Forum Thread
TabyCat12's Breeding Shop CLOS
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → TabyCat12's Breeding Shop CLOSTabyCat12's Breeding Shop (Emera / Event included) CLOSED to New Orders
Hello my name is TabyCat12 and I'm looking to breed Pokemon in exchange for items, PD, and Pokemon I need. I can breed any Pokemon that doesn't need Ditto. Shiny/Mega-able can be ordered but I will not start breeding right away if I have other orders in line. Specific genders can be ordered as well. If you want a male and female pair just say you want a breeding pair. If you don't want your pokemon to evolve tell me and please send everstone(s).You need to send the payment (see payment options below or use ctrl+f) / money (plus at least 1 Electric gem for a shiny/mega able pokemon) before you get the Pokemon you ordered. If you change your username please tell me. If the GTS trade runs out of time and gets taken down I may sell your order to someone else after a month, unless I am told that you will be offline for a while/can't get on due to your personal life or internet issues, etc...
I have 2 posts below with a list of the perfect breeding pairs of pokemon I have.
Emera/Event Pokemon I can breed:
Kanto Emera Pokemon (1st Gen)

Johto Emera Pokemon (2nd Gen)

Hoenn Emera Pokemon (3rd Gen)

Sinnoh Emera Pokemon (4th Gen)

Unova Emera Pokemon (5th Gen)

Kalos Emera Pokemon (6th Gen)

Alola Emera Pokemon (7th Gen)
Selling / Trading Box (Link to up-to date box)
Emera/Event Pokemon UPDATED LIST
Shiny Pokemon
Mega-able Pokemon
Mega Pokemon
Payment Options: PalPad/Comment offers & PalPad when you pay
Maps/Summon Items:
1x full moon island map or yellow lunar wing
Hard Rock
Cold Rock
Light Rock
Any gems but I'm looking for:
Psychic Gems
Dragon Gems
Electric Gems (Need at least one if you want a shiny/mega)
Normal Gems (for a ditto to help with breeding)
2x Energy Roots
14x White Powder
3x Reveal Glass
Rotom forme change items (2x refrigerators, 2x drills, and 2x monitors)
Keys and Boxes
Mega Stones
Rare Candy
2x Focas Sash
2x Douse Drive
1x Shock Drive
2x Burn Drive
2x Red Waiter Dress
1x Green Waiter Dress
PD/Nuggets or Missing Pokemon
Orders To Be Completed:

Akurone 1x shiny shaysola for
5x Electric gems, 1x cold rock, and ?x pd NOT PAID
ShadowLunarWolf Flabébé (Sakura), Mikofoo, Flower girl, Pharraloin, Heartomb, Jolly Jr., Sad Jr., Zomppet, Chocoluv, Easter Slakoth, Plusle (Flirty), Minun (Flirty), Rudolph, Zombeagle, Princess Smoochum, Jesterig, Pumple, Clawfa, Swampras, Slowyore, Gomaseel, Dr.Crazee, Lepreowth For 30 Flying Gem, 27 Grass Gem, 23 Ground gems and 29 normal gems NOT PAID
ShadowLunarWolf Flabébé (Sakura), Mikofoo, Flower girl, Pharraloin, Heartomb, Jolly Jr., Sad Jr., Zomppet, Chocoluv, Easter Slakoth, Plusle (Flirty), Minun (Flirty), Rudolph, Zombeagle, Princess Smoochum, Jesterig, Pumple, Clawfa, Swampras, Slowyore, Gomaseel, Dr.Crazee, Lepreowth For 30 Flying Gem, 27 Grass Gem, 23 Ground gems and 29 normal gems NOT PAID
PAID Orders Ready to Be Set Up On GTS:

MisaAmaneDemonSlayer Slowyore,
Easter Buneary, Flower Girl, Snowling, Knight Axew, Fiesta
Larvesta, Easter Bunnelby, Skugar, and Dralucha NEEDS SET UP IN
Orders to Trade ONCE Paid For :

Sweetevee 1x Lycanroc
(midnight) for ??? NOT PAID
Akurone Cuddlithe breeding pair, 1x female pharrohloin, 1x female pharrohloin, & 1x Female snowling for 5x Electric gems, 1x cold rock, and ?x pd NOT PAID
Akurone Cuddlithe breeding pair, 1x female pharrohloin, 1x female pharrohloin, & 1x Female snowling for 5x Electric gems, 1x cold rock, and ?x pd NOT PAID
Completed Orders:

