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My spot for everything

Forum-Index Diaries My spot for everything
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2015 15:37 (9 Years ago)
I will be posting various things in here. From my crappy art to my stories... As my PH Family is so big, I will be putting that in here too.

My Adopted Creatures

Everents ~ Creator

Creatures ~ Creator

Various Adopts

My PH Family

I love to role play, I wrote these stories with a friend. They didn't take long to write, but took a long time to edit. I would love your feedback in pal pad or pms.

This first story is about Ezri, a female half elf, and Xavier, a male elf. In this world elves have a faster metabolism so they heal faster. Just keep that in mind when they get into fights.

One of the many towns Xavier stops at in his travels has a bulletin board covered in wanted posters.
He walks up to the board searching for the one offering the greatest challenge or reward.
He finds one and it reads: Wanted Dead or Alive Ezri $100,000 for the murder of Roberto Hamilton.
Across the dirt path through the center of town, Ezri looks at the fruit lined up on the stand and buys an apple and heads for the gate out of town.
Xavier heads to his house to grab all of his weapons and he heads out of town to hopefully find this murderer.
As Ezri passes through the gate she tosses her apple core into a trash barrel and heads off down the path at a brisk walking pace.
He looks around the edge of town spotting someone that fits the description and does his best to get as close as possible without being seen.
The path out of town quickly gets windier the farther out he travels, Xavier quickly loses sight of Ezri and then she was gone.
He starts running along the path as fast as he can, dagger in hand, thinking, "She couldn't have gotten too far away from me..."
For a while there was nothing, except green, and his breath slowly becoming shallower and faster.
He eventually grows tired of running so he pulls out his slingshot and sends a rock in the direction he was going, hoping to hit something.
Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in the back of his knee as his knee falls to the ground and his head is pulled back exposing his throat to a dagger, poised to slice through his neck at a moments notice. A female voice from behind his head asks, "Who are you, and why are you following me?"
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2015 17:24 (9 Years ago)
The next part in the story.

Scared and shocked at her speed, he just says "I won't lie I was going to turn you in. 100,000 is quite a lot. I wanted it. Simple as that."
"Hmm, you're honest for a bounty hunter... now what will you do in this precarious situation hunter?" She says tightening her grip on the back of his head.
He smiles and says, "I will leave you to decide. I don't exactly have a choice at the moment. Any move I make is most likely going to end with you killing me."
She chuckles "You are either very wise or very stupid, I will give you a choice, I'm going to let you up, and I am going to walk away, it is up to you to go back to town or fight me and die." She lets go and walks down the path at a slower pace than when she started.
He brushes himself off. And just sits in the middle of the road.
She sighs and chuckles as she looks at the wanted poster she stole from his pocket.
He pulls out some paper and a pen, and starts drawing another poster.
He yells "Would you sit so I can draw you?"
She laughs and walks away.
"Why are you being hunted anyway?" He asks putting his paper and pen away.
Ezri continues walking "Why would I tell you anyway? ​As of this moment I'm not in any way required to tell you anything, unless you were to somehow capture me, that would be a different story." She laughs and walks a little faster and before long is out of sight around the next bend.
"Oh this will be interesting...." Xavier stands up and starts walking. "HEY LADY! WHERE YA GOING?!?"
As he comes around a corner Ezri is standing in the middle of the path, "Do you have a death wish?"
"No.... I just want the money. I couldn't care less how I got it. And trust me. I won't try to kill you now.... I learned that was a bad idea" He says almost embarrassed.
Ezri laughs, "I guess wisdom comes with being an elf." She says with almost a sneer.
"I don't think wisdom is the right word.... probably common sense....... Where are you going anyway?" Xavier asks.
"Looking for my next job... I do similar work to what you do... except my work pays more." Ezri states.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 26/06/2015 23:21 (9 Years ago)
And the next part.

"I see..... would you be against me tagging along?" He asks.
"Hmm, I guess not... I already beat you so i could do it again if needs be... you may follow..." She shrugs as she starts walking down the path.
"Alright then. Where are we headed? Oh. My name is Xavier by the way..." He says as he stands up and follows her.
"I'm headed down the path to the next town, never been good with maps, not sure of its name or how far... and you already know my name from the poster, Ezri..." She mumbles.
"Hmmm alright... " Xavier stays behind her.
After a few hours of walking, Ezri turns and heads off the path into the woods a ways.
"So... this is the way to the town?" Xavier asks sarcastically.
"No. This is where we sleep." Ezri turns and says.
"Ahh. Alright. Goodnight then" He smiles and waves then looks around for a place to sleep.
She climbs a nearby tree and lays on a couple of limbs.
He finds an area covered by rocks to sleep on.
She pulls out a few small pieces of jerky from a small pack, watching him while she eats.
Eventually he falls asleep, she sighs and puts the rest of her jerky away and pulls out her dagger and sleeps very lightly.
Xavier wakes up abruptly to a small stick being tossed at him.
He sits up. "Time to go?"
"Yes." She heads back to the path and starts walking.
He follows her to the path staying behind her.
After a while she stops and takes out one of her daggers and throws it at a tree skewering a squirrel. She goes over and picks up the squirrel and heads back to the path and continues walking while she cleans her blade.
"Why did you kill it?" Xavier asks taken aback by the callousness of her actions.
"We need real food don't we? Oh, right, you're an elf... elves don't eat meat..." She says condescendingly.
"Yeah..." He laughs and eats some bread from his pack.
"Hmm, I'm surprised you didn't attack me while i was asleep..." She says.
"I had no reason to. You said you got paid more. That means I may be paid more too. " He replies.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sat, 27/06/2015 18:45 (9 Years ago)
Just as a heads up this part is a little graphic.

