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*Magical Destiny* (Accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up *Magical Destiny* (Accepting)
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 19:13 (8 Years ago)

Just as many prophecies and religions have predicted, the world is coming to an end. How could it not? More and more creatures of Hell have risen and started making their home on our dear planet, Earth. From driving people insane to creating natural disasters, such creatures have been destroying what humans knew as their only home.
I would love to say that this is first time, but it has happened multiple times throughout history. It seems that humans have angered their creator, some would call him god, some would call him alien, but let's not get into that.
Like I said, the world was at its end multiple times. Luckily there was a group of special people, people to whom powers were given and promises were made. Now, just like at the every other end of the world, new people were given abilities. If those people succeed to prevent the end of the world they are sent into special realm, outside this world, where they live looking over it.
Of course there is a catch. Each ''special'' Magical person gets companion, with whom they form pact, that needs to be fed corrupted souls. If companion dies so does the ''owner'' of it. But if Magical person dies or gets corrupted, companion will find a new human to make pact with.

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]- All PH rules
- Don't start posting back and forth with only one person
- Please try to be literate, I don't expect you to write an essay with perfect grammar, but at least try to write a paragraph, password is grey, and by paragraph I mean at least four lines of text
- Subscribe
- Don't mini-mod
- Hide signatures in roleplay thread!
- Detailed posts, please
- Edit out the password once you have been accepted.
- Roleplay thread will be made later on, don't post roleplaying here
- If you don't post for 3 days without explanation your character will be either killed or corrupted and their companion will continue to exist
- If you want out of this roleplay tell me so we can plan how to ''get rid'' of your character
- Use words, if I see links to anything(be it picture or video) I will warn you, but the second time I will ban you from roleplay
- If you don't understand any rule tell me through a message

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- No god-modding, bunnying or Mary Sues
- Character needs to go at least to highschool. It would be weird to parents if their eight year old kid disappeared everyday for a few hours
- Just one characters per person, if you want more you need to ask me
- Character needs to be interesting outside of their power, they need to have a thought out personality. I know magical, powers are cool, but your character needs to be more than their power
- Realistic name, seriously I don't want anyone who is named Princess Wolf Fire
- With last rule in mind, I also don't want you to go overboard with their magical name, it's alright if it contains an element or an animal, but please no titles
- Appearance must be written, because I don't want either art thief or face claiming in this roleplay. Also if I realise that your description of character, second word in password is cat, is uncomfortably familiar I won't accept them
- Magical Boys are just as common as Magical Girls
- Don't write just three or four words as personality description. Be descriptive, it's possible that your character is just ''loyal'' and ''could kill''. I am not saying you can't use it in personality description, but please use more words
- Companions are invisible and have form in which humans can't see them, it means that companion doesn't, normally, look like any animal, but might have some characteristics of an animal. Also it means it probably isn't a wolf or a lion in form that human can see
-Try to have original power


These creatures are the most human like. They live as humans and are not necessarily evil. Most of witches are raised to bring chaos, but some of them choose different path of non hurtful magic.
It's hard to spot witch and defeating them can be a challenge because of magic they use.
2 months of energy for companions


These creatures are pale skinned and they feed on human blood. They have long fangs and blood red eyes. They are corrupted humans.
When fighting a vampire, Sun can be of best help, because it burns them to dust. Other forms of light are good as well. One needs to remove their corrupted soul from their body to kill them.
8 months of energy for companions


Demons are often inhuman looking. They can be separated in four categories:
- Animal Demons - Lowest class of demons. They are made by higher class demons and they have some characteristics of the animal they used to be. Really easy to defeat. Often near their maker. Referred to as Class 4
7 months of energy for companions
- Humanoid Demons - Corrupted humans. Often look pretty humanoid with small exceptions, however their personality is nothing like human. They are cruel and often under rules of one of the main sins. Referred to as Class 3
15 months of energy for companions
- Spirit Demons - This demons are good spirits or human ghosts that have gone corrupted. They have their own rules and can't be seen by normal humans. Their looks often don't resemble anything. Referred to as Class 2
60 months of energy for companions
- Main Demons - Strongest known demons. Extremely rare and it takes at least three Magical persons to beat them. Not much is known about them. Referred to as Class 1 or Sins
200 years of energy for companions


