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Living in DWMA (Soul Eater rp)

Forum-Index Roleplay Living in DWMA (Soul Eater rp)
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 15:58 (9 Years ago)
"A strong soul dwells in a strong body and in a strong mind."

"Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy, also called DWMA. I'm your principal, Lord Shinigami. This is not exactly a school, this is an organization that protects Peace. And now... would you mind to begin?"

(This is just for the game.Go here to sign up )

-Jack the ripper (London) EXECUTED
-Demonic priest Rasputin (St. Pietersburg) EXECUTED
-Al capone (New York) EXECUTED
-Blair the cat witch (Death City)
-Bloody Mary, Queen of evil (London)
-Diabolic Thief, Lupin (Death City)
Kishin egg count
Mikako 1
Kiriha 0
Bennett 1
Alex 1
Gin 0
Eve 0
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 17:18 (9 Years ago)
Mike enters the main building, a badge with "Meister" written on it on his shirt:"Mmh... it seems there are many of us here... I wonder if I can find a good weapon..."
Turning an angle, he sees a girl with black hair and a confident and a little cruel smirk on her face: "Hi, I'm Mike. I can see you're a Weapon. I'm looking for heavy weapons, so I can make good use of my physical strenght..."

"You found the right person, Mike." answers the girl: "My name's Mikako, and I am a Morning Star. Is that heavy enough for you?"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 17:30 (9 Years ago)
Sorry about excessive length.....felt like I needed a little backstory)
Tahlia was waiting at the top of the stairs for here new partner. She didn't work to well with the last one and she hopes this time its a better fit.

(Heavy breathing) " I can see the top of the stairs i'm almost there don't give up" Bennett said to himself "You cant give up,no matter what" Right when his foot reached the top step Tahlia introduced herself. "Hi you must be Bennett Im Tahlia your new meister!!" She put one arm around his neck and shoulders and leaned on him a little "So what type of weapon are you exactly, I come from a long line of meisters so I can almost work with any weapon." she stated bluntly
"Um i not really sure I haven't fully changed yet" Bennett replied nervously

"Oh well i guess we will just have to find a mission to do and see what you got." Tahlia said flatly, she then thought to herself why do i have to be stuck with such a nood.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 17:43 (9 Years ago)
"Let's see if we can smash some bad guys, Mike!" Says Mikako with a delighted and crueler grin.

"I'm sorry, no missions for the newcomers!" a 'big' lady stands before Mikako. "You should have some lessons and training first, the world out there is scary, if you're an unexperienced Weapon or Meister..."


"So, the bell rang. I guess we should go to our classroom. We're in Crescent Moon Class, aren't we?" Says Mike, heading towards the classroom.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 18:07 (9 Years ago)
Tahlia lead Bennett to the Main building of the DWMA "Wow this building is so immpersive" Bennett said in awe with his mouth wide open. Oening the doors Tahlia loudly said now lets go get us a mission!"

Bennet slowed down "what was that bell for?" he asked curiously

"OH!! I cant believe I forgot we have to get to class.....Wait what class are we in?" she said nervously. Then grabbed Bennetts hand and ran the the office to get their schedules.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 18:53 (9 Years ago)
Mikako and Mike Sit down just as Doctor Franken Stein, their class' teacher, gets in the room.
"Good morning, students. Today we will dissect a frog."

They hear a voice coming from one of the students:"Excuse me, Doctor Stein, but we dissected animals for all the last year!"
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:02 (9 Years ago)
Arriving to class late Tahlia and Bennett take the only empty seats next to Mike and Mikako. There were half cut frogs and exposed guts all over the room. Tahlia payed no mind to this but Bennett almost lost control of his stomach in the middle of class.
"Hi Im Tahlia" she said looking and smiling at the other two students next to her
"This is my partner Bennett" she pointed to the pale almost green kid sulking behind her. Being super shy Bennett couldn't even look at the other student when he said "Hi"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:08 (9 Years ago)
"Hi. I'm Mike, and this crazy girl that's... uh... stabbing her frog is my partner, Mikako. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah, nice to meet you..." echoes unexperssively Mikako, without higher her eyes from the poor anphibian creature.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:43 (9 Years ago)
Bennett looks at Mikako in horror and knows he never wants to get on her bad side. somehow his face becomes an even paler shade of white. He tries to switch his focus to the teacher but the teacher was even more demented and perverse than mikako.
Tahlia didnt even notice how hard it was for Bennett to be in class. Then she started dissecting a frog at their table. Bennett could not handle it anymore and passed out.

"Dr. Stein when can newbies start taking misions?" Tahlia politley asked when she was finished dissecting her frog.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:48 (9 Years ago)
(Do you know the original manga/anime?)
Dr. Stein anwers:"There's a black noticeboard in the main hallway. Look at the notes on it. Some are already taken, and others are dangerous for newbies, so look carefully before you choose a mission."
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:56 (9 Years ago)
(Yeah i have seen the Aime...want to read the manga....) was just curious cuz you had a lady say that newbies cant just take missions...lol ik where to get just wasnt sure about like if you had a rule no missions on the first day or something.

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:58 (9 Years ago)
"Oh, her. She's just a bit overprotective on the newcomers..."
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 19:59 (9 Years ago)
(I watched Soul Eater and Soul Eater NOT!)
Victoria was looking at students sitting in front of her. She already finished dissecting the frog and she didn't want to admit she likes doing it. She then looked at her weapon Alex. He made disgusted faces. She know he didn't like dissecting as much as she did, no one probably loves dissecting as much as she. Except that girl sitting in front of her.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:07 (9 Years ago)
(So you already know how sick Stein is... good. and you could have understood that the student who talked before was Maka...Haven't you?)
Mike and Mikako get up and get to the board."Uhm...which one should we take?"
"That Rasputin guy sounds quite funny to take care of..."
( The missions are in the first post)
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:16 (9 Years ago)
While Bennett was passed out, Tahlia got up form her seat to go check out the mission board.There were a couple awesome ones she wanted to take, but she new her partner couldn't handle much.The most promising one was The Zodiac Killer but he was a prominent serial killer in America.that one she new would be to hard

"what mission would you suggest for a newbie like my partner?" she asked anyone
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:26 (9 Years ago)
"Well," says Mike:"You should choose this one, another serial killer, or that one, in New York..."
(Jack the Ripper or Al Capone)
(If you want the Zodiac Killer, you can, though)
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:27 (9 Years ago)
Victoria walked to mission board. She looked at it hoping for good mission. 'We could go for Jack the ripper.' She thought to herself.' I always wanted to see London. After all.' She then looked around to find Alex he was just coming out of classroom. And she waved to him to come.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:33 (9 Years ago)
Mike and Mikako say goodbye to their new friends and leave for their mission in St. Pietersburg.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 39
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 20:48 (9 Years ago)
"Then I guess we are going for Al Capone" Tahlia was happy to get any mission really. She then headed back to the class room so she could pick up her partner and Head to New York. "Good luck on your mission!" she said to Victoria and alex
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 11/09/2015 21:06 (9 Years ago)
''Thanks. You, too!'' Alex replied. Victoria looked at him. ''So you are okey with going on mission in London.'' Alex smiled. ''Of course. Maybe I meet some cute girls.'' He had huge grin over his face.