She stops walking, "What was your plan when you caught up to me? Dead or alive, what was your plan?"
"Alive." He says.
"And if i became a problem, would you have killed me to get the reward?" She looks over at him.
"Probably not..." He shrugs.
"Well then, i might as well tell you why I'm wanted and why you won't be taking any of the jobs i take... I'm an assassin. I'm hired and then I kill, all for money, that's why I have such a large bounty on my head... So you have two choices, bring me in dead or alive, or walk away. And in case you were wondering i will not go quietly." She says as she draws her daggers.
"Hmm... i don't really feel like fighting today...." He says as he starts walking back to the first town.
She sighs sheathing her daggers as she continues onward, towards the other town.
As he's walking he turns and throws a dagger at her legs, hoping to prevent her from moving.
The dagger goes through her calf and the tip sticks out through her shin causing her to fall, she rolls off the path and into the woods, giving her just enough time and cover to get up and start limping away.
He draws his rapier and holds another dagger in his other hand slowly closing the gap between them.
While trying to keep herself moving without falling, and while ignoring her pain, she draws a dagger and her axe to cut through the fallen branches. The dagger in her leg catches a branch slowing her down until she breaks the branch with her axe.
He hears the branches snapping and he runs towards the sound, spotting her and throwing another dagger at her left arm throwing her off balance making her fall, before making his way down to her.
The dagger goes through her left forearm rendering it useless. She rolls over to her back and throws her axe just cutting the tip of his right ear.
He jumps down on top of her pinning her down while he tries to hit her on the head with the butt of his sword, attempting to knock her out.
Using her right arm she grabs his hand with the sword and pulls it past and to the side of her head, lifting her other arm with the dagger sticking through it, she stabs it into his arm with the dagger embedded in hers.
He rips the dagger from her arm and tries to stab it into her other arm, and then tries to hit her head again.
She uses her good leg to try to unbalance him as he stabs the dagger into her other arm, she yells out in pain and grabs a rock laying nearby, trying to hit him on the head with the rock.
She lands a hit causing him to get dizzy. While he tries to clear his vision, he starts swinging his rapier everywhere trying to hit something.
While he swings his rapier wildly, he cuts the tip of her left ring finger and most of her pinkie off, and cuts her face a couple of times and hits her with the butt of the sword knocking her out.
While she's out he removes her weapons and binds her hands and feet with rope. He lifts her up onto his shoulder and starts heading to town.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sun, 28/06/2015 11:40 (9 Years ago)
After a couple of hours she wakes up and she wiggles and squirms so much so that she falls off and lands on her shoulder.
"That must have hurt a bit...... You know you're not making this any easier for me or for you." As he goes to pick her up, she kicks one of his knees with of her feet.
He falls to his knees, angry he punches her in the gut and ties the last of his rope to her feet and starts dragging her instead of trying to carry her again.
She grunts and tries not to puke from the gut punch, and as he drags her, she leaves a trail of blood from her leg and arms.
He stops, and turns to look at her. "You know it would be a little less painful and easier for you to sleep if i carried you.... make your choice. I can drag you or carry you."
"Maybe if you drag me long enough I will be so scratched that you can't prove that its me in the poster." She laughs.
He sighs. "I don't want you dead. It would be a shame to put your skills to waste..." He takes a needle and some thread out of his bag. "As i said. I want the money. As soon as i have it perhaps i can assist your escape?" He offers her the needle and thread and a dagger.
She stares at him for a moment rather confused, she takes the dagger and the needle and thread. She uses the dagger to cut her ropes slowly looking at what she's cutting and then back up at him. She sits up and starts sewing her leg, she slowly stands, "We could turn this into a very profitable enterprise... you turn me in, I escape, and you turn me in elsewhere..." She winces as she attempts to put weight on her leg.
"Up to you" He shrugs.
She looks at the ropes on the ground, "I guess it's better than dying in a cell or hanging..." She nods at him and limps along as she sews her arms.
He smiles "I'm not as stupid as i make myself seem." He hands her back her weapons and continues walking.
She hangs a few of the small throwing daggers under a flap in her armor and finishes sewing her arms.
He pulls out his paper and pencil again. Revealing a map and several illustrations of people. One of her.
She looks at his papers, "You draw very well, most elves have that skill... I never did..." She mumbles.
He smiles "Thank you. I do my research...." He flips through the pages and shows her one of a castle. "This was one of my first drawings. I came across the place while searching for someone... its surprising that you can't draw... but its not the worst thing that can happen."
A strong breeze comes along and blows her hood down and her hair out of her face and off her semi pointed ears, Xavier turns in time to see them, realizing that she's a half elf. As soon as she notices her hood off she pulls it back on.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 14:49 (9 Years ago)
This isn't part of the story, but some of you asked for me to post the small things I write as well... so here ya go.

