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Severed from Reality - Sign Ups

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Severed from Reality - Sign Ups
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Sat, 22/10/2016 22:19 (8 Years ago)

Unaware to what's going on, you were going through your day normally, before feeling a pain in your right leg.


Then in your left.


You pass out.


When you wake up, your in a black room.

Oh? Your awake. Welcome back, darling. You are now severed from reality. The only way back is through my games. I will be among you, but you won't know who I am.

Many of you...
Will die.


Link to Roleplay - [x]


Must have one character that's fated to die.
Characters must have a weapon.
Normal RP rules
Normal PH rules
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Roleplay Sample:


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Name: "Tessa."
Nickname: "No. Well, some of my friends call me Yumi because I resemble the character from the show Code Lyoko, and my weapon choice, a bow."
Age: "I'm thirteen."
Gender: "Female."

Personality: Shy and kind; TBRPed
Weapon: "A bow."
Friends: "I'm more focused on getting out alive." TBRPed
Family: "My mom and dad, and little sister, but my dad died in a fire. He wasn't the best father."
Crush: "I'm not looking for love. Plus, I cant..."
Roleplay Sample: Tessa drew her bow, hearing the twig crack. "Oh." She growled. "It's just you."
Other: If a character, or two would like her that'd be nice

Name: "Sierra."
Nickname: "The Lady, Lost Girl, Final Sight, and Soul Taker."
Age: "Seven."
Gender: "Female."

Personality: TBRPed
Weapon: "My magical staff."
Friends: "Hehe~ Let's see who I end up being friends with!"
Family: "..."
Crush: "Well, that's an outright question~"
Roleplay Sample: The Lady wandered her maze, smiling. They didn't know it was her, and they would never guess that.
Other: Someone liking her would be nice
-Owner of the Maze
-Themesong [NIGHTCORE]

Name: "Allie or Aaron."
Nickname: "Depends on weather I'm Aaron or Allie. My nickname for either is my other name~"
Age: "14."
Gender: "Depends~"

Personality: TBRPed
Weapon: "Magic. Shapeshifting~"
Friends: "..." TBRPed
Family: "... Gone."
Crush: "W-what?" TBRPed
Roleplay Sample: The genderfluid teen smirked, and shifted into a cheetah. "Well," She purred. "It's me and you."
Other: -Themesong [NIGHTCORE]

Name: Kyah
Nickname: No
Age: 16
Gender: Female.

Personality: TBRPed
Weapon: Sword
Friends: TBRPed
Family: N/A
Crush: TBRPed
Roleplay Sample: The mute teen wandered, unsure of what to do.
-Fated to die
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 19:58 (8 Years ago)
Name: "I'm Nellie."
Nickname: "Nope."
Age: "I'm 13."
Gender: "..." Female

Personality: TBRP
Weapon: "My fists."
Friends: "I dunno, it depends on what you define as a friend." TBRP
Family: "I refuse to respond to that." TBRP
Crush: "What are you, a stalker?" Open
Roleplay Sample: Nellie sighed. She wanted to blame someone, but the only one she had to blame was herself, and that just wouldn't do. She did nothing to deserve this, not like anybody cared.
Other: KILL IT WITH FIREEEEE (Translator: Fated to die)

Name: "Adirah."
Nickname: "I don't have one."
Age: "I'm 15."
Gender: "..." Female

Personality: TBRP
Weapon: "Is it weird I can change my own size? Not more than, like, 30 feet tall, but I can go pretty much as small as I want. Obviously, though, I avoid becoming so small a piece of dust could squish me."
Friends: "Nobody." TBRP
Family: "They're right where I left them, in their house, probably worried sick about me to be honest."
Crush: "As if I'd ever tell you." Open
Roleplay Sample: Adirah looked around and took in her surroundings. She knew she'd probably fail at whatever this 'game' was, but whatever. If she was smart about it, she could make it out alive
Other: she's only magical because Allie/Aaron is so i thought it would be ok. i can change that if u want me to
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 20:13 (8 Years ago)
Name: "Adrin Bonswacy"
Nickname: "Ada, Rin"
Age: "13..."
Gender: "Female..."
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With yellow eyes if that's cool with you

Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoys the present moment. She's shy and quiet, though.
Weapon: She holds up a large, double bladed battle axe too big for her frail body. "This" Odd, she holds it with ease.
Friends: "..." Open
Family: "Only Sarah is left. She's my big sister."
Crush: "Hm?!" Sierra
Roleplay Sample: The skinny girl swung the axe, embedding it in a tree deeply. She hopped onto the other blade, not cutting herself. "Sup?" She smiles, crossing her legs. Her fingers danced on her lap, and she smiled.
-French Accent
-Tangles her English and French

Name: "Sarah Bonswacy!"
Nickname: "No."
Age: "15."
Gender: "I'm a chick."
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And yellow eyes if that's ok

Personality: Rebel, Snarky, TBRPED
Weapon: She shows you her sword, sharp. "This. Back off."
Friends: "..." Open
Family: "Adrin is my precious baby sister, and if you hurt her, I will personally kill you."
Crush: "Heck no." Open
Roleplay Sample: The snarky girl scoffed lightly. "What makes you think I even care about you?" She smirked, rolling her golden eyes. She turned, her hair flowing in the wind as she walked away.
-Same French aspects
-Fated to Die

Name: "The Name's Lex."
Nickname: He mumbles "Lexington..." with a glare.
Age: "15..."
Gender: "I'm a guy, idiot."

