Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → SUPERHERO RP SEARCHSo, I am looking for people who may be interested in doing a Superhero Roleplay? The plot may be added onto/edited as time passes, though it will start as a basic idea for now. PalPad me if you think you have a way for me to improve a certain part of the plot.

Another of those "Superhero
ComicCons", another invitation from your friends. They ask who
you'd be going as. You told them you would be a going as a
Superhero, and you tell them the name of the Superhero you actually
are. They don't know that though. It is a secret. Your friend says
that they'll be going as a Villain, namely the one you fight
against quite a lot. You don't see each other for a few days,
getting ready for it. Once you have your items ready, you get on
the Plane/Train/Boat/Public Transport to get to London, England,
for the Event. And you all pick a booking for a room in the Hotel
allocated for either Heroes or Villains. You and your friends spend
the first several days in England traveling around to see what the
area was like. Because it is quite a large City. And then it is the
day of Convention. So many people dressed up as Superheroes! But
wait, what is happening over there? Not even an hour into the
Superhero ComicCon and you realise that maybe there are more actual
Villains here than what you first expected. Ones you fought before,
ones you never knew existed until now, and they had all been making
plans. They were taking this way too seriously! Wait, no, they
weren't taking this seriously. This was an group of real Villains,
all working together, and you hadn't even spoken to any of the
other people playing as... Well... Actual Superheroes. But as a
Superhero, it was your duty to protect the citizens of Earth. You
had to try and defeat the Villains, even if you couldn't work that
well as a team.

Your Username:
Civilian Name:
Superhero Name:
Civilian Appearance:
Superhero Appearance:
Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4)
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Allies: (The people your character can work with)
Villains: (The people your character fights)
Civilian Name:
Superhero Name:
Civilian Appearance:
Superhero Appearance:
Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4)
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Allies: (The people your character can work with)
Villains: (The people your character fights)

The PH Rules
No God Modding
No Mary Sues
No OOC fights
Please, keep swearing limited to words like "Crap" and "Hell"
Anything to do with fighting/romance, keep it PG13
Do not Attention Seek
No one-liners. Three sentences minimum
Minimum Character Age: 18. Nobody younger would be allowed on any form of Public Transport alone in this Universe
Try your best to stay active, please.
I will judge your powers on how OP they will make your character. Anything you don't like about my judgement, keep to yourself. I want to be fair to everyone here
Max Character limit will be 6. 3 Heroes, 3 Villains. Though you can't only have 3 Heroes or 3 Villains.
Message me if you want to discuss being the rival to any of my characters
If you are joining, please Subscribe! I don't want you to miss any important information that gets added!
No God Modding
No Mary Sues
No OOC fights
Please, keep swearing limited to words like "Crap" and "Hell"
Anything to do with fighting/romance, keep it PG13
Do not Attention Seek
No one-liners. Three sentences minimum
Minimum Character Age: 18. Nobody younger would be allowed on any form of Public Transport alone in this Universe
Try your best to stay active, please.
I will judge your powers on how OP they will make your character. Anything you don't like about my judgement, keep to yourself. I want to be fair to everyone here
Max Character limit will be 6. 3 Heroes, 3 Villains. Though you can't only have 3 Heroes or 3 Villains.
Message me if you want to discuss being the rival to any of my characters
If you are joining, please Subscribe! I don't want you to miss any important information that gets added!

You see that a "Superhero ComicCon"
was going to be on soon. The perfect chance to get to meet others
Villains and create a plot to take those petty Superheroes down.
Though you had to invite somebody to go with... How about your
Civilian friend? They tell you they will be your Rival. You tell
them you will be the Villain who you really are, though they don't
know that. The next few days you keep all contact away from them so
you can plan your moves, and eventually you get on the
Plane/Train/Boat/Public Transport to London, England. The two
Hotels were split up. One for Heroes, one for Villains. The next
few days, you get to know the other Villains and while you aren't
hanging around with your Civilian friend, you and the other
Villains plot your evil plan. And on the day everything was
actually going on, you and the Villains meet up and get your plan
underway! And the Superheroes weren't expecting it. They couldn't
work together, they didn't know each other well enough! Ha! You
knew this would happen. Superheroes always underestimated working
together. Now you could finally defeat them once-and-for-all, and
you could take over Earth... If you knew who would rule which part
that is.

Your Username:
Civilian Name:
Villain Name:
Civilian Appearance:
Villain Appearance:
Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4)
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Villainous Friends: (The people your character can work with)
Heroic Enemies: (The people your character fights)
Civilian Name:
Villain Name:
Civilian Appearance:
Villain Appearance:
Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4)
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED)
Villainous Friends: (The people your character can work with)
Heroic Enemies: (The people your character fights)

The PH Rules
No God Modding
No Mary Sues
No OOC fights
Please, keep swearing limited to words like "Crap" and "Hell"
Anything to do with fighting/romance, keep it PG13
Do not Attention Seek
No one-liners. Three sentences minimum
Minimum Character Age: 18. Nobody younger would be allowed on any form of Public Transport alone in this Universe
Try your best to stay active, please.
I will judge your powers on how OP they will make your character. Anything you don't like about my judgement, keep to yourself. I want to be fair to everyone here
Max Character limit will be 6. 3 Heroes, 3 Villains. Though you can't only have 3 Heroes or 3 Villains.
Message me if you want to discuss being the rival to any of my characters
If you are joining, please Subscribe! I don't want you to miss any important information that gets added!
No God Modding
No Mary Sues
No OOC fights
Please, keep swearing limited to words like "Crap" and "Hell"
Anything to do with fighting/romance, keep it PG13
Do not Attention Seek
No one-liners. Three sentences minimum
Minimum Character Age: 18. Nobody younger would be allowed on any form of Public Transport alone in this Universe
Try your best to stay active, please.
I will judge your powers on how OP they will make your character. Anything you don't like about my judgement, keep to yourself. I want to be fair to everyone here
Max Character limit will be 6. 3 Heroes, 3 Villains. Though you can't only have 3 Heroes or 3 Villains.
Message me if you want to discuss being the rival to any of my characters
If you are joining, please Subscribe! I don't want you to miss any important information that gets added!
And sorry if you live somewhere and you know nothing about London or England, but I don't know that much about your Countries or Cities either. I don't want to ruin them for you by making the City/Country be too different. And so many people speak English anyway, so an English City would be easiest to do. I don't want to go onto Google Translate to do speech for any character. Any questions about London/England, let me know. I'll answer them as well as I can.
This is also a different Universe to our one. OK. So Civilians know the Superheroes and Villains of their Country/State/City, though they don't know the Civilian identities UNLESS it was revealed at some point, or unless they were told at some point. You can include that in the Backstory section though.
Civilian Name: Loren Cross
Nickname: Lo, Ren, Lor.
Superhero Name: Crossheart
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Civilian Appearance: Boop
Superhero Appearance: Second picture
Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED) Loren is very kind and sweet, and cares deeply about her friends. She is very superstitious, and LOVES cats.
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4) She can control electricity and bend light. Her favourite thing to bend light to is a whip that is shaped like a cross.
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED) Loren is the youngest of four siblings, but was the only one to revive powers after suffering a mild electric shock on a school trip.
Nationality: English, British.
Allies: (The people your character can work with) EVERYONE!!!
Villains: (The people your character fights) Every baddie!

