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The Dollhouse (Creeypasta/Fantasy-ish rp)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up The Dollhouse (Creeypasta/Fantasy-ish rp)
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 571
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 16:26 (7 Years ago)
"Everyone... thinks that we're perfect...
Please don't let them look through the curtains..."

But we're all so far from perfect. We're having to hide away from everyone because they just don't understand! And it's so frustrating - all we want is to be treated like everyone else.


Pfft... We'll never be normal. What's the point? What is normal?

At lease we have our home. 'Our' home. Ours. Not theirs. We can do whatever we want here and no one will stop us. They can't stop us. As long as we're here, they won't try.




Silly humans...

I can't believe I used to be one of you. I was forced to followed all the rules and be a 'good child'. But not any more.

Join me. Won't you please join me?

We can all be together, and they won't be able hurt us.


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1. PH rules apply
2. You can be the original Creepypasta characters, or you can use your own
3. No killing of other players characters
4. No overly detailed killing scenes
5. Use the forms~
6. You can have as many characters as you want, as long as you can manage them
7. You may start already in the Dollhouse or you may be a newcomer to the Dollhouse
8. Characters can have abilities, whether they can use some sort of magic, are extremely good at sparing, can shape shift etc. as long as they're not OP (stick to one ability)

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Character's Name:
Character's Age:
Character's Gender:
Backstory (optional):
Illnesses? (optional):
Crush? (optional):

The 'Dollhouse'
*Not My Image*

My Forms:
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Username: ~Bad_Apple~
Character's Name: Diamond Dahlia (or The Magpie)
Character's Age: 15 years
Character's Gender: Female
Appearance: *Not My Art*
Personality: Her usual personality is friendly and bubbly. However, if you talk about her family, prepare for the worse. You may receive anything between a glare and the silent treatment, or a stab to an artery (which is rare, but has happened). She'll do almost anything for a shiny reward, from coins, to jewelry. You should not give her knives, or any weapons as such, however.
Ability: Stealth. She can move around without making a sound -perfect for pick-pocketing and sneak attacks.
Backstory (optional): She came from a poor family, where money was scarce. Dahlia grew up without birthdays and Christmas' due to her parents not having the money to celebrate. Soon after turning 8 years old, she got into pick-pocketing and by 10, she'd mastered it. However, at the age of thirteen, she was caught and took into custody. Due to her background, she was examined for her mental health. She had Magpie Syndrome - "an irrational affinity for shiny objects. When a highly shiny object is seen by the sufferer it often may induce a compulsive need to claim it and several minutes of staring at said object". At thriteen, she didn't understand but was taken to an institution for rehabilitation, anyway. It wasn't the best of institutions, but they also found that she suffered from the Bipolar disorder. After a few months at the institution, Dahlia, some how, managed to escape and ran away. She now see's the Dollhouse as her home.
Illnesses? (optional): Magpie Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder
Crush? (optional): Open/Palpad
- The rat is her spirit animal - due to its sly, unpredictable traits (but not it's hygiene)
- Don't touch her collection of shiny items if you want to live
- She's not that strong, it's just the knife you should be worried about
- She longs for parental figures as she felt betrayed by her own

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Username: ~Bad_Apple~
Character's Name: Houdini (Micheal/Mike)
Character's Age: 17 Years
Character's Gender: Male
Appearance: *Not My Art*
Personality: Usually shows no emotion and likes to torment weaker people. He does, however, get annoyed easily, despite not showing it. He likes to sit back and observe/watch people fight. He could be described as a sadist.
Ability: Magic - specifically making things move, levitate and disappear.
Backstory (optional): N/A - Has been at the Dollhouse for quite a long time and refuses to tell his story.
Illnesses? (optional): Sociopath?
Crush? (optional): Open/Palpad
- Can be very sly at times for his entertainment
- Doesn't really speak much, he would much rather creep people out with his staring

And, yes, for gp, I know that Creepypastas aren't really considered "fantasy" but there's nothing wrong with mixing it up a tad bit~