Personality: Tbrped
Weapon: He pulls out his double pistols. "Double pistols and a wink~"
Friends: "..." Open
Family: "I..." None
Crush: "No w-way." Wayne
Roleplay Sample: Lex swipes a piece of hair from his eyes, tucking it behind his pierced ear. He runs his tongue over his lips, smirking. "Fancy seeing you here~" He purred, his face inching towards the other's.

Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Sun, 23/10/2016 20:42 (8 Years ago)
Name: "Caramel Chase!"
Nickname: "My friends call me Kara!"
Age: "13.."
Gender: "Female."

Personality: She can be extremely infuriating, and enjoys talking. She has a bit of a dark side, though she often battles herself to keep that side from exploding. She tries her best to stay happy, even if she thinks she's gonna die.
Weapon: "Sword." X
Friends: "..." Open
Family: "... This is getting weird.." None
Crush: "No, none."
Roleplay Sample: The redhead turned her sharp gaze onto the female next to her, eyes darkening slightly. "What, think I'd be happy to see you?"

Name: "Karen Young."
Nickname: "None."
Age: "16.."
Gender: "Female, idiot."

Personality: Very cold and calculating. She doesn't bother to try and be happy, instead, she allows herself to seem unamused by everything.
Weapon: "Bow and Arrow."
Friends: "None. They aren't needed." Open
Family: "Sree's my younger sister."
Crush: "Ew. No."
Roleplay Sample: Her green eyes seemed to bore into her skull. "No." She finally growled, pushing the arrow into the holster on her back. "This is stupid.
Other: Fated to Die

Name: "Sreeni Young."
Nickname: "Sree."
Age: "15."
Gender: "Female."

Personality: She despises fighting, and hates that her sister likes it. She's a gentle little butterfly who hates hurting things, but does it if she has too.
Weapon: "N-No!" She keeps a dagger with her at all times, forced by her sister.
Friends: "I'd say Kara, but I'm not even sure." Open
Family: "Just Karen. Mom and dad died ages ago."
Crush: "None, at the moment."
Roleplay Sample: She flinched, waving her dagger. "I can't kill it!" Her voice sounded forlorn as she looked at the helpless monster in front of her. She couldn't do it.
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 17:29 (8 Years ago)
" My name is Hikari Ao~"
" Umm... you can call me Ao."
" I'm 14 years old..."
" Umm... are you blind? are you Deaf? I am a Dude, and Straight!"

" Uhh... Wayne can you handle this?"
He is a Happy, Nice and friendly person who - for some reason- has no friends. Even though he tries so hard to befriend his fellow classmates, but no really did become his friend. So he became lonely and didn't really talk to anyone he doesn't know."
Weapon: " I have a paint brush that also functions as a magic tool. If you drew a word the ink will turn into it." Note; It cannot make tools, and/or other weapons, but only manipulate the basic four elements: FIRE, WATER, EARTH and AIR. in the surrounding area.
"... Wayne..."
"... I'm an orphan."
"... I don't like anyone."
Roleplay Sample:
Ao was sitting on the grass of the park, he hugged his legs and thought to himself Why am I always alone? why does no one like me? Has the world forsaken the likes of me? Why? He sat there and cried silently.
- Fated to Die
- Doesn't to get close with any group.
- Hates being with others(except Damian)

" Hi, I'm Damian Wayne."
" Nope, But Ao calls me Wayne and only Ao."
" I'm 14 also, but I'm a month older than Ao."
" Ao was right, these people are blind. I'm a Guy, but I'm Bi."

" Umm... Ao."
Damian is a loving, mature and kind person. He loves warm hugs, especially when he's hugging Ao. He is also supportive and generous, and he has a caring heart.
" I can turn Invisible and can make Forcefields."
" Ao is the best friend."
" I'm an orphan as well"
" No one... yet" (Ao)
Roleplay Sample:
Damian ran to the park searching for Ao, he was worried. Ao just stormed his way outside of school. He found him sitting on the grass hugging his legs, as usual he went to him and comforted him. He said " Ao, I'll always be there for you I promise that."
- Fated to live
- Only goes with Ao
- Knows how to cook.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 21:39 (8 Years ago)

@MikuCharacter your images are all broken*
@PhoeniXXTalon Nellie's image is broken*

*The images might only be broken for me. If they are broken for you too, please fix them. It may just be my computer.
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 465
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 22:05 (8 Years ago)
(it's your computer lol
at least for me)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 23:42 (8 Years ago)
(I think it was just your computer ivi)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Mon, 24/10/2016 23:44 (8 Years ago)
(Meh. I might try on another device.
Still accepted.)
Trainerlevel: 21

Forum Posts: 84
Posted: Tue, 25/10/2016 05:47 (8 Years ago)
For me Karen young's picture is broken.