The first thing I notice, is the sun. It burns my eyes as they adjust to its formidible glare. Its rays warming my face and skin. I feel a breeze move across my body, and it makes the cool grass brush against my hot flesh. A twinge of pain creeps over my abdomen, as a bird flies overhead, circling round and round. I hear the chirping of crickets in the nearby grass. My midsection begins to throb. A butterfly passes in and out of my view, as the black bird draws nearer. The ache in my gut intensifies, I attempt to look but find I cannot move. I begin to feel cold, and the feeling of the grass dulls, along with the gentle caress of the breeze. The warmth of the sun fades, and my vision grows ever darker as though night is falling. The bird circles ever closer. The sounds of the crickets dwindle into silence. The black bird looms over me as I close my eyes, never to open them again.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 14:53 (9 Years ago)
Here is the next segment in my story.

"Hmm... a half elf" He looks down, deep in thought. "This may come as a surprise... but i don't hate you due to your... Race..."
She stops, and stares down at the path ahead for a bit, and then keeps walking, "Before we get to close to the town you need to tie me up and we need to make it look like I don't want to be turned in..."
"True..." He nods his head.
"Wouldn't you have subdued me already? Maybe you don't tie as well as you should have and I get free, grab a dagger from your belt, we fight, I make a mistake and you win." She looks up at the path ahead.
"That is a good idea... sounds like a plan." He says, still nodding.
After a few hours it gets dark, she walks off the trail and climbs a tree. "Good night."
"Same to you" He smiles and pulls out his paper and starts drawing.
She looks down from the tree watching him draw.
He turns the pad to reveal many illustrations of things that have happened the same day. The scene of the fight, her tied up and now her in the tree.
Ezri chuckles, "You are very good. Hmm... I think I'll make a fire... little chilly tonight..." she climbs down out of the tree carefully, so as to not rip her stitches, and she gathers some sticks and some birch bark and makes a small tee pee out of the materials. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out some flint and steel and tries to light the fire.
He thanks her for the compliment and rips off a picture of her. "Here. I don't have a use for this. You can have it." He hands her the paper and starts finding rocks to build his sleeping area.
She looks at the picture for a while, "You don't want or need it?"
He shakes his head.
She crumples it up and puts it at the base of the fire and lights that, the fire is lit and hot in a few minutes. "Do you still have my squirrel?" She asks.
"I might....." He hands her the squirrel.
"Thanks." She smiles taking her dagger and cutting open and cleaning the squirrel, and then cooking it over the fire.
He finishes his rock bed and lays down, he eats some bread and then falls asleep.
She eats some of her squirrel and lays down next to the fire and falls asleep. When she wakes in the morning she eats the leftover squirrel.
He wakes up and asks "You haven't left yet? After what happened i wouldn't see myself as trustworthy. " He destroys his bed and grabs his weapons.
"I figured if you were going to kill me you would have already done so or drugged me and carried me, or something of the kind... My dagger never left my hand if that's what you mean..." She stands up and kicks the embers to put them out and heads back to the path.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 29/06/2015 17:32 (9 Years ago)
This is the next couple of parts.

"I see.... well then..." He heads up to the path where she was waiting.
After a few hours of walking, she turns to him "Tie my hands but not my feet and when we get into town we'll fight, I'll loose, and you turn me in, and I'll escape... I've been caught once and escaped so unless I yell for help I think I've got it... and you can't be seen helping me..."
"Alright. I will leave you there and wait for you at the town entrance." He grabs his rope and starts tying.
"It will be well into the night that I make my escape... This promises to be fun..." She chuckles and grins.
"I expect it will be." He grins like an evil mastermind.
"Oh and you may just want to stab me just to get the point across..." She shrugs.
"I think i can do that..." He chuckles.
"I never doubted that you could..." She watches him finish tying her hands.
"So? You ready?" He looks up at her face and asks.
"I do believe so." She nods.
"Well then. Here we go" He checks her ropes, he then ties a rope around her neck and leads her to the entrance of town.
She pulls on the ropes a bit until she starts coughing and then follows and then pulls a bit more.
He tugs a little harder and makes his way to the prison. He walks in and asks "Who do I see for my reward?"
Ezri pulls out her dagger cutting the ropes binding her hands and her neck, and she runs back outside.
Xavier chases after her until he gets close enough, then tackles her to the ground, dagger in hand.
She lands on her stomach and knocks the back of her head against his so she can roll onto her back and kick him in the gut. She stands up and draws her dagger.
He pulls back and throws his dagger at her leg, and draws his bow aiming at her, and he yells "Don't move!"
The dagger goes through her right thigh, she clenches her jaw and raises her hands. She goes to put them behind her head only to grab and throw a dagger at his legs, then she turns to run.
The dagger lands between his feet and he shoots her other leg in the back of her calf.
She falls, and rolls over in an attempt to throw dirt in his face, but he is already upon her.
He ties her hands again, and whispers "Sorry. I will repay you for your stitches..... and as for the escape you will have to figure that out yourself." He grins a little and carries her back into the building.
Its very easy for her to hide her grin by letting her mind be consumed with pain. She whispers "Meet you out at the gate tonight."
"See you soon." He hands her over to the officer and collects his reward money, and makes his way to the gate. He walks deeper into the woods, where he lights a small fire.

