Forum Thread
ℍomu Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → ℍomu Diarydon't copy my style please

.......Homu Diary
.......irl name: Jasmine
.......birthday: 10/24
.......zodiac: Scorpio
.......blood type: A
.......sexuality: straight
.......race: Asian
.......nationality: American
.......religion: Christian
.......obsession: Homura Akemi
books: Harry Potter &
Battle Royale.......
movie: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas.......
singers: Ellie Goulding & Ariana Grande.......
hobbies: doodling, dreaming, and running....... oranges &
ice The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas.......
singers: Ellie Goulding & Ariana Grande.......
hobbies: doodling, dreaming, and running.......
.......colors: warm pastel colors.......
.......anime: Puella Magi & Hetalia.......
.......manga: Black Butler.......
◆ being alone.......
◆ people who are backstabbers.......
◆ obnoxious children.......
◆ commitment to anything long-term.......
.......◆ sleeping and
waking up◆ people who are backstabbers.......
◆ obnoxious children.......
◆ commitment to anything long-term.......
.......◆ social justice warriors
.......◆ dying
.......◆ people who openly state that they are rude....
..........i really think everyone should at least try to tolerate each other

Pokémon favorites.......

Region: Johto.......
Game: Pokémon HeartGold.......


Region: Johto.......
Game: Pokémon HeartGold.......

.......Personality things
.......◆ INTP
.......◆ lawful evil
.......◆ Yangire
.......◆ super bored
Homu Diary Entry № 4.......

.......Social media and other
Homu Diary Entry № 5.......

Information about art.......
◆ list of current art commissions .......
◆ art is not free unless you're a close friend.......
◆ pixel art and traditional art.......
◆ tablet is broken; can't make other digital art.......
Homu Diary Entry № 6.......
Useful links.......
◆ About me.......
◆ Signature.......
Art I've made
Art from others

Slide me around!
Homu Diary Entry № 9.......

Tana Mongeau
Named after my favorite storytelling YouTuber
Also it's my good friend Nora's birthday (for my time, not server time)
So is this like a goody bag for celebrating my friend's birthday?
Daily irl events.......

◆ As mentioned above, today was my friend's birthday. Love her so so much. ♡ ♡
◆ Ran the mile. Got 7:14 minutes....I stg the people who were timing us screwed up because even though I was the fastest girl (humblebrag), I only beat my first time by one second. And the people who were timing were shouting out different numbers and I got really confused. friends and I are gonna retake it.
◆ I wanna audition for the choir solos. I hope I can do it! >_< I either want the end solo in "And So It Goes" or "I Dreamed A Dream" in the Les Mis Medley. 頑張って!!
Homu Diary Entry № 10.......

.......I think I might change the layout of my diary. Sooner or later, someone will probably be .......complaining the gifs I use gives them an epilepsy attack.
This week's irl events.......

◆ Today was a good day to do nothing. My dad and sis were out fishing so I stayed behind and finished two anime today: Noragami and Nekomonogatari: Kuro.
◆ I also ran five miles today and got my daily average amount of steps to 10,454! I hope I reach 10,500+ steps.
◆ I auditioned for the line "Cosette, I love you very much" in "Castle On A Cloud". I really hope I get it because it's the shortest solo....tbh I don't even know why I want it so much. XD
◆ In Friday humanities, someone made this interesting analogy: Slaves are to their master as students are to Ms. Hurd. AND IT'S PASTED ON A POSTER. She's probably gonna read it and murder everyone in period 5.
◆ I've been reading A Clockwork Orange in my spare time. It's actually a very compelling book, but the terminology gets confusing at times. I just can't tolerate Alex's close-mindedness though. It's crazy that he's only fifteen and doing insane things that I should not mention.
◆ For the rest of fitness testing, I got 30 push ups (retaking that even though I exceeded the healthy zone), 80 sit ups (first time since sixth grade!!), and 17½ for both legs in the sit and reach test.
◆ My choir teacher pulls cards when calling on people, so I helped my friend sneak her card out so he can't call on her. This other guy tried to do it too and he got caught lmao.
Homu Diary Entry № 11.......
.......Today is a typical lazy
Sunday. My dad's car broke so we couldn't go church. :O
.......Anyways, I'm currently waiting for my shiny Eevee to be delivered the GTS. Pretty exciting. I'll edit this post once I receive it.
.......Yato makes me think of Kida Masaomi (even though he's .......voiced by the guy who voiced Izaya). It's all the scarves.