Civilian Name:Ivan Alexei
Nickname:Drake Winters
Villain Name:Grizzwolfer
Civilian Appearance:

Villain Appearance:

Personality: As Drake:
A calm, cold and calculating businessman who always succeeds in getting more money for his boss.
As Grizzwolfer: A mad, insane sadist who kills as much as he can kill!
Powers/Abilities: He wields the Metal Claw of Sadness, which makes everyone cry and the Metal Claw of Anger which causes Hate and Discord between people. Even though he's no werewolf, he sure can turn you into one! Also a great acrobat.
Backstory: Born in Russia, Ivan Alexei moved to US under the name of Drake Winters and became a great businessman. He always was a good businessman and always got a lot of money for his bosses... Only for them! He never got anything good! One day he decided to go hunting wolves. The legendary villain Nightwolf found him, scratched him and died. The scratch turned Drake into a werewolf and he got a insane personality that can't be contested! He decided to dub himself Grizzwolfer and became one of the villains.
Villainous Friends:Everyone who could help him kill more. (The people your character can work with)
Heroic Enemies: Every hero! (The people your character fights)
Other:Can Grizzwolfer start off attacking the office building where he worked? Also, the claws are cursed to make the attacked person sad or angry.
Civilian Name: Evelyn Dreat
Nickname: Eve
Superhero Name: Nekko!
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Civilian Appearance: Aimee has pixie cut light/cotton candy pink hair, fluffy and curly. Her eyes are heretochromatic, one blue, the other split into blue and brown. She is a little curvy, and she is quite short. She stands at 4'9, and weighs 100 pounds. She has a ton of freckles scattered across her entire body, head to toe. She wears casual dresses in colors like black, purple, red, and pink. She loves converse and ear cuffs, and has her favorite blue cat beanie that she wears with everything. She is lanky and skinny, with a fast metabolism. She wears red glasses that are wide rimmed.
Superhero Appearance: Nekko wears a flexible black skirt and fishnet leggings, with combat boots that are spiked on the bottom. She wears a black tank top and black fingerless gloves. She has black cat ears and a long black cat tail. She stays the same height, and her hair is the same. She wears a black masquerade mask to cover her face.
Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment. She's shy and soft-spoken. She's a bit of a crybaby, but her intentions are always pure.
Powers/Abilities: Growing Cat ears and tail; Flexible as heck; Uses double pistols/good aim
Backstory: She was born in France as a science experiment. She was raised in a science lab, with her mother. Cat DNA had been slipped into the tube she was made in, so she can make her ears appear and disappear at will. Her parents died when she was 15, so she moved to Virginia with her older friends. They aren't superheroes, though. She fights crime wherever she can; vacation, home, store, anywhere.
Nationality: French
Allies: Practically all the heroes
Villains: Most villians
-French Accent
Civilian Name: Caleb Birch Manzano(named from one of my favorite filipino actor Luis Manzano, manzano means Apple in Spanish.)
Nickname: Caleb, Ci(Pronounced as Si) or Cal
Superhero Name: The Cloak of Ivy
Age: 18 years old.
Gender: Male
Civilian Appearance: He has a wavy Shaggy hairstyle with chocolate blonde hair. He suffers from Heterochromia meaning that he has two eye colors, the left is Cerulean blue and the right is Forest green. He's skin color is natural beige. He is 170 centimeters tall and weighs 60 kg. He always wears tee shirts with environment quotes and shorts in any shade of green. He also has an army backpack and a wristwatch.
Superhero Appearance: Cloak wears a Cloak that is Green on the outside and Black in the inside, a pure pitch black ninja mask with only the right eye visible which is Green. His body is not visible if he wears the cloak, but He has a ninja suit.
Cal is a Sensitive, Underacheiving, Crybaby with a heart of Gold. He has a knack for growing anything from the Kingdom of Plantae and Fungi and wishes to become a botanist one day. He likes to rant about anything related to Botany. He considers his plants to be his friends and no one else. He also likes raisins.
Cloak on the otherhand, is Silent, but Deadly(Not in that kind of way, if you know what I mean.). He is merciful to the innocent and extremely ruthless to the wicked. He will only attack someone if the attack him first. He hates anyone and/or anything that stains the beauty of nature. He is also Calm, Collected and Careful.
Powers/Abilities: Cloak has Botanokinesis(Plant Manipulation)and Mycokinesis(Fungus Manipulation). Cal can control any living organism from the kingdoms of Plantae and Fungi. He can also use it to make sentient life-forms and etc.
Backstory: He was Child who wandered into the woods of Bathala, and suddenly a beautiful figure appeared and gave him powers.(sorry to tired to give more detail)
Nationality: Filipino
Allies: Anyone he can trust
Villains: Anyone he doesn't trust
Other: none