Several hours later, under the cover of night, she calls the guard over to her cell, she grabs his collar and pulls the guards head against the bars, hard enough to knock him out. She grabs the keys off his belt, unlocking her cell, and she heads to the main office, grabs her weapons and on her way out the guard sitting at the main desk starts to wake up. She walks over and slits his throat as she makes her exit. As she heads out the main door there are two guards sleeping in chairs on either side of the door, she makes quick work of them and she heads towards the gate staying in the shadows. As she exits the gate, "Xavier?" She calls quietly.
He calls out "Over here" waving to her. "I take it that it went well then?" He hands her a squirrel who's head is pierced by one of his arrows.
"Yes it went very well. We should probably not be here in the morning though... oh and my ransom value will most likely go up..." She takes the squirrel and smiles.
He nods and puts out the fire, he picks up his gear and looks over at Ezri.
"Lets walk down the path for a while and then a good way into the forest..." She walks to the path and heads down it away from town.
He follows and asks "So, about who gets how much. Would you like more? I kinda.... hurt you" He chuckles a little.
"Fifty fifty, you had to fight, win and hope that i escape, so I think it should be even... and I think we should wait a little while for some of this to heal before we do another one..." She chuckles.
"I agree... We can probably stop for the night off the path there." He walks off the path a ways and gathers rocks making a bed for himself.
"There is good... oh I grabbed something for you while I was in town..." She hands him a small container, she opens it, and inside is a fresh salad. "I saw a garden near the gate and since I'm already wanted... I decided why not..."
"Sweet!" He takes the salad "Thanks!" He then builds a second bed. He then proceeds to eat his salad.
She makes a fire, cooking and eating her squirrel. "Thanks for the bed." She smiles.
"Not a problem" He smiles as he starts drawing again.
She finishes her meal and crawls onto the bed and slowly falls asleep.
Several weeks and towns later, and after the last round of Ezri's wounds are healed, which is after a good number of poultices, and bandages, "How much is my ransom in this town?" She asks.
"Hmm. I don't know... i could find out." He shrugs.
"It would be nice to know, and I can't go in because well it would look strange if I walk up to the wanted posters and look at my own poster..." She chuckles.
"I understand. I will be back." He heads into town and to the board.
While Ezri waits she watches a deer go by off deeper in the forest, and several birds land in the campsite and nibble on the bones of her last meal.
He comes back 20 minutes later. "Your bounty is at 100,000..... and so is mine..."
"Yours? Is there a reason why you have one? And are they dead or alive?"
"I don't know. I wonder why.... i don't think i did anything... and yes. Dead or alive."
"How will this work... We're both wanted... I can't turn you in and you can't turn me in... This is just wonderful..."
"Well... i don't know about that. But honestly i want to know why i am wanted..." Xavier says to himself.
"We could go around this town and on to the next one..." Ezri hears a rustling off in the bushes nearby, she stands up daggers drawn and ready to throw.
Xavier nocks and arrow to his bow and aims for the bush.

