Forum Thread
Welcome to the Ventara Region! (~Open and Accepting~)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Welcome to the Ventara Region! (~Open and Accepting~)Also you must be 15 and older to get your 1st pokemon since our Eevee's have a powerful attack with them even though they are level 5!
Rules (General)

No Power-playing or God Modding
All PH Rules apply
Romance is allowed but don't turn this into a romance rp
You cannot have your characters become a couple with each other
No descriptive gore/romance
Stay In Logic Thought
Don't focus the rp on yourself and yourself alone
Words such as Damn and Hell are allowed
Normal Pokemon Game Rulings
DO NOT change the functions of the game
Try not to have an exact copy of someone's pokemon
All PH Rules apply
Romance is allowed but don't turn this into a romance rp
You cannot have your characters become a couple with each other
No descriptive gore/romance
Stay In Logic Thought
Don't focus the rp on yourself and yourself alone
Words such as Damn and Hell are allowed
Normal Pokemon Game Rulings
DO NOT change the functions of the game
Try not to have an exact copy of someone's pokemon
Rules (Form)

Max of 3 Character Pairs (Trainer and
Max of 6 Pokemon per team (Obviously)
Max of 2 Shiny Pokemon Per Team
No Legendaries for anyone MWAHAHAHAHA...Ok I'll stop now
Age must be 15+
Your Eevee may 1 ILLEGAL MOVE
Other than your Eevee (Because they have 1 Illegal Move) all other Pokemon's move set MUST be legal
Max of 6 Pokemon per team (Obviously)
Max of 2 Shiny Pokemon Per Team
No Legendaries for anyone MWAHAHAHAHA...Ok I'll stop now
Age must be 15+
Your Eevee may 1 ILLEGAL MOVE
Other than your Eevee (Because they have 1 Illegal Move) all other Pokemon's move set MUST be legal
Eeeveelutions (Other than the normal ones)

All of these evolutions are based on
certain situations but since this is an rp it is better if exclude
them that way all of can choose which one we want
Draceon - Dragon (Yeah I know, similar to Dracoflame22, deal with it)
Gusteon - Flying
Toxeon - Poison
Insection - Bug
Mudeon - Ground
Bolderion - Rock
Phantoceon - Ghost
Geareon - Steel
Boxeon - Fighting
Eeveeon - Normal (Normal Evolution by level)
Draceon - Dragon (Yeah I know, similar to Dracoflame22, deal with it)

Gusteon - Flying

Toxeon - Poison

Insection - Bug

Mudeon - Ground

Bolderion - Rock

Phantoceon - Ghost

Geareon - Steel

Boxeon - Fighting

Eeveeon - Normal (Normal Evolution by level)

Trainers and Pokemon
Forms (You must do both)

Favorite Type:
Appearance(Just in case someone wants a different colored eevee. If your eevee is normal then just leave this blank):
Move Set:
Favorite Type:
Appearance(Just in case someone wants a different colored eevee. If your eevee is normal then just leave this blank):
Move Set:
My Form

Age: 16
Gender: Male

Favorite Type: Fire
History: Draco's dad was a famous pokemon performer till one day his dad disappeared during his world tour. 6 Years has passed since then meaning Draco was 10 when his dad is vanished. Draco hopes to find him during his adventure to be the very best.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: He eats a lot so his mom gave him a bunch of coupons and money for food
Name: Aero
Gender: Male
Appearance(Just in case someone wants a different colored eevee. If your eevee is normal then just leave this blank):

Move Set: Dragon Pulse, Tackle, Leer, Growl
History: Aero was abused by his old trainer (Beaten up, nothing inappropriate) so Professor Zuko took him in and trained him and helped him. Aero now wants to find his old trainer to show her how strong he is now. He and Draco are close because of this, they both want to find someone during their journey
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: Aero Eats a lot like Draco

Age: 16
Gender: Female

Favorite Type: Electric
History: Amy has loved Pokemon from a young age, she used to play with her parents Eevee's all the time, she was fond of the only normal Eevee, their friendship sparked (da dum tss) when the Eevee evolved into a Jolteon, her parents renamed the Jolteon Shocker. One day, her mother left her, and it was just Amy and her father, her father was never as happy as he was, and one day, her dad ended up in hospital when Amy was 13, she grabbed his hand as her dad his final words: "I love you." As her father passed, Shocker waited for him at home, Amy stayed with him, but Shocker wouldn't do anything but wait, until one day, Shocker went missing, and Amy found him buried next to her father.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: -
Name: Shocker
Gender: Male
Appearance: -
Move Set: Thunderbolt, Tackle, Growl and Leer.
History: An Eevee that stole Pokèpuffs from stalls in streets, he was hungry and alone, the Professor took him in to train him to be a better Pokèmon and it worked, well kind of. Shocker still has his mischievous personality and has always been a bit of a joker. He is named after after Amy's father's Jolteon.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: -
Amy began to head towards the lab, she was excited, but also scared. "Father would be proud of me, and immature mother would too..." Amy sighed and stopped to look up at the sky. "I miss you guys, Shocker too." Amy turned round and continued to walk.
Name: Avery
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Appearance: She is 5 feet 11 inches tall, long brown hair usually in a French braid, short black skirt, white shirt with rainbow streaks, purple streak on bangs of hair, purple bag, blue tennis shoes, hazel eyes
Favorite Type: She was always tied between Dragon and Ghost
History: Avery was born on a farm when she moved to the city with her mother. She grew older and older and went to the trainers' school before finally getting Fiona, her eevee.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: She looks up to Diantha, champion of Kalos. Team is Eevee, Pidgey, Skiddo (from her mom), Nidoran Female, and Pikachu. (If you will allow that; Fiona will be the main RP Pokémon of mine of course)
Name: Fiona
Gender: Female
Appearance(Just in case someone wants a different colored eevee. If your eevee is normal then just leave this blank): Fiona is a dark indigo eevee with white spots near her eyes and a light purple mane + tail tip.
Move Set: Shadow Ball, Tackle, Sand Attack, Protect
History: Fiona was bred to become a great Pokémon. The trainer who hatched her said she would be owned by one of the best soon, which the eevee was not very excited about. But when she got her new trainer, Avery, she was excited.
Crush: Open
BF/GF: Open
Other: Will evolve into a Phantoceon