Ambiebear69 1x female
valenfloon for 30k
ImmatureGuy 1x Blossomly for 15kPD (+5kPD to breed first)
ImmatureGuy 1x Sugar shock & 1x Rodeo scraggy for 30kPD
Akemiei 2x Winter Numel (breeding pair) for 10kPD & 2 electric gems
euro 1x Gomaseel for 10k PD
peaches071 1 Sugar Shock & 1 Sandwebble for Unown D, 10 Electric & 5 Water gems, & 30K PD
BanetteLover 1 Machotide for 20k PD and 3 Christmas gift exchanges
Foxat 1x Blossomly & 1x Lickitung for a Retro Tentacool (got a Slowyore & 7,500 PD as a bonus)
Nymphrasis 1x Tom Nook & 1x Princess Smoochum for 1x Derpatung
Devil0356 1x Surfer Machop for a Mareanie to borrow for an egg (originally a Larviprop)
Devil0356 1x male Lepreowth, 1x Cuddlithe, & 1x male Autumn Kadabra for 1x Dark Blue & 1x Green key
Devil0356 2x Torcharch for 25k PD (down payment), Unown K, 20 Electric & 20 Poison Gems
End_Rose21 1x Flower Boy for 10,000 PD
zerefthedark 2x Shiny Buizel for 360k PD
Awesomeness 1x female and 1x male Cuddlithe for a shock drive, rare candy, 5x normal gems and 2x burn drives
ZnowyOwl 1x Dirndltank & 1x Minun (flirty) for 60x Electric Gems
ShadowLunarWolf Scattercube for 1x star piece and 1x relic copper
Awesomeness 1x Jolly Jr for 2 gold, red, and pink keys & 1x dark blue box
MisaAmaneDemonSlayer1 of each Catercream, Lepreowth,Cuddlithe, Autumn Abra, Surfer Machop, Disguised Exeggcute, Princess Smoochum, Sugar Shock, Summer Mareep, Blossomly, Jesterig, Dirndltank, Ferrerocoal, Chocoluv, Tom Nook, Valenfloon, Flower Boy, Sandwebble, Rodeo Scraggy, Scattercube, for 1 Electric 13 Normal & 11 Water gems, 2 Mystery keys (red & brown), 1x Rare Candy, megable Manectric, Mega Aggron, and PD
ImmatureGuy 1x Blossomly for 15kPD (+5kPD to breed first)
ImmatureGuy 1x Sugar shock & 1x Rodeo scraggy for 30kPD
Akemiei 2x Winter Numel (breeding pair) for 10kPD & 2 electric gems
euro 1x Gomaseel for 10k PD
peaches071 1 Sugar Shock & 1 Sandwebble for Unown D, 10 Electric & 5 Water gems, & 30K PD
BanetteLover 1 Machotide for 20k PD and 3 Christmas gift exchanges
Foxat 1x Blossomly & 1x Lickitung for a Retro Tentacool (got a Slowyore & 7,500 PD as a bonus)
Nymphrasis 1x Tom Nook & 1x Princess Smoochum for 1x Derpatung
Devil0356 1x Surfer Machop for a Mareanie to borrow for an egg (originally a Larviprop)
Devil0356 1x male Lepreowth, 1x Cuddlithe, & 1x male Autumn Kadabra for 1x Dark Blue & 1x Green key
Devil0356 2x Torcharch for 25k PD (down payment), Unown K, 20 Electric & 20 Poison Gems
End_Rose21 1x Flower Boy for 10,000 PD
zerefthedark 2x Shiny Buizel for 360k PD
Awesomeness 1x female and 1x male Cuddlithe for a shock drive, rare candy, 5x normal gems and 2x burn drives
ZnowyOwl 1x Dirndltank & 1x Minun (flirty) for 60x Electric Gems
ShadowLunarWolf Scattercube for 1x star piece and 1x relic copper
Awesomeness 1x Jolly Jr for 2 gold, red, and pink keys & 1x dark blue box
MisaAmaneDemonSlayer1 of each Catercream, Lepreowth,Cuddlithe, Autumn Abra, Surfer Machop, Disguised Exeggcute, Princess Smoochum, Sugar Shock, Summer Mareep, Blossomly, Jesterig, Dirndltank, Ferrerocoal, Chocoluv, Tom Nook, Valenfloon, Flower Boy, Sandwebble, Rodeo Scraggy, Scattercube, for 1 Electric 13 Normal & 11 Water gems, 2 Mystery keys (red & brown), 1x Rare Candy, megable Manectric, Mega Aggron, and PD
Interrupted/Canceled Orders:

Saketo 2x Scattercubes [ordered
w/ Rodeo Scraggy then friend started hunting] CANCELLED
Saketo 1x rodeo scraggy for 30k PD [locked acct.] INTERRUPTED
LuciferMorningstar 3x shiny Buizel for 5 dragon gems (0/3) [locked acct.]INTERRUPTED
Eeveezard 1x SHINY Messenger Fletchling for 550k PD (+ shiny charge of 25x Electric Gems)NOT PAID & CANCELED
Saketo 1x rodeo scraggy for 30k PD [locked acct.] INTERRUPTED
LuciferMorningstar 3x shiny Buizel for 5 dragon gems (0/3) [locked acct.]INTERRUPTED
Eeveezard 1x SHINY Messenger Fletchling for 550k PD (+ shiny charge of 25x Electric Gems)NOT PAID & CANCELED
Thanks for visiting!
Title: Perfect Emera / Event Pokemon Breeding Pairs
#12 Buttercream (Catercream -- Metacream -- Buttercream)
#50 Sproutlett (Sproutlett -- Sproutrio)
#108 Derpatung (Derpatung)
Johto Emera Pokemon (2nd Gen)
#222 Shaysola (Shaysola)
Hoenn Emera Pokemon (3rd Gen)
#255 Torcharch (Torcharch -- Combowsken -- Robin Blaze)
#285 Super Shroom (Super Shroom -- Super Breloomio)
#370 Chocoluv (Chocoluv)
Sinnoh Emera Pokemon (4th Gen)
Unova Emera Pokemon (5th Gen)
Kalos Emera Pokemon (6th Gen)
Alola Emera Pokemon (7th Gen)
Title: Perfect Pokemon Breeding Pairs
#006 Charizard (Charmander -- Charmeleon -- Charizard)
#077 Ponyta (Ponyta -- Rapidash)
#131 Lapras (Lapras)
#133 Eevee (Eevee -- Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Umbreon, Espeon, Glaceon, Leafeon, and Sylveon)
Johto Pokemon (2nd Gen)
#217 Ursaring (Teddiursa -- Ursaring)
Hoenn Pokemon (3rd Gen)
#257 Blaziken (Torchic -- Combusken -- Blaziken)
#308 Medicham (Meditite -- Medicham)
Sinnoh Pokemon (4th Gen)
#402 Kricketune (Kricketot -- Kricketune)
#405 Luxray (Shinx -- Luxio -- Luxray)
#423 Gastrodon (East) (Shellos (East) -- Gastrodon (East))
Unova Pokemon (5th Gen)
#555 Darmanitan (Darumaka -- Darmanitan)
#581 Swanna (Ducklett -- Swanna)
Kalos Pokemon (6th Gen)
#663 Talonflame (Fletchling -- Fletchinder -- Talonflame)
#680 Doublade (Honedge -- Doublade -- Aegislash)
Alola Pokemon (7th Gen)
#750 Mudsdale (Mudbray -- Mudsdale)
#741 Oricorio (Pom-Pom) (Oricorio (Pom-Pom))
#741 Oricorio (Sensu) (Oricorio (Sensu))
#746 Wishiwashi (Wishiwashi)
#756 Shiinotic (Morelull -- Shiinotic)
#777 Togedemaru (Togedemaru)
Autumn Abra
Surfer Machop
Disguised Exeggcute
Princess Smoochum
Sugar Shock
Summer Mareep
Tom Nook
Easter Buneary
Flower Boy
Flower Girl
Rodeo Scraggy
Knight Axew
Fiesta Larvesta
Easter Bunnelby
You could check the events I have and perhaps we can trade ones you need?