Forum Thread
Hernan23Pro's Sprite Requests
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → Hernan23Pro's Sprite RequestsHere you can request some type of sprite of pokemon,and i will do it.

-All PokeHeroes Rules apply here.
-Only 5 requests per post,i don't have SO MUCH time.
-Only 1 request post per day,after 24 hours,you can request one more time :) .
-No spam,insults,etc.
-Price is firm,no more or minor than 1k PD or 50 nuggets.
-Only 5 requests per post,i don't have SO MUCH time.
-Only 1 request post per day,after 24 hours,you can request one more time :) .
-No spam,insults,etc.
-Price is firm,no more or minor than 1k PD or 50 nuggets.
Slots Avariable
Doing sprite requests is long,in my ''free'' time,i can do no more than 5 slots per free time..
STAFF Spriters
Doing sprite requests is hard,so a bit of help with the requests can be good.

How to enter STAFF.
Hey Hernan,i want to joint the STAFF!
Expert as:
I want to be:
-Trainer Maker
How to enter STAFF.
Hey Hernan,i want to joint the STAFF!
Expert as:
I want to be:
-Trainer Maker
Types of Sprite requests
New Color
Simply write this form in the comments:
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to change color!
Pokemon:(Pokemon Here)
Colors:(BE EXTREMELY SPECIFIC!don't simply write''red with yellow,white and blue'',NO,be specific)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to change color!
Colors:Red for his skin,Yellow skin for his wings,White for his chest and Blue for his flame
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to fuse!
Pokemon:(2 to 5 pokemon per request)
Base Pokemon:(select one of the pokemon you want to fuse)
Parts:(Remember,be specific,say pokemon's parts you want to fuse with Base pokemon)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Example 1:
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to fuse!
Base Pokemon:Voltorb
Parts: Exeggcute's eggs next to Voltorb
Pay with PD or Nuggets:Nuggets
Amount to pay:50 Nuggets

Example 2:
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to fuse!
Base Pokemon:Eevee
Parts:Vaporeon's flakes,jolteon's mane and flareon's tail in eevee
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Pallete interchange
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to interchange his palletes!
Pokemon:(2 pokemon only)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Hey Hernan,my pokemon want to interchange his palletes!
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Custom Trainer
Hey Hernan,i want you to make my trainer!
Trainer:(Pokemon Game),(Trainer)
OC(optional):(OC/Link to OC image)
Parts to be changed:(Be specific)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Hey Hernan,i want you to make my trainer!
Trainer:Pokemon Diamond and Pearl,Lucas
Parts to be changed:Simply make it like me
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Mini Pokemon
New Color
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to change color!
Pokemon:(Pokemon Here)
Colors:(BE EXTREMELY SPECIFIC!don't simply write''red with yellow,white and blue'',NO,be specific)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to change color!
Colors:Red for his skin,Yellow skin for his wings,White for his chest and Blue for his flame
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to fuse!
Pokemon:(2 to 5 pokemon per request)
Base Pokemon:(select one of the pokemon you want to fuse)
Parts:(Remember,be specific,say pokemon's parts you want to fuse with Base pokemon)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Example 1:
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to fuse!
Base Pokemon:Voltorb
Parts: Exeggcute's eggs next to Voltorb
Pay with PD or Nuggets:Nuggets
Amount to pay:50 Nuggets

Example 2:
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to fuse!
Base Pokemon:Eevee
Parts:Vaporeon's flakes,jolteon's mane and flareon's tail in eevee
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Pallete interchange
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to interchange his palletes!
Pokemon:(2 pokemon only)
Pay with PD or Nuggets:(You decide)
Amount to pay:1k PD or 50 Nuggets
Hey Hernan,my mini pokemon want to interchange his palletes!
Pay with PD or Nuggets:PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

More coming soon...
Pokemon: Rapidash and Pidgeot
Base Pokemon: Rapidash
Parts: Pidgeot's wings, if possible.
Pay with PD or Nuggets: PD
Amount to pay: 1k PD
What if we put down our signs, crossed over the lines, and loved like You did?"
Trainer: heartgold, Lyra
OC(optional): Me as a trainer please? references: this and this
Parts to be changed: could you make my trainer holding a pokeball in her hand instead of where lyra's purse thing would have been?
Pay with PD or Nuggets: PD
Amount to pay:1k PD

Collecting Chikorita Plushies ~ 6/100

Collecting Rowlet plushies ~3/100
My Pokesona C:

Image Link.
Trainer: I don't know where it's from but could you do this couple?
OC(optional): this as a reference again x) (except this time use both people of course)
Parts to be changed: make their eyes open?
Pay with PD or Nuggets: PD
Amount to pay: 2k PD

Collecting Chikorita Plushies ~ 6/100

Collecting Rowlet plushies ~3/100
My Pokesona C: