recolors!
Berry Babies!
Cotton candy!

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic recolor and basic fusions.

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic recolor.
Basic fusions.

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic recolor
Musical Pokemon!

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic recolor.

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic Fusions.
Basic Recolor.

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic fusions.
Basic recolors. (May require scratching.)
Custom Recolors.

(Arbok made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen, Alakazam made by Professor_Joe.)
Basic Recolors.
Yin Yangs!

(Both made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Basic Recolors.
Volcan leads you to a room with papers everywhere.
This is where our students and teachers fill out their forms.

Student form:
I would like to be a student here!
Preferred teacher:
Prerequisites: (Please show images or a link to your shop.)
What program do you use?: (Site, program, etc.)
Would you like to be critiqued?:
Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?:
Forum or PM lesson?:
Teacher form:
I would like to teach here!
What you can teach: (Please post images or a link to your shop.)
Examples of what you can teach:
If there are classes that are not in the first post, then what are the prerequisites?:
Are you up for the exam that will be given to you?:
How do you like to teach? (Through thread,, etc.):
Will you be active unless a RL situation comes up?:
I would like to be a student here!
Preferred teacher:
Prerequisites: (Please show images or a link to your shop.)
What program do you use?: (Site, program, etc.)
Would you like to be critiqued?:
Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?:
Forum or PM lesson?:
[u][b]I would like to be a student
[b]Preferred teacher:[/b]
[b]What program do you use?:[/b]
[b]Would you like to be critiqued?:[/b]
[b]Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?:[/b]
[b]Forum or PM lesson?:[/b]
[b]Preferred teacher:[/b]
[b]What program do you use?:[/b]
[b]Would you like to be critiqued?:[/b]
[b]Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?:[/b]
[b]Forum or PM lesson?:[/b]
Teacher form:
I would like to teach here!
What you can teach: (Please post images or a link to your shop.)
Examples of what you can teach:
If there are classes that are not in the first post, then what are the prerequisites?:
Are you up for the exam that will be given to you?:
How do you like to teach? (Through thread,, etc.):
Will you be active unless a RL situation comes up?:
[b][u]I would like to teach
[b]What you can teach:[/b] [i](Please post images or a link to your shop.)[/i]
[b]Examples of what you can teach:[/b]
[b]If there are classes that are not in the first post, then what are the prerequisites?:[/b]
[b]Are you up for the exam that will be given to you?:[/b]
[b]How do you like to teach? (Through thread,, etc.):[/b]
[b]Will you be active unless a RL situation comes up?:[/b]
[b]What you can teach:[/b] [i](Please post images or a link to your shop.)[/i]
[b]Examples of what you can teach:[/b]
[b]If there are classes that are not in the first post, then what are the prerequisites?:[/b]
[b]Are you up for the exam that will be given to you?:[/b]
[b]How do you like to teach? (Through thread,, etc.):[/b]
[b]Will you be active unless a RL situation comes up?:[/b]
Violet comes in the room and taps your shoulder, startled, you look back.
I'm sorry I scared you! I just came to here to show you this!
She hands you a clipboard of names.

(Can only have up to 10 for now)
(Major teachers are mods, as well.)
Major teachers:
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen {Nickname: Cynda/okay with other nicknames} Active
(Minor teachers should not act as mods unless it is their student they are reprimanding.)
Minor teachers:
Suvichan {Nickname: Suvansh} Active
(Major teachers are mods, as well.)
Major teachers:
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen {Nickname: Cynda/okay with other nicknames} Active
(Minor teachers should not act as mods unless it is their student they are reprimanding.)
Minor teachers:
Suvichan {Nickname: Suvansh} Active
Violet looks at you with a happy face.
We would LOVE to advertise your shop or school!
She hands you a sign. A sign with some banners on it.

(Made by CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen.)
Give me a banner for your shop/school, and I will add it here. (You must advertise mine as well.) I thought this might encourage some of you to make shops. :3
Volcan slowly walks over to a dark room.
...This is where... Well this room is for...
He had a hard time saying it, but then he points to a sign with a flashlight. The signs reads:
The two Typhlosion's walk you over to a gallery.
Here is some art by our students!
Violet then hands you the keys.
Make sure you lock up when you're done!
She smiled and walked away, as did Volcan as well.
Grand opening!!
Noobly_Face and Wraitheon have both passed some exams! Thanks for being the first two to pass!
(Silhouette classes for both.)
Username: LazyHoneydew
Nickname(s): Lazy.
Preferred teacher: CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen and KoinDorii
Class(es): Lineless and Ink.
Prerequisites: Recolour.
What program do you use?:
Would you like to be critiqued?: ???
Do you mind if we showcase your sprites?: Not at all.
Forum or PM lesson?: Easiest one for you.
Password ---------

I will teach you Ink. :3 I will teach forum. Critique.
The reason I ask if you want to be is because sometimes critiques might be viewed as offensive sometimes, even though they're helpful advice.. :3 Also, Here is the tutorial!
Ink tutorial.
If you understand, try an ink Treecko.
Lineless guide by Abby/Aqua-Spirit22
Understand?Your task is to make a lineless Floatzel.