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hi haha this is my first time posting
a story I've written, so im awkward rip
This is a backstory for my Pokémon OC, Mel. Some parts of her are based off real events, such as neglect. DO NOT READ ON IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS SUBJECT. It's sorta important to the story, and is mentioned, so please be careful while reading this! It becomes less mentioned as the chapters will progress, but this is a warning for the first chapter.
This is a backstory for my Pokémon OC, Mel. Some parts of her are based off real events, such as neglect. DO NOT READ ON IF YOU ARE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH THIS SUBJECT. It's sorta important to the story, and is mentioned, so please be careful while reading this! It becomes less mentioned as the chapters will progress, but this is a warning for the first chapter.
So this is what you meant
Riu - Riolu's nickname
It was quiet. Not unusual for the Molière household, but odd all the same. Dead quiet, not something expected in a house with a six-year-old in it.
But said six-year-old was fully aware of the meaning behind the silence, and ignored it as best she could. She filled the silence with idle chatter, even if nobody responded. She did what she could to change the air of the house, even if nothing happened.
Mel sighed and rested her head on the kitchen table. Sometimes she was infuriated that her mom was never home, and other times she couldn't care any less. Riu pat her arm sympathetically, sitting on the table beside her, legs dangling over the edge.
Neither spoke, but Mel occasionally stood to refill her cup of water. They both stared at the clock, watching the hands move and time tick by. Seconds, minutes, hours.. She needed a break.
She was slowly driving herself crazy staring at that god-forsaken clock. Sooner or later she'd end up smashing it out of annoyance.
Pushing herself away from the table, Mel stood and moved towards the front door, pausing to move to the side and peer out the windows.
"'M feeling salad. We can go and get some desert after dinner." The child said with forced cheerfulness, returning to the kitchen. She reached for the fridge door with a frown. "Do you think momma's gonna be home tonight?" She asked, pulling the fridge door open and pulling out the lettuce.
Riu had hopped off the table and moved towards the cabinets, leaping onto the counter to pull out a few bowls. "Doubt it. She hasn't been home since Tuesday."
"Yeah, but it's Saturday. She usually comes home around now." Mel pointed out, reaching for the vinegar. "Could you grab the salt?" She asked, uncapping the bottle. The oil was already out.
Riu tossed the salt container at her after making sure the lid was shut, before sliding off the counter and onto the floor again. "I guess you're right. She'll probably be home later tonight."
"Don't forget to lock my door." Mel frowned, not taking her eyes off the salad in front of her. She uncapped the oil and added it after the vinegar, and then reached for the salt, adding that as well. "'S not like she ever does anything, but she always yells and cries. That's way too much emotional stuff for me to handle. Audino will be fine on her own."
Riu handed her the forks, and she accepted, stabbing one into a piece of lettuce before mixing it around.
Using the forks, she lifted some of the salad into two bowls and slid one towards the other end of the table. Riu hopped onto the chair and accepted it cheerfully.
Mel sat down and dropped her head onto the table. "Tomorrow I was thinking we could go visit the pokémart." She said, stabbing the fork into some lettuce and popping it into her mouth. "We're running low of bandages."
There were lots of accidents around the house. For example, just yesterday Mel had tripped on the carpet in the living room and hit her arm on a nail. A nail. What idiot leaves nails lying around?
Of course, Riu got into accidents as well. Three days ago, he'd punched a hole in the bathroom door (they covered the hole with posters.. It would buy them at least five minutes).
There were lots of injuries in the house.
"Sure." Riu mumbled around a mouthful of salad. "While we're out, can we pick up some pokepuffs?"
And Mel threw a towel at him.
She agreed, though, and as soon as they headed out, Riu scrambled onto her shoulder to get a good look around.
"Is it safe?" Mel teased, still on her front steps.
Riu frowned. "I.. I don't know." He admitted. "I don't think so..?"
Mel froze.
Several trainers ran past without saying anything, though a few were yelling incomprehensible sentences about some attack.
One trainer, however, stopped her. "Don't go to the center." He said, horror lacing his eyes. "Team Plasma set the Pokémon center on fire!" And he ran off.
Mel and Riu exchanged a look before sprinting off the front steps and towards the center.
"Five minutes, that's all I ask for. Five minutes of peace." Mel growled, spotting the flames and skidding to a halt.