Civilian Name: Sharron Brianna Franklin
Nickname: N/A
Superhero Name: Angel
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Superhero Appearance: She has a pair of angel wings that are quite fluffy, a gold halo on a headband, a long white dress and silver high heels. The wings and halo are, obviously, not real, and are there to stay with the name her fans gave her, Angel. Also, her hair is fully let down, and it is quite long.
Personality: While a regular human, she is very much a girly girl. Expect her to have the latest gossip about makeup, boys and what all the Celebs have been doing recently. Though that is only when she has her friendly nature showing. She can get angry, though the worst you'll get is quite a strong slap to the face. She tends to be kind and friendly. Though if you meet her Superhero side and you are a Villain, you shouldn't expect that side, she doesn't have it. As Angel, she becomes quite a bit more serious, more tomboyish, more badass. She won't take no for an answer, and going against her is a bad idea. She is practical and can use what is around her to her advantage. As well as her motorbike. That too.
Powersr/Abilities: None that are notable. People presume that she has super strength, though it isn't actually true.
Backstory: She comes from an ordinary family, an ordinary life. Though at 16, she took part in helping defeat some villains and quite liked the thrill it gave her. She became a part-time Superhero after that.
Nationality: American
Allies: A few other American Superheroes
Villains: A few Villains she finds around the streets
Other: Due to some sort of reason, she is able to pick up her motorbike and throw it at others, though this may be due to some skill she has gained from training. She will use various types of Guns as well, in her Superhero form.

Civilian Name: Manakel
Nickname: Dragomir
Superhero Name: Manakel
Age: Seems 25?
Gender: Male
Civilian Appearance: He wears more casual clothes than his Superhero outfit(?). His wings are hidden. His hair is brushed back to be neat. The only thing identifying him with his 'Superhero' form is the fact that he has a red streak in his hair.
Personality: He is quite the pacifist, never wanting to hurt anyone else and wanting to keep everyone safe. He is loyal to those he likes enough. If one of his friends get hurt, he strives to get revenge for them, always trying not to harm anyone because of this. Though all of his actions cause another side of him to be built up, one of anger, the side where he is the opposite of how he always acts. This side is one he calls "Vengeful Manakel" for certain reason.
Powers/Abilities: His wings give him the ability of flight, though he can make his wings seem to vanish. Also he can talk to birds and summon them to aid him.
Backstory: Coming from a seemingly normal family, he decided to run away because angst and his backstory calls for it. And one day, while sat on a bench and watching the birds, he quietly called for one to come over, and it did. That was when he learnt about his powers and how they worked. He stayed as positive as he could, though this takes a toll on him. The first time he went into his other "form", he very nearly killed some people. He tries his best to keep it away, though, and tends to do some things like beating up a punching bag or beating up his enemies daily.
Nationality: French
Allies: Anyone who doesn't harm the birds (so some Villains as well)
Villains: Those that do harm birds (some Heros can come in this section)
Other: He quite likes eating bananas, for some reason. That is it.

