Forum Thread
Male&Manu's Shiny Event Shop~
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Male&Manu's Shiny Event Shop~

As you can read, we have planed to do some event hunts in the future, so we thought that make a shop was a great idea :)

Common Event: 500K Pd

Uncommon Event:700K Pd

Rare Event:900K Pd

How to order a Slot

-All PH Rules.
-Don't be rude please.
-Be patient, event shinies are more difficult to get, so please wait until your shiny hatch.
-DON'T reserve a slot if your NOT going to pay.
-Payment must to be sent when your shiny hatch, if you don't have it we can wait 3 Days after it. (Tell your breeder if you have a trouble so both can decide what to do)
-If you had a reserved slot and your shiny hatch but didn't paid for it in the 3 days we are going to sell it.
-You can reserve 3 Slots per shiny only.
-Some Shinies must have more Slots than others, all depends on the breeder ^^

Uncommon Event~
Status: Ended
I'm gonna hunt Easter Buneary afte this one, but I'm gonna late some time

Rare event~
Not decided
For now, I'mm only accepting nuggets for this one, I'm in a needing of them for premium :s

Uncommon Event~
I'm Gonna start this hunt after my Shiny Togedemaru Hunt :)

Uncommon Event~
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: Devil0356
Event you want: Jolly Jr. (Shiny)
Quantity: 1
Payment: nuggets
Other: I would prefer a FEmale if one hatches please (I obviously do not want you to hunt extras if it hatches male) Thank you ^-^
FR Elements and Familiars
FR Elements and Familiars
Username: BanMido previously GetsugaTenshou
Event you want: Shiny Jolly Jr.
Quantity: 1
Payment: nuggets
Other: Thank you ^-^