Out of the bush comes a child. "What are you doing here?" Ezri yells.
Suddenly, they both hear rustling in the bushes behind them, and out of the bushes several arrows are fired, only one of which hits it's mark in Ezri's left shoulder she ducks the rest and jumps behind a tree.
Xavier grabs the child and ducks behind another tree. "Don't move!" He fires an arrow at the bushes.
Ezri pulls the arrow from her shoulder and throws a dagger at the bushes, and when she ducks back behind a tree she sees some men coming towards them from the path, she stands up against the tree, "Xavier, we need to run!!!" She runs and does a roll to the tree next to him.
He nods and picks up the child over his shoulder with a dagger in his other hand. "Where are we going?!?"
She looks around and then points past him, "Go, I'm right behind you! Put him down! He was their distraction!!"
He puts the kid behind a tree, and runs, looking back to make sure the men stop following.
Ezri throws a few daggers every now and then felling people behind them. After a while the men stop chasing them. "I wonder... why... they stopped..." She says panting.
"Well... we're at the point.... where we're exhausted.... i wouldn't be surprised if they were too." Xavier starts to hollow out a thick branch he found.
"Probably..." She counts her weapons only having one throwing dagger and her axe.
He looks over at her, "Here." He hands her two of his five left over daggers. "We need to find another town. I need to get us more supplies"
"Thanks. First we need to get far away from this town..." Ezri motions to the town they're running from.
He nods "Already ahead of you." He stabs the sharpened stick into a tree. Water starts dripping out of the end of the stick. He fills a bottle he had in his bag. "Here." He hands her the other bottle.
"That is very clever... Any idea which way we should go? We should probably avoid the main road..." She takes the bottle and takes a sip, caps it and ties it to her belt with a leather strap.
"Its a trick i learned when i was younger... i don't care where we go. Probably following the path a bit while still staying out of sight. Do you have a plan? " He starts drinking his water.
"I know of a cave just a weeks travel from here... we'll pass a couple of towns on the way, we could check to see if your posters have reached that far... What do you think?" She looks up at the sky which is getting cloudy.
He grins. "Sounds like a plan. Though we should find a place to stay preferably out of reach from the rain."
"Hmm, you are right about the rain..." She sniffs the air, "Do you smell that? Woodsmoke... There must be a house nearby..." She starts walking towards the smell.
"A house?" He removes the spike in the tree and starts following her.
"Or a campfire..." After a little while she stops and stares at a light from a little cabin ahead. She takes her dagger and starts giving herself little cuts. She puts the dagger away, and looks up at Xavier, "Hit me a couple of times."
Confused he asks "Why"?
"So it looks like i fell down a mountain... We go up to the door and ask for shelter, we were mountain climbing when my foot hold gave way... And we've been wandering looking for a town and found their cottage... And if they recognize us, we kill them. So, hit me..." She walks up in front of Xavier giving him a target.
"Aren't you a little bit worried that they will notice our weapons and lack of climbing gear?" He asks.
Ezri looks around for a moment, "Good point... we can hide our weapons nearby and i lost my gear in the fall, and i was knocked unconcious so you had to carry me and leave your gear... am i forgetting anything else?"
"Nope... now we should be good. I will bring a dagger though hidden in my belt. Self defense and whatnot." He starts hitting her arms and legs, as he hits she winces and recoils from the force of the blows.
"Don't forget my face... oh and ouch." She chuckles.
He laughs with her and delivers one blow to her lower jaw and one above her eye. "Am i missing anything? Care to roll in the dirt a bit?" He giggles.
"Good idea..." She lays down on the ground and rolls about, smudging her face in the dirt, she stands up and looks herself over and takes out her weapons. She looks around and walks over to a dead tree and using her axe she carves out a hollow in the tree and puts her weapons in it.
Under the tree Xavier digs a hole and places his weapons, excluding his one dagger, in the hole then cover it with leaves twigs and rocks.
"Are we ready?" She asks.
He nods "I believe we are. Climb up" He kneels down allowing her to get on his back.
She climbs on, "I'm going to be delirious so you will need to do the talking... We were mountain climbing and my foot hold gave way causing me to fall down a slope, losing my gear in the fall and you abandoned your gear to carry me."
"Understood" He makes his way to the cabin looking in the windows first to see who's in there.
Inside are two figures sitting in chairs by a large fireplace. The light from the fireplace casts shadows which makes it near impossible to determine who or what they are.
He makes his way to the door and starts kicking at it. "Hello? We need help?! Is anyone in there?"
Footsteps can be heard coming towards the door, which opens up slowly as a bow and arrow is pointed at Xavier by an older woman and a sword at his throat which is in the hand of an older gentleman. "Who are you and what do you want?" Gruffly asks the older man.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 06/07/2015 12:40 (9 Years ago)
Here is the next part of the story.

