Forum Thread
The Re:Born Dragons [Open & Accepting]
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Re:Born Dragons [Open & Accepting]A powerful wizard, by the name of Livis, activated an ancient ritual, corrupting the four dragons.
The dragon reeked havoc upon Arista, and despite the efforts of the Dragonic Vanguards, many of them were killed, while others fled to safety.
To save Arista, several powerul wizards created a ritual, reviving several of the fallen Dragonic Vanguards, however; to the limitations of their ability, the resurrected dragons were reborn as humans with the abilities of a dragon, thus creating the Re:Born Dragons
Now that you have been resurrected in a new body, you and other Re:Born Dragons must become stronger and save Arista.

The 4 Corners
Each of the four corners are the home of one of the four dragons. After being corrupted, the four corners have become a deadly land where powerful, evil creatures now exist, reading to defeat anyone who approaches them.
The Volcano
The Volcano is the 'base' of the Dragonic Vanguards. It is where they reside and when called upon, travel from The Volcano to their location to complete their tasks. After the four dragons became corrupted, The Volcano has been destroyed for the most part and little to no Dragonic Vanguards remain there.
The Main Diamond
The main diamond is where most of the other species live, such as: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, etc. It is divided up into different countries with several kingdoms making up a country.

As magicians, they utilize mana to use their magic. However, because they were previously dragons, their abilities as dragons transferred over to their human bodies. So, while they may be human, Re:Born Dragons have an exponentially high amount of mana, increased strength, speed, and stamina, as well as greater intelligence.

[center]Insert Appearance Here (IMG, Desc,
Link, Combination)
[b]Height (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Dragon Appearance[/b]:
[b]Unique Magic Ability[/b]:
[b]Magical Item (Optional)[/b]:
[b]History (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Personality (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Crush (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Height (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Dragon Appearance[/b]:
[b]Unique Magic Ability[/b]:
[b]Magical Item (Optional)[/b]:
[b]History (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Personality (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Crush (Optional)[/b]:

Height (Optional):
6' 4"
Dragon Appearance:

Unique Magic Ability:
Plasma Wielding
Draco can generate Plasma from the palms of his hands and utilize it as a weapon, as well as manipulate the Plasma to have different properties and different forms (fire, lightning, sword, shield, etc...).
Magical Item (Optional):
A necklace made of black string, tied to a blue gem; symbolic of the gem on his tail.
Draco can charge the gem on his necklace with lots of mana. When he needs to, he can release a powerful burst of energy from the gem or use it as a source of mana for his magic.
History (Optional):
Draco had a rough childhood growing up. His father was a rare species of dragon, causing him to be quite popular amongst the female dragons. Draco was the child of one of these female dragons, but because of his father's enjoyment in swinging and the female dragon's lack of responsibility, he was abandoned.
Draco was found by one the heads of the Dragonic Vanguards and grew up in a military-esc setting. Because of he was a rare species and having been trained to become a vanguard since birth, Draco's combat abilities and instincts were exceptional.
His unique abilities and strength made him stand out in one way or another. But, Draco was very ruthless. He was always very aggressive--almost malicious when he is in combat. This drew other vanguards away from him as they were very afraid of him.
His ruthlessness and recklessness caused issues on the battle field. So, as he continued to serve under the Dragonic Vanguards, he was sent out on missions less and less. Already having little to no friends from the beginning, Draco was basically unknown to many of the other members. But, during his absences, Draco became a new dragon.
Personality (Optional):
During his absences, Draco was given time to think and relax. His anger and behavior before, he believes was essentially built up hate and anger towards his father and mother. Having no way to cope with it, he released all of it on the battlefield.
Now, Draco is a very kind and friendly person (though, not many dragons seem to know about it). He is a very easy-going and understandable dragon who isn't hard to talk to. While he may seem unapproachable at times do his somewhat scary appearance, he is anything but scary. Especially now that he was been reborn as a human, Draco acts much like your responsible, reliable big brother.
Crush (Optional):

Height (Optional):
5' 6"
Dragon Appearance:

Unique Magic Ability:
Mist Wielding
Anna is able to summon a smoke-like mist at will. She is then able to control the motion, the properties, and the form or shape of the mist. An example of this is that she can change her mist into the shape of a hand and then pick up a tree trunk with it.
Magical Item (Optional):
Translucent Mist Orb
Anna carries with her a translucent orb. This orb is able to absorb large amounts of mist within it and keep it contained. Anna carries this with her just in case she ever runs out of mana or she is prevented from being able to summon mist.
History (Optional):
Anna was a very shy and quiet dragon. Growing up, she lived a life much like any other dragons. Her life was quite normal, the only real difference being that she was quite the popular dragon. While she was very shy and did not speak much, those who grew closer to her and began to know her knew that was a very kind and nice person. While she wasn't the most reliable person, her kind words always seemed to make others feel better.
After being persuaded by her family, Anna became a Dragonic Vanguard. While she enjoyed her life before becoming a vanguard, she wanted to have a bigger purpose in life. In the end, she chose to dedicate herself to saving others who could not defend themselves. After being reborn as a human, Anna felt much weaker as a human and has now decided to act as more of a supporting member. Her magic was not the strongest to begin with and her strength mainly lied within her physical features, but as a human, she now much more fragile.
Personality (Optional):
Annastasia is a very shy and quiet person. She has a hard time approaching others and people may also have the same issue with approaching her. She relies on others to help her sometimes with her shyness. Other than that, she doesn't talk very much. When she does, she does it only in small sentences or in a soft voice.
But, through that shell she is a very kind and nice person. She is easily able to make others feel better about themselves. Her kind words and mist magic make her a great support who lift up her friends/teammates and assists them on the battlefield.
Crush (Optional):

Basic RP Rules (No Power-Playing, No Mary-Sues, No God-Modding, etc...)
Keep PG-13 and under
No Romance between your own characters
I have the right to deny your form as it is my roleplay
Please hide your signature if it is large
You may have as many forms as you can handle
Please follow the concepts and lore of the story
No one-liner when possible
More will if be added if needed...