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Lost Souls - Literate - [RP]

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Lost Souls - Literate - [RP]
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 01:53 (11 Years ago)
The setup thread can be found here.

Starting Off...
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Well, to start, your Pokemon can be doing a multiple of things. Remember, there is no wild space here. Everything is either urbanized, has roads crossing over it, is being used for farms, etc. Life for Pokemon is very hard, unless your Pokemon happens to be a pet. If you're unsure on how to begin, your character can be doing something, and coincidentally notice the other characters.

RP time: Almost sundown.

Paige adjusted her cap. She dived headfirst into the dumpster, landing lightly on a large piece of carboard, and started rummaging around for anything edible. Her last meal had been better. She had managed to find an entire dinner laid out on a patio table while the family was inside, doing who-knows-what. She had managed to devour almost an entire plate of fruit, and stuff even more into her bag by the time one of the family members came out with a look of disgust on her face and frightened her away. She couldn't blame them. She was rather dirty and worn-out looking.

Paige wasn't sure about other Pokemon, but she guessed it wasn't any better for them. If only I'd been born a Salamence, she thought, then I could scare humans into giving me all their food. She thought harder for a bit. No, then I would get the pest control called on me. Or maybe captured and put into one of those working places they put all the big Pokemon. On second thought, I'm glad I'm a Furret.

She at last found a gold nugget - a salad in a plastic case. It was already mostly gone, but hey, it was food. Paige grabbed the container, wiggled around until she was free of trash, and hopped out of the dumpster. She opened up the container and began to eat. Ah, at least it's not overripe fruit.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 02:10 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki ducked, trying to hide herself. She hated this area, but she had to pass through here almost everyday to get to her favorite place. She jumped, whimpering in pain as she dodged objects being thrown at her. She looked around at a cost, getting hit by a can, on the side of her neck. She let out a louder whimper. Her fur and skin were quite sensitive, her being a psychic type and all.

At last Tsuki spotted a way out. Making a run for it, she jumped over a knocked down garbage can, and dodged behind a couple of buildings, hiding in the shadows as she ran. She dodged past some of the humans who were taking short cuts or doing things she didn't even want to think about. She just wanted to get away.

Finally, it seemed, she was able to get into the older part of town where there were a few emptied, abandoned buildings. With a quick look around to make sure the coast was clear, she ducked inside the one that looked the worst. She ran faster, almost able to feel the sunshine on her fur. After a few moments she was able to make it up to the roof, jumping through a hole in the ceiling on the highest floor.

She sighed, shaking her fur out, before lying down, curling up into a ball. Staring up at the sky she sighed sadly. Why did she have to be born in this time? Why couldn't things be better for the pokemon of her time? What exactly did they do wrong that could've caused them to receive this treatment?

Yoru grinned dodging around the screaming people of the town. This was fun. Life was a game, wasn't it? Especially in a world like this. He ducked as he saw an item being thrown his way before running a bit faster. He was starting to get a bit hungry, after playing a prank on one of the rudest families in this town. He'd managed to steal some grub and stuffed it in a bag he'd found earlier.

Seeing an empty alleyway he ran towards it, hiding in the shadows. With his black and dark red fur, he'd be able to hide easily. He waited a few minutes before declaring the coast clear, and snuck out of the shadows, venturing deeper into the alley.

He stopped when he saw someone. 'A Furret?' he thought. He shrugged before getting a bit closer. He saw it eating what seemed to be a small amount of left-over salad. "Hey!" he called out to them. He had enough food. If this Furret wanted some, why not share?

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 06:39 (11 Years ago)
Paige looked up quickly when a voice sounded from behind her. She whirled around, seeing a Zorua standing a distance away from her. She slammed her salad container shut, and quickly swallowed a mouthful of lettuce.

"This is my salad, you hear me?!" she said. "MEIN. Go get your own salad!" She flattened her ears, and jumped on top of a garbage can, then onto the edge of the dumpster. She waved her paws.

"Now, shoo shoo, before I have to make you go away by other means." She popped the container lid open, and resumed eating. Through a mouthful of food, she said, "Go doh uteffer ih ish tat shoruash do." I can't trust anyone anymore, the Furret thought. Not after the Joltik incident. And before that, there was that run-in with that Mightyena. Man, he was mean...

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 15:45 (11 Years ago)
Maggie floated around the building she had made her home. It was old, creeky, and dark, even in the brightest day. That's just how she liked it. The humans wouldn't come here, because while they disliked pokemon, Ghosts like her still managed to make them run. She knew it was lucky, still, that no exterminator had been called. Apparently she was the only one who wanted this building.

Well, that was a bit of a lie. Other ghost pokemon had come seeking refuge. At first she allowed some to stay for the day, but after many tried to take up permanent residence, she started kicking them out. This was her home, and her prey was the brave little human kids that came in here. Of course, she did not hurt them, but she lived on their little terrified screams. Yet something inside nudged her for something more than this life. Well, more like some one.

Even now as she drifted around with boredom, waiting for the sun to set fully, she felt Giratina's presence. Suddenly, she caught sight of purple fur. Curious, she watched the pokemon silently from the shadows. An Espeon, great. She hated psychic types, they were annoying to remove. But this one continued onto the roof. Drifting after, she watched silently, avoiding the beams of light that drifted into this room. So she drifted quietly and plotted how to scare this one away.

No came Giratina's quiet hiss. He never spoke much, it was too hard for him, but he did when something was very important. If he wanted her to leave the Espeon alone, then she would. He must know something she didn't, after all.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 15:55 (11 Years ago)
Karis looked around his small house, making sure there were no intruders. He needed to protect the den, as without it Karis would not be able to survive. He saw his berries were ready to be harvested. As Karis took the berries. He heard a rustle. "Not again, this amulet must attract intruders! I've had more intruders this week then ever. It must be something special, or more special..." Karis thought to himself as a Ledian flew off "Just a Ledian, great. Thought it was a harmful, heartless intruder." Karis said before getting blasted harshly by an ever so fast String Shot as he got tied to a tree. "Heh, I'll get out of this...I hope..." Karis said. He noticed something moving, appearing to be a Mismagius. "Hey you, Mismagius! Mind helping me?"

Proud owner of first Treecko and Grovyle on the site.
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 18:06 (11 Years ago)
Yoru looked at the Furret in confusion. "Look I uh, don't want your salad." he said, shrugging the bag off of his body. "I got some meat and some other stuff. Want some?" he asked.

Honestly, he didn't care if the Furret wanted some or not. His stupid conscious had to get in the way when he saw the thing, and he knew if he didn't at least offer some food, it'd drive him nuts, and cost him some valuable prank or sleep time. Those were the two things of his you do not mess with.

Tsuki stiffened, her fur standing on end. She hissed softly in displeasure. Of course someone would find her in her sanctuary. The only place she could be alone without getting hurt. Where she could feel the wind and the sunlight on her fur, and relax. It was a rare thing for anyone to relax nowadays.

Tsuki looked around before slowly moving in circles, her eyes and senses peeled for anything dangerous. She was tired, and didn't want to deal with anything else. At the sound of a voice, she stiffened again. Growling softly, she called out, "Who's there?!"

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 20:10 (11 Years ago)
Maggie shrank back at first when the Espeon noticed her, afraid it might attack. But, when no attack came, she drifted just barely into view, still staying out of the light, so its hard to say if she was truely visible. "Who are you?" she asked quietly. When another voice broke the darkness, she shrank away again. Peering from the shadows at this new voice, she spotted the Houndour stuck to a tree growing through the old house. It was long dead now. Spotting the Ledian attacker, she blasted it with a quick Astonish, then drifted over.

"No attacking, right?" she asked the Houndour intensely. It was a dark type, and like psychic types, annoying to be rid of. If it planned to hurt her, she would not help it.

This one, too Giratina spoke to her. Cocking her head slightly, she studied the pokemon. There seemed to be nothing special that she could tell, but if Giratina saw something, she would trust it. So without waiting for an answer, she used lick on the String Shot, and the web dissolved. Immediately, she drifted away, back towards where the Espeon was.

"Sorry. Who are you?" she repeated the question earnestly.
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 20:18 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki stiffened, crouching low, ready to attack if she was first attacked. "Tsukiakari. Now can you answer me? Who are you?" she wanted answers. She hated it when she was snuck up on. it made her think of how life was for other pokemon the ones in this time and the ones from the past. Being snuck up on and watched gave away your weaknesses, and ways to get to you and hurt you.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 196
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 20:49 (11 Years ago)
"Tsukiakari..." she murmured to herself, committing the name to memmory. "Maggie." She finally replied simply after a minute to the Espeon. "Don't attack, okay?" she ordered, then drifted off again, bits of ghostly wisps trailing behind her. Back in her own home down the stairs, she floated around, unsettled.

Giratina, why? she questioned the legendary silently.

You will know in time was his simple answer. Maggie floated low to the ground, frustrated. She didn't like these types. They were dangerous, hard to keep out of her home. They made her uncomfortable, but she was not allowed to scare them away. She'd always trusted that voice in her head, that presence that had been with her since she was just a tiny Misdreavous. Why should she stop trusting now?
Avatar courtesy of ninetails12

^By uranianUmbra, sprite by MikanRin^

Like Gijinkas? How 'bout some twisted science? Perhaps even apocalyptic vibes? Yes? Then you should check out my fan fic : The End We Wrought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 20:50 (11 Years ago)
Paige looked down at her plastic salad container, now empty. Her stomach growled, barely audible. Leaves and croutons weren't the most filling sources of food. Although her ears flattened, she replied with a small "Yes." She tossed the trash into the dumpster and approached the Zorua.

"I'd like to know your name, at least," she said, with slight hesitation in her voice. "And how can I know that this food of yours isn't poisoned? For all I know, you could be trying to take over my base." She paused. "Wait, are you...?" She shook her head. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else for a second."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 23:05 (11 Years ago)
Yoru grinned, and tossed the bag over. "Name's Yoru!" he grinned. "I stole it from one of the families that treat us pokemon the worst." he snickered. "Best. Prank. Ever!" he grinned. He watched her for a moment. "If you want I'll eat some first. I got nothing to loose." he said with a shrug, moving closer so he could get back to the bag.

He nudged the flap open, and pulled out an apple. "And what's your name?" he asked, sitting down taking a bite out of the fresh fruit. "Never seen you around before." he said then went quiet. "Well then again, I never really come down this way...."

Tsuki slowly calmed down, forcing her fur to lie flat. She took a deep breath before forcing her muscles to relax. What the heck was that about? She'd never before sensed a Mismagius in all the times she'd been coming here. In fact this was the first time she'd ever met someone down here. 'Maggie...Just who is she?' she thought, before shaking her head and lying down again.

"How is it my business if she lives here." she muttered. "All that 'belongs' to me is the roof..." she muttered to herself sarcastically.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 23:42 (11 Years ago)
The furret took a peach from the bag. "I'm Paige," she said. She took a bite out of the peach, staring at the fruit. I wonder...

"Hey," she started, "if you're not that hungry, would you mind if I took the rest of the food?" She paused. "It's just that, I've got this thing..." she trailed off. Should she tell the Zorua? Although, he was a dark type, so it might be best to just let him continue on. But, he did give me this food... Paige finished the peach quickly, trying not to let juice spill all over her, and eating every bit she could. There was no point in wasting precious fruit. She licked her paws and wiped her mouth clean.

"Just how much stuff have you got in there?" she asked.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 27/07/2013 23:46 (11 Years ago)
Yoru tilted his head in confusion. "Uhh...I dunno. I stole the bag and the food and I really wasn't paying attention when I started shoving food in there. I was just watching the faces of those idiots. Priceless." he chuckled.

He stood up again, shoving his nose back into the bag, and pulling out a piece of deli meat along with some strawberries. Chewing on the meat for a moment he watched her silently. Swallowing the food, he spoke again, "Take whatever you want, just leave the bag. It's handy for stealing and playing pranks." he said with a mischievous grin as he ate a strawberry.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 00:11 (11 Years ago)
Saying nothing, Paige began to pull food out of the bag and put in into hers, filling it up. When she was done, there was still just under half of the food left in Yoru's bag. She adjusted her shoulder strap and made sure her bag was buttoned tight. She nodded at Yoru.

"By the way, thanks," she said. She started to leave the alley, and peeked around the building corner. She was about to take off, but she turned.

"Tell you what," she said. "If you can keep up with me, I'll let you have a look inside my secret base." With that, she ran around the corner.

Traveling the city was risky, but traffic was starting to calm down. She dodged a few of the new hoverboards, and dashed across the street with a couple pedestrians. She took a few turns, running through the occasional alley, until she came to a small hole in the ground in the quieter part of the city, just large enough for her to squeeze through. She slipped down it, not bothering to see if Yoru had been following her, falling a short distance before landing on a raised platform.

This was her "secret base". The inside was dimly lit from light reflected down by mirrors, and the ceiling was tall enough for even a short human to stand, although they could never fit through the hole. It seems like I'm the only one here...Nebula must be out doing something. Paige jumped down from the tall platform that was under the entrance.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 00:18 (11 Years ago)
Yoru grinned, but took his time and shrugged the bag over his head, so it was laying across his body. Giving himself a quick shake to stretch his neck, he ran taking off after Paige.

He ran around the corner and sped off, staying far behind, but close enough that he could keep her in his sights. He cackled happily as he heard the few screams from some of the left over humans in the city. He was having so much fun. Perhaps offering food to Paige was a good idea.

He slowed down when he saw her slip into a hole in the ground. "Huh..." he muttered trotting up to it. He peered in. "Interesting." he said, and slipped inside, falling the short distance before landing on the raised platform.

Looking around Yoru grinned, jumping down. "This is awesome!" he exclaimed. "How'd you find this?" he asked, his eyes shining.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 03:31 (11 Years ago)
Paige smiled. "Glad you think it's cool. Originally we found this as an abandoned burrow, but after a bit of excavating, we managed to make this much roomier, and even added rooms. We're currently working on expanding the storage room so we can hopefully start stocking it up." She flicked her tail back and forth.

"I can probably give you a tour if you'd like, not that there's much too look at. Of course there's that small fee." She paused. "I'm kidding, don't worry. Anyways, this is the living room." Paige pointed to a small tunnel.

"That goes to my room. Over here," she walked over to a hole that could have been a doorway, "this is the library. Watch out for the big pit in the middle, there's going to be a swimming pool there."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 05:43 (11 Years ago)
Aurora was swimming elegantly through a man-made stream. She tried to keep herself hidden from others, but it hard with her glistening golden tips, on her 'wings'. Every now and then a Pokemon would notice her swimming by. She wished her time-freezing powers would work now, like they did against that Gyarados.

Speaking of those powers, how exactly did she use them? She pondered about them as she swam: It's like there was the huge roar of Dialga that went through my head, and then time froze. Just as I thought I would be defeated by that Gyarados, it happened. When I got far away from it, time flowed, again, like normal.

She decided she would stop swimming, and got out of the water to bask in the sun, a bit. She saw a couple of Pokemon chasing each other and her eyes instantly went in their direction. She noticed that they were a little different. [i]Just like me...
She went a little closer to them and eavesdropped, wondering if they could possibly have gone through the same thing as her.

She has always been teased and stared at for her slightly different wingtip colors. She always tried to stay hidden from people, knowing that many would try to capture her for her rare color. She's seen it happen to a few Pokemon, even a shiny Dratini she had a crush on in her younger years. She always told herself that she wouldn't let that happen to her.

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 19:18 (11 Years ago)
Tsuki blinked from her hiding spot in the alley. After resting a while she'd finally gotten up and decided to find some place to stay for the night. So she'd started to make her way back through town. She was taking a small break from running when she saw it.

A Dragonair with golden wing tips. She was a bit different from the rest of her kind. 'Just like me...' Tsuki thought sadly, looking down at her paws. What kind of Espeon had white patches in her fur? She took a breath before stepping out of the shadows, moving slowly towards the Dragonair. "Ahhh..." she stuttered. "Hi there..."

Yoru grinned and scampered over to the hole. "How deep is it going to be?" he called back to Paige. His mind was going nuts over all the cool things he was seeing. He wondered if he stayed here a bit longer, if he could come up with some new ideas for pranks.

His mind drifted back to his last prank where he got all that food from, as he continued to wander around. That prank was hilarious. Who knew spying on a couple of human kids could end up being so beneficial. He had watched as a couple kids set up a bucket full of water on top of a door. They rigged it so that when someone opened the door the bucket full of water fell on the person.

He thought it was genius. So he recreated it, set it up at the house of the rudest people around, and for the finale had them watch him steal their stuff and food. It was just awesome.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 22:12 (11 Years ago)
"Well, we're still making it deeper, but we think it's going to be at least three feet deep, if not more. We've still got half a foot more to dig, though," Paige said. "And don't touch anything on the shelves. You could knock something down." She pointed to the various objects on shelves that had been dug out from the walls, and had wooden planks put between the spaces. There was everything from water bottles to pencils.

A bright flash came from the living room. "Oh!" said Paige, "That's my partner! Stay here." She ran into the room, where a Gardevoir stood. "Just so you know, there's a Zorua here. His name is Yoru. He gave me some food, see?" She held her bag up to the Gardevoir, who nodded. The two walked together into the library. "Yoru, this is my partner in crime, Nebula. Nebula, this is Yoru." The Gardevoir gave a small wave.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Sun, 28/07/2013 22:15 (11 Years ago)
Yoru nodded absent mindedly as he wandered around, but snapped out of it when he heard her say her partner was there. Waiting, as he was told, he sat down and yawned. 'When was the last time I got some good sleep?' he asked himself, but shrugged a minute later, not caring.

He looked up when Paige came back with a Gardevoir in tow. At the words 'partner in crime' his eyes got a mischievous twinkle in them. "Crime?" he asked.