"We're sorry to disturb you but we need a place to stay. We were hiking and she fell off the mountain. I need a safe and dry place to tend to her wounds. If you let us stay I promise we will be gone by tomorrow." He turns to show Ezri to the couple.
Ezri looks up at the couple as though she's on the verge of passing out or throwing up. The woman slowly lowers her bow and says "Come in, we have a spare bed you can lay her on, and clean clothes."
"Thank you very much. I promise we will be gone in the morning." Xavier follows the woman into the house.
The man sighs and closes the door behind them. The woman bustles around the small cozy house gathering clothes, sheets, first aid dressings and wraps. The man lays his sword on the mantle and goes to grab the extra mattress, as thunder rolls over the house and rain starts to pitter patter on the roof.
Xavier places Ezri on the bed and removes the needle and string from his bag and starts sewing up her cuts and bandages her foot.
Ezri mumbles "Where... are we?" The woman is still walking around gathering things, the man turns his chair from facing the roaring fireplace to facing the mattress watching Xavier work. "So what are you? Brother and sister or something?" Asks the old man.
Xavier looks at Ezri and then turns to the man "No, we're a couple, the hike was to a clearing where we were going to have a picnic." Xavier asks the woman for some cloths to clean Ezri's face, and he hands Ezri the bottle of water.
She drinks from the bottle almost coughing on it, after she stops coughing she looks over at the fire as her mind wanders to far away lands. "Where did you two come from?" The man asks, "Enough questions Jareth, are they on trial? They've been through a lot, let them rest." The woman glares at her husband, and then hands Xavier some cloths and a small pail of water.
He smiles taking the pail and cloths. "Its quite alright. We aren't really from anywhere. We just.... walk. That's why we had all our supplies in our bags."
The woman smiles and asks "So you don't have a place to call home?" Jareth says "Now who's interviewing them Prim?"
"No and we prefer it that way. Staying in one place is something we were never good at. Its nice to meet both of you, my name is Roy and this is Ariel." Xavier smiles to both of them and hands Ezri a damp cloth and places the extra clothes next to the bed.
Xavier asks Ezri "Is there anything i can get you?"
Ezri takes the damp cloth and gingerly cleans her face, wincing as she cleans her bruises. She smiles "Your company." "Roy and Ariel... Interesting names for an Elf and Half Elf..." Jareth says. "What does it matter what their names are Jareth!" Prim snaps at her husband, "Oh, my name is Primrose, or Prim for short."
"I don't blame you. We get those kinds of comments a lot. I never knew my parents so i just named myself... as for her... she doesn't like to talk about it. She won't even tell me." Xavier grabs some bread from his bag, and gives some of it to Ezri and starts eating his.
She takes the bread and nibbles at it wincing every time she uses her jaw. "I'll get you two some soup to eat with your bread." Prim says as she walks into the kitchen grabbing two bowls, ladling some soup into them and handing one to Xavier and the other to Ezri. "How did you two come to be together, I thought Elves hated and despised half elves..." Jareth comments.
Xavier thanks Prim for the soup. "Well. We started as forced business partners. Blacksmithing. Then over time we just... Got over the differences i guess."
Ezri smiles and tries to sit up to eat her soup. She gets half way up, grunts and lays back down. "My wife and I are going up stairs for bed. Roy, you can sleep on the couch or wherever you please." Jareth says.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 13:37 (9 Years ago)
The next part in the main story, as requested.

Xavier smiles and thanks them as he lays on the couch waiting for them to go upstairs. He whispers "Well that went better than expected."
Ezri sits up with no trouble and whispers, "You have no idea how it feels to have to pretend to be in worse pain than you are and pretend to deal with it poorly... and we're a couple? I like the forced business partners and we just got used to it, that part is true..." She smiles, and giggles.
"They were asking questions. I went with what may be most likely in the given situation." Xavier shrugs.
Ezri nods, "I haven't slept in a bed for so long I feel like I'll sink through... I would feel better in a tree or on the floor... but when they come down in the morning they would probably think it odd..."
He smiles "there's always the nightmare excuse." He rolls over to his bag and starts drawing.
"Good point..." She rolls off the bed and lays on the floor, "Ahh, much better... If you want the bed you can have it..."
"hm.. alright " He smiles and moves to the bed. "Goodnight"
They both fall asleep listening to the sounds of the rain falling softly on the roof playing a macabre song accompanied by the rolling thunder over the mountains and valleys.
Ezri puts some logs on the embers of the fire when she wakes up, "Good morning." She whispers.
"Good morning." Xavier whispers back.
"Shall we head out?" She picks up the medical supplies and puts them back in their containers and then on the table.
"I am ready when you are" He assists her in cleaning the room.
She heads for the door.
He follows her out the door and to the tree with their stuff.
She grabs her weapons, and looks around orienting herself. "Where shall we go?"
He stops in place... "I guess we could go find that cave you were talking about?"
"That is a couple days walk from here North, i haven't been there in a while... and there are a few towns on the way there, we can either avoid them or check for ransom..." Ezri starts heading North.
Xavier starts walking along with her. "I have been thinking...what would we be using the money for anyway? We are going to have all this money and pretty much every town will be hating us. Whats it all for?" He looks at her with a serious tone on his face.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Tue, 07/07/2015 13:52 (9 Years ago)
This is a short story I wrote.

Verdant Tunnel
A lone female figure races through a verdant tunnel, the foliage reaching for her at every step, brought to life by the wind dancing through the branches. Her footsteps ring out like a steady beat on a snare drum, her breathing the rhythmic pumping of a bellows. Mist creeps in tendrils across the path illuminated by the light of a full moon in a clouded sky. The cool night air is filled by the sorrowful cry of a wolf, who is quickly joined by the cacophanous scream of a screech owl. Only after the interruption of thunder rolling across the land does the Earth fall silent. Leaving her shallow rapid breathing and the pounding of her feet to replace the quiet hanging over the sleeping ground. Her pace slackens and stops, she stands bent double, her steaming breath surrounding her in a swirling shroud. Once she regains control of her burning lungs, with her leg muscles quivering, she continues her charge through the green tunnel.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 13:28 (9 Years ago)
The next part in the main story.