[b]Age: [/b]
[b]Gender: [/b]
[b]Sexuality: [/b]
[b]Magical Name:[/b]
[b]Magical appearance:[/b]
[b]Magical Weapon:[/b]

Accepted characters:

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Name: William Jones
Nickname: Will, Billie
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: William is tall boy, standing at 6' 3''.He gives off elegant look with his slender body build. He has so little muscle that it appears that he has none, but that doesn't mean that he isn't strong. His strenght is, mostly, driven out of his hight.
He has pretty pale skin and ice blue eyes, that, give off warm and naive look. His hair is gold blonde and rests on his shoulders, it looks really soft and it is.
Clothes he wears are comfy black sweater, with sleeves rolled up, and light trousers. He wears purple bandana around his neck and has necklace, tied around his wrist, with onyx that's shaped like fang.
Magical Name: Shadow Taker
Magical appearance: When he transforms into Magical look, his usual clothes gets replaced by dark outfit. He has black bloomer shorts and dress shirt. Over that he has hooded cloak with bat sleeves, that is shorter in front and longer in the back. He has silver detiles, that are mostly runes of old language. His hair gets tied up in back with black and silver bow.
Power: Shadow Mutilation - William can control shadows around him. Shadow that he wants to control needs to be in his eyesight. He has problems with manipulating too small or too big shadows. And most of time shadow needs to come from person he is attacking.
Magical Weapon: Bow and arrows - Will's weapon is a dark wooden bow with shadow made arrows. Its elegantly crafted and has pattern of what seem to be words of old language made out of silver.
Personality: Despite his power over ''dark'', William is pretty bright and warm person. He is really good with kids and animals and he will try his best to befriend you. Unfortunately he can be quite naive and easly falls for trick, mostly because he doesn't see that not all people are nice. He is a big flirt, but gets really weirded out when someone flirts back. He never thinks things through and acts pretty recklessly, what leaves people thinking that he is stupid. However if you give him some problem to solve he will come up with solution. It's obvious that he is really talkative when you meet him, so when he is quiet, it either means that he is thinking about something or something bad is happening, probably both. But if asked he will just back up with bad lies.
Companion: His companion is female black and white cat-like creature with horns on top of her head. Her eyes are purple and she has purple rings around her body and legs. Her fur is soft to touch. It's color changes to normal black and white when she is in form that humans can see. Her name is Beryl.
Other: When he uses magic or shoots arrows from his bow, black flowers appear. They disappear as soon as magic is gone.

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Name: Maxen Quinn
Nickname: Hyena
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual or Straight
Appearance: He stands at 5'9,With brown eyes and hair,the hair is to his ears a bit spiky at the end,His slender and hes fine with this because while
Magical Name: Quinnly Hyena
Magical appearance: His ears grow pointy,his eyes change to yellow and his abilities are increased.
Power: His reflexes are enhanced same with his aim,He also has the ability to create and use string and needles he rarely uses this power finding it creepy because the strings come from veins.
Magical Weapon: A Black pistol with silver lining he calls Eclipse
Personality: He relatively unfriendly,He goes of on his own frequently not really caring what others think,He is over protective though behind the cold exterior he will jump infront of a gun to protect those he cares about,He doesn't really care for relationships or girl friends or anything he just lives life how he likes,He likes milk.
Companion: A black and at 1'7 creature with short yellow horns and holes instead of ears which stands on two feet,and yellow cat like eyes and fur,Its name is Kimiki
Crush: He named himself The Hyena due to his taunting laughter at his opponents and appearance.