Homu Diary Entry № 12.......

Daily irl events.......

◆ Today I finished reading The Earl & the Fairy, hence the very Rosalie-like drawing.
◆ I have a freaking math quiz tomorrow. But it's alright, I studied....kind of.
◆ My friend shared that her sister parties way too much and has started drinking and smoking. Honestly, I'd be worried for her sister even though it doesn't seem to concern my friend very much.
◆ My mom wanted to check my phone because a family friend of our's had a sixth grader whom was caught arranging a date with a stranger from a different school via iMessage. Well, I was more troubled by her reading girl drama texts, but she seemed to dismiss it. Whew!!
◆ Ms. Hurd update: Someone put a staple in her Diet Coke.
◆ I read a story about some guy's horrifying experience on the dark web (apparently calling it 'the deep web' is for plebeians). I am genuinely terrified now. I'm so glad I don't meddle with anything illegal, because there will always be extreme consequences that may not even be involved with being caught. I'm also very glad that I don't try to arrange dates with strangers. ;)
◆ Nora and I are getting joggers this weekend, either from Forever 21 or American Eagle. I've always wanted a pair ever since that one time my mom didn't let me get a pair of Nike joggers. T_T
Why am I acting like a brat. I am so disgusted by myself.

I know that it's the men's version but they are so very beautiful
Homu Diary Entry № 13.......

What would be the one wish that would make my soul gem shine?
Maybe to pass my algebra two quiz

My freaking algebra two teacher. She's just the worst teacher I have ever had. So we are taking quizzes in her class and we get three tries to get 90% or higher. When two-thirds of the class didn't pass it the first time, she said our tests would be the same, no change in the time limit or the problems. My friends and I just totally shrugged it off because we had prioritized studying for a science exam over our math quiz for the first math quiz day.
Well that teacher is a liar. The quiz was reduced. Shortened. But not in a good way. I don't really want to go into depth over what the quiz was on because I'm super tired, but it covered the unit circle and trig/circular functions. Basically, she took away the part everyone studied for
The reason why I am so pissed is because SHE DIDN'T GIVE US A WARNING. Legit, as soon as I walked into the classroom today was when I found out the quiz was totally different. NONE OF THE STUDENTS WHO HAD TO RETAKE THE QUIZ WERE EVEN READY. And we were all under the impression that the quiz would REMAIN THE SAME.

Homu Diary Entry № 14.......

I started the Contest of the Professors thing. So far, I'm losing. Yay.
Click if you want. I couldn't care less.
I've also decided to keep all my long, bulleted text in spoiler things for easier navigation.
Daily irl events.......

◆ I retook the mile run and got 6:49!
◆ Frustrating quiz update: I actually feel ready. If I wasn't feeling ready, I wouldn't be wasting my time typing this.
◆ In humanities, Ms. Hurd said the winning side of the Civil War simulation we're doing will get to decide the end of the year in class celebration for humanities. We're going with a Ms. Hurd roast session (totally taken from The Office).
Homu Diary Entry № 15.......

.......Today was a BAD day.
.......Though I suppose for PokéHeroes, it was a relatively .......successful day.
The event seems cool. I've always thought in anime, characters that were shrine maidens were cool. I'm a total weeb, sorry.
I also got the red harvest sprite thing.
Are they like a sentai?
Or magical girls??
.......The professor competition thing is coming along smoothly.
.......I've finally passed Professor Oak by six levels!
.......I think the Emera beach is amazing. <3 I am totally in love with the concept and the fishing .......minigame. My best catch as of now is a Gyarados.
.......I am also genuinely curious what tipping the waiter does. I know it's common courtesy to do so, but .......I wonder why it's implemented. It's just an NPC....
Daily irl events.......