RP is Here
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 17:14 (7 Years ago)
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Username: Glove
Character's Name: Nicholas Lee Brant
Character's Age: 17
Character's Gender: Male ((Femboy))
Nick has bright blue eyes and curly red hair to his mid-neck. His face is covered in freckles, and he has a quite feminine facial structure. He is short and thin, standing at 4'3" and weighing 59 lbs. He has really thin limbs, and any average person could wrap their hand around his arm or lower leg. His upper leg is a bit thicker, but not by much. His torso is super thin, and you can see his ribs. His body is covered in little freckles, not just his face. His nails are almost always painted a light pink or pastel purple. His ears are pierced, and he has two piercings on each ear. A silver stud and a pink flowers as earrings. He usually wears casual sundresses and sweaters, and loves to wear pink. He wears knee high socks or leggings with most outfits, along with flats or converse. He is stuck with horrible eyesight, meaning he needs glasses. He has wide rimmed, circular glasses, and he loves them. Going against his usual "feminine" look, he has a septum piercing.
Personality: He's a sweet, kind boy with an excited personality. He is quite feminine, but not in a rude way. In a nice and tiny way. He loves people and his friends, and rarely yells or gets angry. He's a crybaby, though. And sensitive, with a heart bigger than his body. He loves cuddling and being a little spoon. He loves hugs!! Though he is sweet, there is always a part of him that wants to kill someone or something. He tries to contain himself around the other creepypastas, though he has killed multiple squirrels and mice.
Ability: Flying. See, he can grow wings, but at times it won't work, and it usually only lasts around 30 minutes to an hour. They disappear somewhere in that time period. He gets really tired after it, and his back hurts a lot.
Backstory: Nick's family died in a fire at his home while he was on the bus home from school. He was 12. He went to an orphanage, where he was happy and well treated. He had many friends, and most people liked him. Except for one nanny name Christina. Christina would occasionally "forget" to feed Nick, and would snap at him when they were alone. She called him horrible things, such as fat and pig, that led him to becoming anorexic. One day, she smacked him so hard. He turned back to her, his eyes blazing. He killed her by strangling her to death. He shoved her dead body in the closet. He then kinda... Had a huge anxiety attack. He thought one of the people would find the body, so he had to kill them. He broke a glass soda bottle, and killed 7 kids and 3 adults. He ran away, and found the doll house. He's lived there ever since. hope this is ok
Illnesses?: Seperation Anxiety / Schizophrenia / Anorexia
Crush?: open / palpad
-58 lbs
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 571
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 17:34 (7 Years ago)
T'is accepted~

You can add gender on if you want to - I thought I included it but obviously not o.o
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 18:16 (7 Years ago)
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Username: peep
Character's Name: Sidney
Character's Age: 17
Character's Gender: female
Appearance: not my art
Personality:She is a bit shy but comes out and is very loud. She loves animals, even if they are ugly. HATES animal abusers. She is very caring, and sorta smart.
Ability: She can talk to her crow named shadow
Backstory (optional): When she was little she came out to her family as gay, her family kick her out. She found a crow it stuck with her but started to tell Sidney to torture people that hurt animals, then kill them slowly. Sometimes her crow would pull out their eyes. Soon she fell in love with a girl and the girl fell in love with her but found out what she had done. She tried to call the cops but before she did the crow attacked her, killing her. Sidney soon ran to the dollhouse and is living there now
Illnesses? (optional): insomnia, depression and, Anorexia nervosa
Crush? (optional): N/A
*97 lbs
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 571
Posted: Sun, 12/03/2017 19:08 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 82

Forum Posts: 571
Posted: Tue, 14/03/2017 18:11 (7 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 137
Posted: Fri, 17/03/2017 10:32 (7 Years ago)
Character's Name: Creeper
Character's Age: Unknown
Character's Gender:Male
Appearance:A HUGE sized spider.
Personality: Evil, taunting you in a both calming and creepy voice, then suddenly ATTACKS!
Ability: Can climb ANYTHING.
Backstory (optional):
Illnesses? (optional):
Crush? (optional):
Other:He is part of a group to be explored later on, The Legion of Terror.
Quote from Kefka PalazzoLife. Dreams. Hope. Where do they come from? And where do they go? I'll destroy them all!