She stares at the ground as she walks deep in thought, " I really don't know... maybe use it to travel to a far away land where we're not wanted? Or something else... do you have any ideas?"
"I guess it would be the same as yours... buy an area. Build a house. And live there. Alone. If anyone shows up. They get sent back the way they came. Or shot. I just want to be happy and healthy.... that's not such an easy thing to get anymore..."
"Sadly that is true... we're getting close to a town... what do you want to do?" Ezri stops in the path.
"I would like to stop by. I need some more supplies."
"Maybe there's a blacksmith... we both need more daggers..."
"This is also true... have you done anything to get wanted here?"
"Word may have spread, but if i stay in the shadows and keep my hood up, i should be okay..." She pulls up her hood and keeps walking.
"Huh. Lets head to town then."
She nods and pulls her hood tighter.
He walks with her into the town and makes his way to the board. He's not on it, but Ezri is. He walks to the blacksmith and buys more daggers while Ezri goes and gets food.
She heads over to the food stand and buys jerky, bread, and some fruits. She keeps her head down and her face in shadow. After she gathers enough she heads over to the blacksmith to meet up with Xavier.
He says "We have what we need. Is there anything you WANT?
"I want to get out of the town..." She looks around from underneath her hood at the guards walking the streets.
He looks over to the guards. "Well then. We will leave." He starts walking to the entrance faster and faster as the guards start walking in their direction.
"This might get interesting..." She picks up speed and runs. "Yep, definitely going to be interesting!"
He draws his rapier and a dagger and starts running.
She pulls out her axe and a dagger and follows after him.
He runs to the north while looking back trying to dodge arrows.
Ezri continues to follow, she turns and throws a dagger, hitting one of the guards in the chest dropping him like a fly, making a couple of other guards trip over his dead body.
Xavier throws a dagger at the softest area of the stomach on one of the guards so hard it flies through and hits another.
She throws her axe and it hits a guard in the head causing him to fall backwards and his spear to impale the guard running behind him.
Xavier stops running and waits for the last guard to get close then he throws his rapier like a spear hitting him right through the eye. He laughs as he collects his weapons and removes the blood from them. "Well... most of the towns guards are dead.... i bet we could raid the town if we wanted." He looks over to Ezri.
Ezri thinks as she picks up her weapons and was just about to say something as some of the townsfolk come out very slowly with their hands raised. She draws her axe and dagger not knowing what to expect. The person leading the townsfolk says "Thank you, for freeing our town. Those guards were taking our food in exchange for protection we didn't need. I speak for all of us when i say we are all very grateful."
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 15:11 (9 Years ago)
Main story

Xavier looks over to Ezri and lowers his weapons. "We... saved you? Ummm your welcome i guess... all we needed was supplies and they came at us. We deserve no thanks."
She lowers her weapons and turns to Xavier so they don't see her face, "As he said we were just defending ourselves..." The leader replies "We would be very pleased if you joined a feast in your honor tonight."
Xavier turns to Ezri. "What do you think?"
She walks over to him and whispers "I can't take my hood off... but you could... just say i have a job to do. I will wait for you at the northern end of town in the trees."
He nods. "See you then." He walks into town with the group and waves back to her.
She waves and walks off. The group is cheering around him and people pat him on the back.
He looks to all of them. "Look i am honored that you will have me for the feast. But after tonight i need to go. We aren't the type of people you want to spend too much time with."
The leader laughs, "We know Xavier, and your friend can come join the feast, we don't mind."
He smiles. "So you have heard of us. You're a clever bunch." He hollers out for Ezri.
"Yes, we got word of you two a couple of days ago, you can stay here as long as you need. As long as you don't kill anyone else." The leader laughs. Ezri starts walking back to him.
"We kill the people in our way or the ones trying to kill us. You don't seem to fit either category."
She catches up to him, "Is something wrong?" She keeps her head down.
"I... don't know yet. They know who we are." He looks over to the crowd of people. "How did you find out about us? Aren't you scared?"
"Does it matter how we found out? And no, we're not scared, as you said we don't fit into your killing categories, so why be scared?" The leader says nervously. Ezri looks over to Xavier with concern written all over her face. "Alright if you know who we are then please, explain who you think we are." She says to the leader.
Xavier looks at the leader with an expression that says, "Well? We're waiting."
The leader looks back and forth between Zavier and Ezri a couple of times trying to not look really nervous. "To be honest we are scared of you because of the guards telling stories about you two... How Xavier never gives up on a job and always gets his quarry, and how Ezri is one of the best hired assassins money can buy... They also said in some towns the ransom for you two together was a very large sum of money..." Ezri slowly puts her hands on the hilts of her axe and dagger.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 16:05 (9 Years ago)
Another part of the main story