◆ I didn't pass the quiz. But if I retake it, my letter grade will revert to what it once was even though my number grade will be lower. I'm so screwed, dammit. I'll have to be taking the quiz at the beginning of the class and then take a math test right after.
◆ I didn't get a choir solo.
◆ I had to retake a science quiz three times in order to move on in this engineering unit we are doing. It got so bad that this boy suggested to me that I copy my answers onto an eraser and then cheat off of it on the quiz. Of course, I didn't do that.
Homu Diary Entry № 16.......

My first shiny from Emera beach
At first I thought the Tentacool were kinda annoying
I changed my mind after this popped out
.......I got another event egg. This one is a male. Miko means shrine maiden. Just saying.
.......My weeb knowledge is finally paying off. :'D
.......Oh yeah and I might've started a new art shop with Pancake. ♡ I'm super behind on my side of the x_x
.......I also got a new signature! c: I'm gonna attach it to this post.
Daily irl events.......

◆ I re-watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion (too much to type so ctrl+v became my friend). I noticed that Kyubey ate Sayaka's soul gem in that bento scene....

*coughing fit*
It's the second time I've watched that movie and I still don't know anything. :D Gahhh, but Homura will always be my girl crush.
◆ I might not be getting joggers this weekend. DDDDDDDD: Nora and I can't figure out a time because she's super busy this four day weekend. And right before our overnight field trip, which is on Tuesday!

Another Homura

Homu Diary Entry № 17.......

.......Whew, I haven't posted in a long time because I was getting my laptop changed.
Overnight field trip.......

◆ The overnight field trip was great omg. The food was awesome and I ate like a pig....which I regretted on our drive back because I felt like puking. The dorms were kind of sketchy and there was this weird barred off section of dirt by the elevators. We saw several plays: The Yeomen of the Guard, Twelfth Night, and Great Expectations.
◇ The Yeomen of the Guard was AWESOME. We got to watch in the Promenade section, which was an immersive experience. Basically, we sat in the middle of the stage as the actors performed around us. The actor playing Shadbolt the jailer took my cap as a joke. My classmates wouldn't stop talking about it afterwards. xD
◇ The version of Twelfth Night that we saw was set in a totally different era, even though the Shakespeare language stayed the same. It was set in the Golden Age of Hollywood, which was pretty cool. There was great music and Feste was hilarious. :D But what was kind of awkward was how one person played both Viola and Sebastian. For the part when the twins were reunited, a screen literally rolled down from the ceiling and projected on it was the same actor but duplicated to show it was Viola and Sebastian.... Also, Olivia looked like she was forty years older than Cesario/Viola which was really creepy when she was hitting on him/her. Oh and I got in trouble for trying to sneak pictures. :0
◇ Great Expectations. I did not have great expectations for Great Expectations because my roommate actually told me in advance that it that it was boring. I had no idea what was going on the whole time. Estella and older Pip pissed me off so much. But younger Pip was cute. And what was worse was that the play ended at 11 PM. I tried to get some sleep but the noise from the play was too disturbing. I'm probably never gonna read the book.

Homura's diamond-shape shield design was crap.
Homu Diary Entry № 18.......

.......Well, currently I have four other Festival Ralts eggs in my egg storage, so I'm off on a decent start. .......What I'm concerned about it the amount of PD I have....that's why I put my Sky Pillar Map and .......a Phione up for auction.

◆ A girl who's kinda my friend met RAINN WILSON. He played Dwight Schrute in The Office.
◆ I want to quit my art lessons and pick up kick boxing. I'm not sure my mom will agree with me though. :(
◆ I woke up at 1 AM on Saturday to wish my "friend" happy birthday lol. I spammed her with pics but she was happy anyways.
◆ I'm soooo behind on homework. These last two weeks of school are gonna be horrible from all the assignments that have been piled up from my carelessness.

I have an unhealthy obsession with drawing Homura, my waifu.
I'm not even the slightest bit gay and I still obsess with this kickbutt kuudere. <33333
Homu Diary Entry № 19.......

.......FIVE MORE DAYS UNTIL SCHOOL'S OUT. And then high school.

.......Oh yeah I finally got the Shiny Rod from the Emera beach! I'm saving up for a Mega Stone.
.......Some beautiful Emera beach shinies:

.......I also got a free shiny Absol from devil13. :'D Such generosity.