Civilian Name:
Superhero Name:
Civilian Appearance:
Superhero Appearance:

Civilian Name: Nuria Keegan Britt
Nickname: KeeKee. Nuri.
Villain Name:
Age: 19?
Gender: Female
Civilian Appearance: She has rather long hair which has been dyed red, and it is normally in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. Her eyes are hazel in colour, and they are slightly rounded as well. She is also quite tall, and is of the average weight for her age.
Villain Appearance: She gets a fire-based ninja costume. That makes her true identity hidden.
Personality: She is quite hot tempered and is known to yell at others, though she tries her best to stay calm and not fight with the others she has to work with. She enjoys fighting as it is thrilling to her, and she loves all of the action that happens, so she trains a lot each day for if a situation like that was to ever happen.
Powers/Abilities: She wields fire like it is nothing, and any fire attacks won't harm her either. The warmer the temperature, the stronger her powers get. This makes her naturally radiate heat, as well. And she can use her powers to heal others of most injuries, though ones that are too serious (stuff we wouldn't do anyway) won't be healed as well.
Backstory: She knew she could manipulate fire from a young age, and she caused a fire using her powers as well. Cue a Superhero coming on to save the day and presuming a Villain was behind it. As usual. Which was slightly true... She grew up hating said Superhero and wanted to be their rival, though the Superhero got defeated by their main Villain and doesn't do any Heroing anymore. She is waiting for the right Superhero for her to come along, to be her rival.
Nationality: British
Villainous Friends: Those that don't use water.
Heroic Enemies: Those that do use water. And those that try to ruin her plans.
Other: She has Glaives studded with shiny red gems.
Nickname: KeeKee. Nuri.
Villain Name:
Age: 19?
Gender: Female
Civilian Appearance: She has rather long hair which has been dyed red, and it is normally in a ponytail to keep it out of her face. Her eyes are hazel in colour, and they are slightly rounded as well. She is also quite tall, and is of the average weight for her age.
Villain Appearance: She gets a fire-based ninja costume. That makes her true identity hidden.
Personality: She is quite hot tempered and is known to yell at others, though she tries her best to stay calm and not fight with the others she has to work with. She enjoys fighting as it is thrilling to her, and she loves all of the action that happens, so she trains a lot each day for if a situation like that was to ever happen.
Powers/Abilities: She wields fire like it is nothing, and any fire attacks won't harm her either. The warmer the temperature, the stronger her powers get. This makes her naturally radiate heat, as well. And she can use her powers to heal others of most injuries, though ones that are too serious (stuff we wouldn't do anyway) won't be healed as well.
Backstory: She knew she could manipulate fire from a young age, and she caused a fire using her powers as well. Cue a Superhero coming on to save the day and presuming a Villain was behind it. As usual. Which was slightly true... She grew up hating said Superhero and wanted to be their rival, though the Superhero got defeated by their main Villain and doesn't do any Heroing anymore. She is waiting for the right Superhero for her to come along, to be her rival.
Nationality: British
Villainous Friends: Those that don't use water.
Heroic Enemies: Those that do use water. And those that try to ruin her plans.
Other: She has Glaives studded with shiny red gems.

