Forum Thread
Smol Art Shop!~ [OPEN]
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Smol Art Shop!~ [OPEN]

> Please pay AFTER I finish your
art ^-^
> Dont be mean to others!
> Please hide signature!~
> Password: Meow~
> Dont be mean to others!
> Please hide signature!~
> Password: Meow~

Bye for now!~
Reference: The Blaziken and Pikachu Fusion
Color Of Backround: Anything
Extras: You can also add the mega form too if u want so its like 2 characters, the fusion can be any colour :3
Payment: 20k pd, i'll pay extra if i love the finished painting
Password: Meow~

[Made by Suahh]

Reference: how about a shiny ariados? :3
Color Of Backround: transparent pls
Extras: if you can't do it that's okay, ariados is a complex pokemon to draw. and could you also palpad me when it's done? ty
Payment: 20k??
Type Of Art:Galaxymon
Reference:Alola ninetales and can you add a blue garcidea near her ear?.7.
Extras:Can you make it a pixel avatar?.7.(150 x 150)
Payment:20 normal gems,after it's ready.
Type Of Art: Normal
Backround?: None
Extras: Nope
Payment: 20k PD
Password: Meow~