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Name: Luna McRay
Nickname: Lulu, Lu
Age: 17 1/2
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Luna has black blue hair usually put in some sort of braid or plait and grey eyes. She will normally wear a black biker jacket, dark blue sweater dress and boots. She has a massive amount of bangles on her arms.
Magical Name: Blue Star
Magical appearance: Bright Blue hair, a deep Blue jumpsuit and knee high boots.
Power: Can calm people down in bad situations and can shoot stars at her enemies.
Magical Weapon: Her catapult, which fires blue stars at enemies.
Personality: She is rather shy, keeping herself to herself, and enjoys transforming as it feels like she is a different person. As Blue Star, she is spunky and confident, sometimes considering herself the leader if the team.
Companion: A female black wolf, with blue eyes and purple spots in her coat. Her name is Midnight.
Crush: A small one on Maxen.

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Name: Molla Cross
Nickname: Mo, Cro
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Mo is a tan girl, with curly red hair. Freckles are at mass along every inch of her body. Her eyes are a hazel/grey mix, with flecks of brown speck lung them. She has a scrawny, thin figure, and looks like if you dropped her she'd crack like a glass doll. She is quite petite, standing at around 4'9. She has dimples when she grins, and three piercings on each ear. She wears a red hoodie with white stripes, and jeans. Her feet bare knee high socks and converse. She keeps her hair ((going to her mid-back)) in a French/Dutch braid, or a ponytail.
Magical Name: Dark Eye
Magical appearance: Her eyes become black pools and her clothing seems to shift to a black tank top and jeans with combat boots. Her hair becomes light, though, almost white. The point is, you wouldn't want to see her in an alley.
Power: She is able to see and sense things seconds before they happen. Her reflex skills become faster.
Magical Weapon: She owns a sword called "Décès"
Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.
Companion: A doe about shoulder height on Mo, with white eyes and white stripes covering her.

Banned Users

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Tue, 20/09/2016 22:24 (8 Years ago)
Name:Maxen Quinn
Age: 19
Gender: M
Sexuality: Heterosexual or Straight
Appearance:He stands at 5'9,With brown eyes and hair,the hair is to his ears a bit spiky at the end,His slender and hes fine with this because while
Magical Name:Quinnly Hyena
Magical appearance:His ears grow pointy,his eyes change to yellow and his abilities are increased.
Power:[/b]His reflexes are enhanced same with his aim,He also has the ability to create and use string and needles he rarely uses this power finding it creepy because the strings come from veins.
Magical Weapon:A Black pistol with silver lining he calls Eclipse
Personality:He relatively unfriendly,He goes of on his own frequently not really caring what others think,He is over protective though behind the cold exterior he will jump infront of a gun to protect those he cares about,He doesn't really care for relationships or girl friends or anything he just lives life how he likes,He likes milk.
Companion:A black and at 1'7 creature with short yellow horns and holes instead of ears which stands on two feet,and yellow cat like eyes and fur,Its name is Kimiki
Other:He named himself The Hyena due to his taunting laughter at his opponents and appearance
Black dog

I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee

Sharing this entire message will also give you a ticket (One share per person)

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Wed, 21/09/2016 20:58 (8 Years ago)
Name: Luna McRay
Nickname: Lulu, Lu
Age: 17 1/2
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Luna has black blue hair usually put in some sort of braid or plait and grey eyes. She will normally wear a black biker jacket, dark blue sweater dress and boots. She has a massive amount of bangles on her arms.
Magical Name: Blue Star
Magical appearance: Bright Blue hair, a deep
Blue jumpsuit and knee high boots.
Power: Can calm people down in bad situations and can shoot stars at her enemies.
Magical Weapon: Her catapult, which fires blue stars at enemies.
She is rather shy, keeping herself to herself, and enjoys transforming as it feels like she is a different person. As Blue Star, she is spunky and confident, sometimes considering herself the leader if the team.
Companion: A female black wolf, with blue eyes and purple spots in her coat. Her name is Midnight.
Crush: A small one on Maxen.
Password: grey cat