Scarlet Shadow
I'm not gonna change the name devil13 gave her. :')
.......I have a surplus of boxes and a meager amount of keys. -_- But my luck has been good. I found two .......maps in the boxes that I've managed to open, and one of them I've already auctioned off because I .......was broke AF. Now I'm back to a healthy 600k PD.
.......I've also been finishing up some commissions. It feels nice to be productive again.
This week's irl events (I'm so behind
; v ; ).......

◆ I just got back from getting bubble tea with a friend. Whee, so much sugar.

I am basic girl trash who thinks she's good at taking pictures of beverages.
◆ Not really from this week but I got I GOT NIKE FREE 5.0 SHOES. It was a surprise from my dad because the last time we went to the employee store, I REALLY wanted these shoes but they ran out of my size. :'( So he ordered them online without my knowledge and gave them to me. I love my dad so much....

Enjoy how the ugly bus floor clashes with the brilliance of my new shoes. I kissed the right shoe. ;) Before I wore them, of course.
◆ Ami, a girl who I used to be best friends with in elementary school, moved away out of the blue. Not even her closest friends know why she moved so suddenly because they had assumed she was moving in the middle of the summer. I feel a mixture of feelings for her unforseen departure.
◆ I'm not getting a B in Algebra 2 anymore. I dropped to a C. Long story short, I've been failing a lot of tests and quizzes. It sucks to be advanced in math but be failing so hard at the same time.
◆ I had a choir concert on Wednesday and IT WAS LIKE PERFORMING IN A FURNACE. There was NO AC inside. You'd think after constant renovations of the auditorium, they'd finally address the air conditioning issue. Anyways, we were sweating our butts off and on stage, our faces reflected from the stage lights because of the sweat. But it went very well, despite the tremendous heat. Lily, my younger sister, got to sit up with my friends and I and they all thought she was cute. Ew.
◆ Today was pizza day and even though I donated zero tokens, my friends shared with me. Love them so so much. :'))))) <3333333333333
◆ I've been watching the dub of Ghost Stories and oml, it is the funniest anime I've ever seen. xD Momoko, the crazy Christian girl, is so funny omg.

◆ I finished reading the Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica manga. I gotta say, the manga made me appreciate the anime much more. The manga seemed too rushed and the art style was too cutesy for me. Also, Homura's shield is so disgusting wtf. And Kyubey's eyes went 0 to 100 real quick.
◆ Nora and I are trying to memorize "Panda" by Desiigner. We don't even know why. We don't even listen to rap music. The lyrics really speak to our soul.
Totally get what this means.
And as Desiigner puts it:
◆ Was bored as heck today in humanities so I made a Marauders Map of my middle school to give to my friend's younger brother who is going into said middle school the coming school year.

Bad pic qual lmao why did i feel the need to say lmao its not even funny kms
◆ I was dragged to a speech today, which ended up being really inspirational. So this girl who got accepted into MIT talked some sense into some baby teenagers like me about creativity and finding motivation. I got to ask a lot of questions about high school and she just told me not to stress about things over the summer. Hopefully I follow her advice.
◆ Five more days of school mentioned above. ; u ; Omg I'm gonna be graduating middle school. Then be a high schooler. Wow.

Not so sure about the boyfriend thing though. I believe in finding your soul mate.
Homu Diary Entry № 20.......

░▒▓ Ⓡⓔⓣⓡⓞ Ⓣⓔⓝⓣⓐⓒⓞⓞⓛ ▓▒░
It's been a quiet day. I went over to meet up with Nora and Paige to study for our math finals. Nora's cat bit my sleeve! Nora and I both hate her cats. Our resentment for the cats go way back, after Nora's first beloved cat, Poppy, ran away. Nora's mom got really sad, so she just went out and adopted two new cats. Now Nora despises her new cats. One is super mean and the other is super dumb.
I've been experimenting with new music. Like I've been listening to less pop music (yes, I don't have good taste in music >_> ) and more of whatever I can find on Amazon Prime, which does not have a lot of music. It suuuucks. But I've found more singers to listen to like Lily Allen. Oh my god I wish I had discovered her before. She has really playful songs that are really fun and catchy to listen to. ♫ ♫ ♫
My sister has friends over, so I'm tryna find ways to occupy myself while being trapped in my room. :/ That's why I've been listening to a ton of music.