Civilian Name: Mitch Collins
Nickname: N/A
Villain Name: Snow Sovereign
Age: 21
Gender: Male, seemingly
Civilian Appearance: His hair is light blond in colour, and is rather fluffy and short. He has green eyes which tend to shine when he has an idea, but at no other time. He is around 5'8'' and is of an average weight.
Villain Appearance: As a Villain, he has a light blue cloak, with fluffy edges, and a dark blue outfit. He also has a light blue crown, and he carries a cane with him.
Personality: He tends to be as kind as he can to others, but enjoys to mess with people as well. He lives longer than normal humans due to his slowed ageing which he doesn't know how to stop, so he ages at about half the rate of a normal human. If you do something bad to him then he will never forget what you did and he will get his revenge in one way or another. He is also prone to mood swings and may suddenly act differently to how he acted a few seconds ago.
Powers/Abilities: Aura Vision (So, he can see the auras of others. It is red for enemy, blue for friend and yellow for neutral). He has yet to work out exactly how he can get it to turn on and off. Enhanced Memory (He can remember everything he sees, helping him learn melee moves without practice. It also helps in other situations when he needs to remember specific pieces of information). Slowed Ageing (He ages much slower than a regular human).
Backstory: Nobody knows where he is from, and neither does he. Though what he does know is that the Government want to get him for something he apparently did? He doesn't know what it was that he did though. He has his Villain identity to keep the government off his back, trying to distract them from something he apparently did by making them more interested in something he did actually do... LOGIC!
Nationality: American
Villainous Friends: He works alone. So none.
Heroic Enemies: Those he stand in his way.
Other: Meh...
Nickname: N/A
Villain Name: Snow Sovereign
Age: 21
Gender: Male, seemingly
Civilian Appearance: His hair is light blond in colour, and is rather fluffy and short. He has green eyes which tend to shine when he has an idea, but at no other time. He is around 5'8'' and is of an average weight.
Villain Appearance: As a Villain, he has a light blue cloak, with fluffy edges, and a dark blue outfit. He also has a light blue crown, and he carries a cane with him.
Personality: He tends to be as kind as he can to others, but enjoys to mess with people as well. He lives longer than normal humans due to his slowed ageing which he doesn't know how to stop, so he ages at about half the rate of a normal human. If you do something bad to him then he will never forget what you did and he will get his revenge in one way or another. He is also prone to mood swings and may suddenly act differently to how he acted a few seconds ago.
Powers/Abilities: Aura Vision (So, he can see the auras of others. It is red for enemy, blue for friend and yellow for neutral). He has yet to work out exactly how he can get it to turn on and off. Enhanced Memory (He can remember everything he sees, helping him learn melee moves without practice. It also helps in other situations when he needs to remember specific pieces of information). Slowed Ageing (He ages much slower than a regular human).
Backstory: Nobody knows where he is from, and neither does he. Though what he does know is that the Government want to get him for something he apparently did? He doesn't know what it was that he did though. He has his Villain identity to keep the government off his back, trying to distract them from something he apparently did by making them more interested in something he did actually do... LOGIC!
Nationality: American
Villainous Friends: He works alone. So none.
Heroic Enemies: Those he stand in his way.
Other: Meh...