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Thu, 22/09/2016 07:14 (8 Years ago)
You both need to contact me before being accepted.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 24/09/2016 08:04 (8 Years ago)
We could start. If everyone wants.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 26/09/2016 21:04 (8 Years ago)
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Name: Molla Cross
Nickname: Mo, Cro
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Mo is a tan girl, with curly red hair. Freckles are at mass along every inch of her body. Her eyes are a hazel/grey mix, with flecks of brown speck lung them. She has a scrawny, thin figure, and looks like if you dropped her she'd crack like a glass doll. She is quite petite, standing at around 4'9. She has dimples when she grins, and three piercings on each ear. She wears a red hoodie with white stripes, and jeans. Her feet bare knee high socks and converse. She keeps her hair ((going to her mid-back)) in a French/Dutch braid, or a ponytail.
Magical Name: Dark Eye
Magical appearance: Her eyes become black pools and her clothing seems to shift to a black tank top and jeans with combat boots. Her hair becomes light, though, almost white. The point is, you wouldn't want to see her in an alley.
Power: She is able to see and sense things seconds before they happen. Her reflex skills become faster.
Magical Weapon: She owns a sword called "Décès"
Personality: Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.
Companion: A doe about shoulder height on Mo, with white eyes and white stripes covering her.
Crush: Open
Other: She will sometimes start speaking in French, her native tongue, and she has a French Accent. someonelikeherplease?
Password:grey cat
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 11:33 (8 Years ago)
Everyone who enters, from now on, will be new to powers and Magical Girl/Boy thing.
Also here is roleplay thread.
We all start with two Animal Demon souls and one Humanoid Demon soul.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 15:39 (8 Years ago)
Can I join?

Name: Sora
Nickname: No
Age: Thirteen
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Unsure
Appearance: Red/Brown hair with hazel eyes (often changes from blue to green to brown), pink dress and leggings, pink slippers
Magical Name: Evora
Magical appearance:
Power: She can talk to animals
Magical Weapon: A small dagger
Personality: Sora is shy and loyal, and her feelings are easy to hurt. She often takes stuff personally and holds grudges due to that.
Companion: A small white cat.
Crush: No
Other: as she is based off me, if it is okay I would like it if people wouldn't have crushes on her
Password: Grey
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 16:18 (8 Years ago)
@EvoraTheSylvurr Anyone can join if they fill form right, what you didn't do.
First of all I don't accept characters answering form, that is big no for me. Could you make explanations a little bit longer? And last your character isn't ''based on Kyoko Sakura''. She is Kyoko Sakura, there is nothing different from Kyoko Sakura and your character.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 650
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 17:15 (8 Years ago)
I changed the form.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Tue, 27/09/2016 17:38 (8 Years ago)
@EvoraTheSylvurr You obviously need help in making OCs, because, if they are not somekind of sona, they shouldn't represent you. You were probably part of other group roleplays on this site and they didn't offer you any knowlage. If you want I can help you make OC, but with I can't accept self-insert.
Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 47
Posted: Thu, 29/09/2016 06:08 (8 Years ago)
Well all my characters Have some component from me weather it's personality a not of appearance or age but there's always a majority of things that are different BTW may not talk again from hours to days
I need help , I have too many combee eggs to handle. Everyone who interacts with an egg has the chance to win a combee

Sharing this entire message will also give you a ticket (One share per person)

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 08:40 (8 Years ago)
@zanester04 It's alright if you give your characters something that rezmbles you, but you can't make character self-insert what means it's you in story. Such characters are Mary Sueish.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 288
Posted: Sun, 09/10/2016 11:54 (8 Years ago)
True! I'm not in many RPs but it is quite annoying.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Thu, 13/10/2016 15:45 (8 Years ago)