Forum Thread
Shiny shop Z
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → Shiny shop Z
I will be hunting a pokemon for myself after my current so everything might be delayed by a day or two
Pokemon I will NOT hunt

I do not hunt megas ((but I do hunt
the pokemon like gardevoir but if you ask for a mega gardevoir hunt
then I will not do it unless you don't want it shiny palpad me if
you don't understand))
Event megas
If the pokemon needs a ditto
Event megas
If the pokemon needs a ditto


1.All PH rules Apply
2.Be patient please as there are a bunch of orders placed you're hunts will take some time to get to
3.If you're buying a shiny from my shop to sell to someone from your own shop then I will NOT do it for you cause then that defeats the purpose of your shop
4.Be kind and nice to the workers and myself cause if not then you'll be put on a banned list
5.Please note we take days, weeks, or etc to hatch the pokemon you want so we would prefer it if you don't sell these so you can turn a profit....doing this to much can result in you getting banned from this shop
2.Be patient please as there are a bunch of orders placed you're hunts will take some time to get to
3.If you're buying a shiny from my shop to sell to someone from your own shop then I will NOT do it for you cause then that defeats the purpose of your shop
4.Be kind and nice to the workers and myself cause if not then you'll be put on a banned list
5.Please note we take days, weeks, or etc to hatch the pokemon you want so we would prefer it if you don't sell these so you can turn a profit....doing this to much can result in you getting banned from this shop
Please read rule 5
I will be hunting Shiny pokemon for people as long as you palpad me or comment here what pokemon that you want hunted ((anything but events))
All I ask for is Nuggets or pd AFTER THEY HATCH the price will depend on what you want hunted and the prince will actually be less then what they normally go for but it will depend on their rarity
Worker slots
pikachuAndEevee help
Currently on hold
Chingling x2 for GetsugaTenshou
3x rattata for DragonSumedh
3x tentacool for DragonSumedh
3x koffing for DragonSumedh
3x ponyta for DragonSumedh
3x sentret for DragonSumedh
3x pichu for DragonSumedh
3x hoot hoot for DragonSumedh
3x cleffa for DragonSumedh
3x igglipuff for DragonSumedh
3x vanillite for DragonSumedh
Alrady paid
Left to pay
xxxx/1200 nuggets
My prices
Easy =50k

Medium =100k or

Hard =150k

Rare =250k




actual prices







Other forms of payment

Shiny pokemon of same rarity

Or any other valuable items like maps, bottled message, and etc
~~~banned people~~~
We've successfully done 32 hunts for people
You have 1 week (7 days) after the shiny hatches to get me the pd or nuggets or I sell the shiny to someone else