Forum Thread
Dolce's Trash Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → Dolce's Trash Diary

Alphonse by waltz

Alphonse by waltz

Lucille by waltz

Alphonse & Lucille by waltz

[x] Shiny Venasaur
[x] Mega Venasaur
[x] Shiny Charizard
[x] Mega Charizard X (Shiny)
[x] Mega Charizard Y
[x] Shiny Blastoise
[x] Mega Blastoise
[x] Shiny Meganium
[x] Shiny Typhlosion
[x] Shiny Feraligatr
[x] Shiny Sceptile
[x] Mega Sceptile
[x] Shiny Blaziken
[x] Mega Blaziken
[x] Shiny Swampert
[x] Mega Swampert
[x] Shiny Torterra
[x] Shiny Infernape
[x] Shiny Empoleon
[x] Shiny Serperior
[x] Shiny Emboar
[x] Shiny Samurott
[x] Shiny Chesnaught
[x] Shiny Delphox
[ ] Shiny Greninja
[ ] Shiny Decidueye
[ ] Shiny Incineroar
[ ] Shiny Primarina

[x] M/F Venusaur
[x] M/F Charizard
[x] M/F Blastoise
[x] M/F Meganium
[x] M/F Typhlosion
[x] M/F Feraligatr
[x] M/F Sceptile
[x] M/F Blaziken
[x] M/F Swampert
[x] M/F Torterra
[x] M/F Infernape
[x] M/F Empoleon
[x] M/F Serperior
[x] M/F Emboar
[x] M/F Samurott
[x] M/F Chesnaught
[x] M/F Delphox
[ ] M/F Greninja
[ ] M/F Decidueye
[ ] M/F Incineroar
[ ] M/F Primarina
Note: Pre-evolutions are applicable.

Also, for that one person I hurt in the past; I apologize. Just in case you read this... I am sorry. I don't truly believe what I said, I was just out for blood.

In other news, one more year of indifference until reality runs me over. I have many expectations and hopefully I can overcome my anxiety and do something that requires verbal skills. I have started working out; I almost vomited. Also rewatching Toradora! for the feels.
|victory records|

1,001 wins Dolce vs. 2 wins Otomra

5 wins Otomra vs. 0 wins Dolce