Civilian Name: He calls himself Rick,
this is due to a person from his past
Nickname: N/A
Villain Name: His government codename, W.E.A.P.O.N.
Age: Unknown. Maybe 25?
Gender: He counts himself as Male
Civilian Appearance: With a recent upgrade he got, he can change his appearance to whatever he wants the features to be (well, he can't change his height. Or build. But he can change himself to have a human skin tone, hair like a humans, eyes like a humans, with a different colour to yellow, and he can also make himself have whatever clothes as well).
Villain Appearance: All he seems to be is just a robot, really, though he isn't any old one. He has a humanoid form and is covered with steel plating. He is about 6'6'', and appears to be of the average weight he would have if he was human. His eyes have yellow LED's to show he is active. His face is like that of a regular humans, though it is more defined by where the plating is and isn't, and he talks like a human as well, but only has one voice tone. He has various scratch marks all over him due to attacks, and he knows which platings he can remove to make himself his preferred weapons.
Personality: To those that he likes, he will show his friendly side. He cares, he helps them, he protects them. Only one human ever saw that side of him though. The side everybody else sees is his more violent and destructive side. The side where he hates everyone, wants to kill them, and he will scan their moves to find out their fight-patterns so he can defeat them. He doesn't need to worry about thinking, his computer-brain does that for him at 50 trillion pieces of data per second. And that's just one of the lower figures he has. Oh, but he can be defeated, he just won't show it, being a Villain and all. He is trying to fit in with human life, he is trying as hard as he can, though spending at least 22 years of your life hating everyone before having the previous year be the one you try to use to start fitting in makes it harder. Even his advanced computer-brain can't grasp some general things he should already know, if he had been able to fit in.
Powers/Abilities: Some form of shapeshifting, though it is only to change his appearance to be more human, just so he could fit in better. He can change certain parts of himself into different weapons, depending on the situation. His strength and endurance is also much greater than an average humans.
Backstory: He was created as part of a government project around 25 years ago, going by the codename W.E.A.P.O.N., and was planned to make the world a better place. Yet he didn't like this and decided to go off to do his own thing. He has caused terror in many places and rejects any Villain's offer to join them, becoming known as the only Villain who has destroyed many other Villain bases before. No Government plan to get him deactivated has worked, and he has been able to disable the kill switch made in him. He can change his power flow to go from different parts, and this is seen mostly when he is fighting as he tends to disable his speaking and eye lights in order to fight faster. There is one human he cares about due to something that happened many years ago. Also, he CAN'T fly. Said thing is when he broke down, and the young male child was the only one who helped him. The child called him "Robot man", though later opted for the name "Rick" because it "Sounded cooler". Sadly, though, the Government located "Rick" and shot the abandoned building down, as well as the child. This caused Rick's hate for humanity in the first place, seeing people from the Government just gun down an innocent child who only had a robot for family.
Nationality: Counted as American.
Villainous Friends: Nobody.
Heroic Enemies: Actually, this is anyone he meets that he decides he hates. So most of the population.
Other: Due to not being a human, he can't actually use the senses of smell and taste. This, however, lets him have his other three senses be enhanced, something normal for advanced robots in this Universe.
Nickname: N/A
Villain Name: His government codename, W.E.A.P.O.N.
Age: Unknown. Maybe 25?
Gender: He counts himself as Male
Civilian Appearance: With a recent upgrade he got, he can change his appearance to whatever he wants the features to be (well, he can't change his height. Or build. But he can change himself to have a human skin tone, hair like a humans, eyes like a humans, with a different colour to yellow, and he can also make himself have whatever clothes as well).
Villain Appearance: All he seems to be is just a robot, really, though he isn't any old one. He has a humanoid form and is covered with steel plating. He is about 6'6'', and appears to be of the average weight he would have if he was human. His eyes have yellow LED's to show he is active. His face is like that of a regular humans, though it is more defined by where the plating is and isn't, and he talks like a human as well, but only has one voice tone. He has various scratch marks all over him due to attacks, and he knows which platings he can remove to make himself his preferred weapons.
Personality: To those that he likes, he will show his friendly side. He cares, he helps them, he protects them. Only one human ever saw that side of him though. The side everybody else sees is his more violent and destructive side. The side where he hates everyone, wants to kill them, and he will scan their moves to find out their fight-patterns so he can defeat them. He doesn't need to worry about thinking, his computer-brain does that for him at 50 trillion pieces of data per second. And that's just one of the lower figures he has. Oh, but he can be defeated, he just won't show it, being a Villain and all. He is trying to fit in with human life, he is trying as hard as he can, though spending at least 22 years of your life hating everyone before having the previous year be the one you try to use to start fitting in makes it harder. Even his advanced computer-brain can't grasp some general things he should already know, if he had been able to fit in.
Powers/Abilities: Some form of shapeshifting, though it is only to change his appearance to be more human, just so he could fit in better. He can change certain parts of himself into different weapons, depending on the situation. His strength and endurance is also much greater than an average humans.
Backstory: He was created as part of a government project around 25 years ago, going by the codename W.E.A.P.O.N., and was planned to make the world a better place. Yet he didn't like this and decided to go off to do his own thing. He has caused terror in many places and rejects any Villain's offer to join them, becoming known as the only Villain who has destroyed many other Villain bases before. No Government plan to get him deactivated has worked, and he has been able to disable the kill switch made in him. He can change his power flow to go from different parts, and this is seen mostly when he is fighting as he tends to disable his speaking and eye lights in order to fight faster. There is one human he cares about due to something that happened many years ago. Also, he CAN'T fly. Said thing is when he broke down, and the young male child was the only one who helped him. The child called him "Robot man", though later opted for the name "Rick" because it "Sounded cooler". Sadly, though, the Government located "Rick" and shot the abandoned building down, as well as the child. This caused Rick's hate for humanity in the first place, seeing people from the Government just gun down an innocent child who only had a robot for family.
Nationality: Counted as American.
Villainous Friends: Nobody.
Heroic Enemies: Actually, this is anyone he meets that he decides he hates. So most of the population.
Other: Due to not being a human, he can't actually use the senses of smell and taste. This, however, lets him have his other three senses be enhanced, something normal for advanced robots in this Universe.
Civilian Name:Fred Grippe
Villain Name:Techno-Scientist
Civilian Appearance:

