Forum Thread
Lab Escape! PokeHuman RP! Signups OPEN!!!
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Lab Escape! PokeHuman RP! Signups OPEN!!!Actual RP: Here

-All Roleplay rules
-All Pokeheroes rules
-Code word: Nyan
-Try not to repeat Pokemon(Though its fine if you really want to.)
-Edit code word out after being accepted
-Be nice!

-Character Name-
-Code Word-
My Characters:

-Character Name- Silver
-Age- About 15
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Absol
-Perma-Mega?- Yes
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- Quiet, shy, and reserved, unless you are her friend.
-Extras- She is a Perma-Mega Absol that can use her wings to actually fly. Uses two katana to fight.
-Character Name- Shadow
-Age- 13
-Gender- Male
-Pokemon- Sableye
-Perma-Mega?- Yes
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- Slightly Insane, but nice.
-Extras- Eats gemstones, and uses a ruby sword and shield in combat.
-Character Name- Sora
-Age- 16
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Zoroark
-Perma-Mega?- No
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- Fashion conscious and freindly
-Extras- Has extreamly sharp claw-like fingernails. Uses a Spear as her weapon.
-Character Name- Shade
-Age- 16
-Gender- Male
-Pokemon- Umbreon
-Perma-Mega?- No
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- Calm, even in battle. Usually very quiet.
-Extras- Lost one eye. Attacks with balls of dark energy.
-Character Name- Lucas
-Age- 17-18
-Gender- Male
-Pokemon- Lucario
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- Quiet, but will always defend his friends when needed.
-Extras- A master at using aura, he can create a sword from pure auric power.
-Username- TheMemeOne
-Character Name- Hopesong
-Age- 15
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Altaria
-Perma-Mega?- Yes

-Personality- Hopesong is full of hope for the future and she is happy and honest. She can't be trusted with too many secrets because of this, but does her best.
-Extras- Looks up to Arcti
-Code Word-
-Username- TheMemeOne
-Character Name- Arcti
-Age- 23
-Gender- Male
-Pokemon- Togekiss
-Perma-Mega?- Cant even
-Appearance- Ok I couldn't find a good image so.... He is about 6 feet tall and has pale skin. He has a white shirt with blue and red triangles and spots [like a Togekiss]. He has skinny bluejeans with black boots. He has white arm-wings that he flies with.
-Personality- Arcti is hateful and dishonest, and prefers alone time rather than being with others. He is traitorous and secretive, so you can keep a secret with him.
-Extras- He knows that Hopesong looks up to him, but ignores her.
-Code Word-
-Username- TheMemeOne
-Character Name- Meiya
-Age- 17
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Milotic
-Perma-Mega?- Nope

-Personality- Meiya is calm and quiet, and is often distracting someone rather than being away. She is not very ambitious but is friendly-ish.
-Extras- Not sure what to put here.
-Code Word-
-Username- poland0202
-Character Name- Bolt
-Age- 20
-Gender- Male
-Pokemon- Jolteon
-Perma-Mega?- No

-Personality- Not much of a talker, usually keeps to himself. But once you become his friend he is loyal and will stand by you.
-Extras- Uses dual swords to fight that are charged with electricity for added measure.
-Code Word-
-Username- poland0202
-Character Name- Amber
-Age- 20
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Charizard X
-Perma-Mega?- Yes

-Personality- She has a fiery personality, and will usually argue back against someone. She can be very sarcastic at times but never really means any mean comments she may fire off.
-Extras- No weapons needed, can manipulate fire.
-Code Word-
-Username- Neptune
-Character Name- Marie
-Age- 15
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Leafeon
-Perma-Mega?- No.
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- She is a very nice and quiet girl, whom loves nature and animals. She is also very polite, with good manners.
-Extras- Her weapon is a one handed sword.
-Code Word- Nyan

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
-Character Name- Frost
-Age- 20
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Articuno
-Perma-Mega?- Nah
-Personality- Shy, but friendly when you get to know her.
-Extras- Freezes things around her when she's scared
-Code Word- Nyan
Character name: Archer
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Pokemon: Riolu
Permal mega: No
Appearance: Wears a blue scarf
Personality: Likes to have fun, but loves fighting and can become reckless at times. Friendly to others that are friendly to him.
Code word:
-Character Name- Aurora
-Age- 19
-Gender- Female
-Pokemon- Gardevoir
-Perma-Mega?- Mega but not permanent (if that is okay?)
-Appearance- Here
-Personality- To anyone she has deemed her friend, she is strong willed, sweet, energetic, and protective. At first glance, however, she can seem cold, quiet, and uncaring.
-Extras- She can use her psychic abilities to manipulate the things around her, especially with long range attacks and foes. However, she uses a sword that channels her psychic power when fighting close combat, or whenever she feels the need to use it.
-Code Word- ~Nyan~