Forum Thread
Char's Adopt Shop
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Char's Adopt Shop
The Story

You're walking along a wooded path
through a beautiful forest. You've lost track of time and realize
that it's starting to get dark, perhaps you shouldn't have stopped
to take a nap earlier. Anyways, you keep walking through the
forest, the once welcoming trees, now enveloped in darkness loom
over you, threatening to grab you. Looking down the path you see a
light in a window. There's a small cabin with a lantern hanging off
the deck. There's a sign off of the corner of the building. "All
are welcome." So you step up to the door and go to knock, only for
the door to open and a female Charizard is standing there, she
seems to be smiling. "Hello, what are you doing out here so late?
Come in, come in." She steps aside and lets you enter. The cabin
smells faintly of cinnamon and various other sweet spices. All
along the walls are shelves with odd looking stuffed animals. The
Charizard motions to a chair by the fireplace. "Have a seat while I
get you some tea." You sit down and you nearly leap out of the seat
as you realize that the stuffed animals are moving. The Charizard
returns and hands you a cup of tea. "Oh, don't mind them, they're
all friendly. I've rescued them from various parts of the forest."
You spend the evening chatting and discussing the creatures until
finally the Charizard shows you to a couch and you lay down and
almost instantly fall asleep. When you wake in the morning you eat
a lovely meal prepared by the Charizard and before you leave the
Charizard offers you your choice of one of the many creatures as a
friend in your travels.
What I Do/Rules
The Charizard stands in front of you and hands you a scroll of paper. "Now I know this is all boring, but it's very important."
I will do custom colorings of the line art that I have made for you.
(If you have an idea on a creature(s) I could add in let me know!)
2. PH Rules apply here.
3. Please don't ask for anything other than a coloration of my line art.
(Mostly because I don't think I'm good enough to draw something to your satisfaction.)
4. If I have an auction please bid in PD only.
5. You are allowed to make minor changes to your creature. Like adding accessories like scars, wings, jewelry, glasses, etc. or you can ask me to do them for you.
The Line Art
The Forms
The Current Auction

A festive Gurox showing off his holiday style!
Auction ends on
Current Highest Bidder: Closed
The Slots for Customs
1. BillCipher ~ Gurox ~ 5k PD
Username: Vaporeon_Lover
Line Art Creature: Fox
How do you want it colored: ok
Additional items or apparel: link chained necklace/ribbon on the tip of the tail
Payment: 1,000 PD
Made by: Me!

haha, old art with a link that doesn't work, am I right?
DragonisPrime won the auction with 65k PD!!
A new auction will be put up soon! ;)
Line Art Creature: Sumaduh
How do you want it colored: [Seemingly] glowing, yellow eyes. Fluffy white chest. Black underbelly. Rest of the fur is a mix of light gray and white, making it almost seem like snow. At the hooves, there are cyan swirls that go about halfway up the leg. Antlers are an auburn color. This in the center of her forehead, cyan colored (if showing). The tail follows the pelt pattern, but is made up of feathers.
Additional items or apparel: A dark gray chain around the hind right leg (with specks of blood around it). It is chained into the ground.
Other: Should I make this simpler? o3o
Payment: 75k