Several Team Plasma members were sauntering out of the burning Pokémon center, arms full of pokéballs and items.
Mel paused uncertainly before taking a few steps forward. "Hey, team losers!" She shouted, picking up a rock and tossing it in their general direction. "That isn't your stuff!"
The rock skittered across the ground, coming to a halt at one of the grunt's feet. He glanced at the rock and then at the girl who'd thrown it, and burst into laughter.
"Go home, kid. You don't stand a chance."
"Wait, she's got a Riolu! We should snag it!"
Mel backed away, clutching Riu to her chest. "If you lay one finger on Riu I'll kill you." She growled, backing away.
The second grunt glared at the first one. "We're missing our opportunity for a lot of cash! Grab the Pokémon and let's go!"
Several Liepard were released, and Riu growled, struggling free of Mel's hold to land in front of her.
"Shadow Ball!" One of the grunts shouted, and all six Liepard let loose a ferocious row of shadow balls.
"Dodge it!" Mel shouted, slashing one hand through the air as she spoke. "Use Return!"
Riu leapt into the air and used said attack. The Liepard it was aimed at collapsed.
"What did you do to my Liepard!" One of the grunts shouted in horror.
"That's what happens when you threaten my Riolu!" Mel shouted, and punched one hand into the air. "Earthquake!"
Riu slammed into the ground.
The ground began to tremble. The grunts backed away, glaring at her and each other. One of the Liepard leapt forward at Riu, grabbing him by the leg and dragging him away.
"Riu!" Mel cried, chasing after the Liepard. "Leave him alone!"
Most likely sensing her terror and panic, Riu lashed out with his free leg, managing to land a hard blow on the Liepard. It released his leg and he fell to the ground.
Mel ran forward to collect the fighting type in her arms and back away quickly.
The Pokémon center continued to burn. The crackle of the flames filled the air, smoke clouding her senses. She screwed her eyes shut and curled protectively over Riu.
There were a few short laughs from the grunts, and the sound of rocks crunching underneath feet. The noise became more and more distant, until it was just an echo.
In the light of the flames, the people began to gather together again. Water types appeared, many being called out by trainers, and a few wild ones appearing to help. Water gun after water gun, and the fire slowly began to die down, revealing the charred remains of the Pokémon center.
Mel stood to the side, still clutching Riu, being flocked by trainers asking if she was okay, what had happened, had she been burnt, where were her parents, and so on. She remained stubbornly silently, staring at the ground.
The trainers began to move away towards the Pokémon center, helping to clear away whatever was leftover, revealing bundles of pokeballs.
Beside the ashes of the Pokémon center sat a lone Liepard, eyes narrowed as it focused on a certain brown haired girl. With a blink it was gone, leaving the ash behind to be taken away by the wind.
also wip cause I gotta go ripperoni
We said that you were spent
"Mia! You came!"
"Of course I came, what kind of sibling would I be if I didn't?"
"You're never here, though."
It was almost ten at night, and the two siblings were seated around the kitchen table. Mel was sipping at her hot chocolate, and Mia (her wonderful older sister) was gulping down her own hot chocolate. It reminded Mel of the times they would sit around the fireplace, wondering when their parents would get home.
"So," Mia started cautiously, placing her hot chocolate on the table. "Are you okay?"
Mel hesitated. She looked into the living room where Riu was sprawled out on the couch watching tv. "Yeah. Thanks to Riu, 'm fine."
Mia nodded, satisfied by her answer. Her Scyther, Alloy, lay beside her chair. "Good. I gotta go again tomorrow, the professor wants some help for a few days, but I promise I'll come back, okay?"
Mel's face fell and she nodded, staring at her hot chocolate cup. Yay, more alone time. She thought miserably.
As if guessing her thoughts, Mia frowned slightly. "I know being alone is awful, but I can't bring you with me. You're only six, Amelia. You shouldn't even know as much as you do."
Mel nodded miserably again. She knew Mia was right, but it still hurt. And hearing her actual name solidified the hurt inside.
"I'll come back soon, I promise."
Mel nodded again.
Mia smiled and stood, depositing her now-empty cup in the sink. "I'll wash the dishes before I leave tomorrow, okay?" Alloy stood and hopped onto her shoulder.
Once again, Mel nodded miserably. Riu scuttled from the couch to the kitchen, hopping onto her shoulder with a gentle bark. She smiled. At least she wasn't alone.