Villain Appearance:

Personality: Originally just a aspiring scientist who wanted to discover, Grizzwolfer pushed him into one of his own machines and stitched Robot Parts to him, reducing his personality to 0 and making him a mad robot which ran around destroying.
Powers/Abilities: As a metal man, melee attacks are useless on him. Also he can make any poison and acid.
Backstory: Fred Grippe started off as nobody. He gradually started growing in science, eventually becoming No. 20 of World Scientists. He now tries to create a substance made of all chemicals.
Nationality:Hard to believe but he is actually German.
Villainous Friends: Mostly Grizzwolfer.
Heroic Enemies: Every Single One.
Other:I didn't include his transformation in Backstory as I wish for him to transform in the RP.
Civilian Name: Jack Aglaid
Nickname: Jack
Villain Name: Chromos
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Civilian Appearance: Emo, but instead of black, I wear grey and silver
Villain Appearance: Basically this:

Personality: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED) Withdrawn, paranoid, multiple personality disorder
Powers/Abilities: (Upper Limit: 4) Able to pause time, touch ages anything instantly, has a giant scythe.
Backstory: (NO "TBRP" ALLOWED) An innocent child at birth, an evil entity named only Jason invaded Jack's mind turning him to a life of death and destruction.
Nationality: America currently
Villainous Friends: (The people your character can work with) Anyone who is not against him.
Heroic Enemies: (The people your character fights) Anyone who gets in his way.
Other: His scythe can cut through any material but pure souls. Was feared for millions of years as the grim reaper.
@LordChromos: First, I can't accept because of age. It makes it look like you didn't actually read the rules at all. "Emo" might be a set style of clothes to you, but it isn't to me. I don't count these different "styles" as styles BECAUSE it is too stereotypical. I hate that. So that means he hasn't got a good enough apperance because we don't know ANYTHING about what he looks like. You can't just put five words in the personality and think I'll accept that. Especially when the least another person has put is a more detailed sentence, that I can accept. It tells us barely anything about the character, and you need more detail here. The two things that ARE powers are too OP, so that isn't accepted. And I think we already knew about the Scythe from the picture you put in, because it isn't a Power/Ability to own a Scythe. I don't like the backstory. It needs more detail about what happened. The Nationality is about the country they are from. So if he's from America, he'd only be American. You can't change your Nationality. The friends/enemies is practically the same as how everyone else did it so I have nothing to say about that. The IS a power. It should be in that section. But it won't be allowed because that is also too OP for a power. And he can't have been feared for millions of years if he is only 17. Dur. His age is off by several hundred thousand years.
General overview: Your powers are too OP. You are trying to force us to see a style Stereotype, something I don't like. You have not enough detail in backstory and personality. And you don't get how Nationalities and Age works.
Now I would let you change it but I've seen you on the other roleplay and I really don't like how you roleplay. Heck, I prefer how AntonZeck roleplays, mainly because he doesn't have an OP character. He doesn't try to make everything be about his character(s) all the time, and you do like doing that. A lot. I just wanted to point out what'd be wrong with your form IF I was going to accept you first. I'm sorry. Don't report me or call me mean, I'm just being honest.