Forum Thread
Buying Uxie Vouchers
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Buying Uxie VouchersB u y i n g - U x i e - V o u c h e r s ! ♡


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[1] All PH Rules apply.
[2] You send the Vouchers first, or if needed we can go through the Trusted Trading Thread.
→ ! Vouchers cannot be sent through the Delivery System and much be traded through the GTS. !
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What I'm offering

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Sooo.. yeah. I also have a part here in this thread with Lania. Big thanks to her for helping me out here, but this project is mainly mine.

But, I also need Nuggets because Lania's deal is that I pay her Nuggets for every Uxie Voucher she gets for me. So, I also need Nuggets and will accept those as payments for things here as well.
Please keep in mind that I go by a 1,500 PD per Nugget ratio. (1 Nuggets = 1,500 PD).
The rules for me are the same as Lania's.
So, here's what I'm offering.


x1 Mega-Able Weedle

[Trading for 1 Uxie Voucher or 50 Nuggets].
x3 Kyurem

[Trading for 1 Uxie Voucher or 50 Nuggets each. *Willing to add 10-15k PD for a Uxie Voucher.]
x1 Uxie

[Trading for 1 Uxie Voucher. (Will add 40k PD)].
Shiny Pokemon Hunt Slots

Upcoming hunt:

• Payment options: x
Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


x1 Enigma Pearl

[Trading for 1 Uxie Voucher or 60 Nuggets].
x2 Reveal Glasses

[Trading for 1 Uxie Voucher or 60 Nuggets each]. *Willing to add 10k-20k PD for the Uxie Voucher(s)
Here is my progress!