Xavier puts his hand on hers as if trying to calm her down. He looks to the leader. "You don't think you would be able to bring us in do you?" He pulls out his water bottle and starts drinking.
The leader looks around at the group surrounding them which consists of almost the entire town. "I guess i can drop the act... if you haven't noticed we have a rather large advantage, don't you think?" The leader stops looking nervous and starts standing straight and feeling rather confident in him and his people.
Xavier looks at the leader. "An act? Were you actually trying to fool me?" Xavier sits down and pulls out his rope tying one end to a dagger.
The leader chuckles, "I believe i just did, i now have both you and Ezri surrounded." Ezri laughs, "So just because you have numbers, you think you can take down the both of us? As you said yourself, the most determined and deadly persons money can buy?" She laughs harder then stops suddenly.
Xavier nods. "I'm with her. Number's aren't everything. Most of the time skill is. What do you think got us all this way?" He finishes tying his dagger to the rope, then draws another dagger in his other hand. He whispers to Ezri. "You may want to stay low." He drops his bow and arrows on the ground.
"The leader is mine, I'll knock him out to save him for later..." She leans down and picks up a large rock. "Ready?"
"Ready? I was waiting for you." He smiles as he throws his dagger into the throat of one of the members and starts swinging his dagger tipped rope around like a whip, slashing anyone in range.
The leader ducks the dagger and falls down when Ezri's rock hits him in the head, she kneels and throws her dagger into someones back as they try to run.
Xavier retracts his blade and yells out "So are we done here or do you want your entire village destroyed?" He reaches into his bag and reveals a bottle of oil and a piece of flint.
Most of the villagers left alive back up with their hands raised, only a few don't, but quickly do when they realize its over. Ezri stands up and walks over to the leader, and she sits him up and slaps his face until he wakes up, "Would you like to give up or fight me in a one on one?"
Xavier walks up to the middle of the crowd and starts bowing. "You really should have known better when you saw all your guards fall. Now look what happened due to your greed. Look at the fallen bodies of your loved ones. Was it worth it? Looking back at it now i bet you would do anything for them to come back. You all are sick." He moves over to Ezri and looks down to the leader. "You lacked skill." And Xavier sits and starts drinking his water again.
The leader nearly cries, "I would rather live..." She shrugs and grabs her dagger and axe, and starts walking out of town.
Xavier removes his dagger from the throat of the villager then follows her.
"As soon as they came out, something didn't feel right... Nice move with the dagger tipped whip by the way."
"Thank you. As they said there were a lot of them. I didn't want to risk getting close."
"Good idea, if they had gotten close then they would have had a good chance... The cave is just about two days from here... I heard rumors that dragons had started coming back from their northern migration..."
"Now why are we going to the cave anyway? Is there something there? And dragons? How fun." He grins a little.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 23:09 (9 Years ago)

Title: lol

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 14:37 (9 Years ago)
The next part

"I used to live in the cave and i thought we needed a place to lay low... and yes, dragons."
"Hmm... do you have a plan for if we come across one?"
She stares off thinking, "Hmm... Run? Or depending on its mood we could reason with it... We could offer some of the money we've accumulated..."
"Oh. Okay sounds good."
After two days travel they arrive at the mouth of the cave. She sniffs the air, "It smells different..." As she says this they hear a low rumbling sound coming from the cave.
He steps back a lot, and pulls out and nocks an arrow to his bow.
She pulls out a small bag of gold, crouching low, and moving slowly, she heads towards the mouth of the cave. As she enters the darkness, the smell of dragon surrounds her and she stops dead in her tracks as two large glowing eyes stare at her piercing through the darkness. It's enormous black head peers through the darkness as acid drips from it's gaping jaws. "What do you want?" It asks in a voice that shakes the earth.
Xavier says "This is... Her home.... We need somewhere to lay low."
She offers the bag of gold to the dragon, he brings his large claw up to the bag and takes it carefully from her hands and pulls it back into the cave. His large clawed hand quickly remerges from the darkness and wraps around her and it draws her close to his mouth. The dragon looks over at Xavier, "She will be my snack if you don't produce more gold!" He yells.
Xavier starts to shake, and drops his bag of gold.
The dragon's other hand grabs the bag Xavier dropped, "This is not enough..." The dragon opens his enormous mouth and brings Ezri closer.
"STOP!" Xavier yells, "Is there anything else we could do?" He prepares his dagger whip.
The dragon sets Ezri down and they both start laughing. "Sorry about that..." She says in between laughs, "I just wanted to see what you would do... We are old friends, I lived in the cave when a young dragon showed up needing a cave, so we shared this one! His name is Erensuge, Eren for short. And he's grown since the last time I saw him." He smiles and says "You think so?"
Xavier shudders. "That wasn't cool...." He picks up his money.
She grins wickedly "I know." She looks around, "This place is rarely visited by anyone because it is a known dragon cave... so we are safe here." She walks over to Eren's head and strokes the top of his snout, "I missed you, you old wyrm." The dragon chuckles "I missed you too, you little dragon's spark!" He knocks her over with his large muzzle and gently lays it on top of her and they both laugh.
"So. You're a nice, Dragon.... i like you! My name is Xavier!" He grins happily like a kid in a candy store.
"The pleasure is mine young elf." Eren says as he picks his head up.
"So we are here. Now what?" Xavier starts building a rock bed.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 146
Posted: Fri, 10/07/2015 14:39 (9 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Sat, 11/07/2015 20:00 (9 Years ago)
The next segment of the story.

"We can use this cave as a base, to store supplies and weapons, and we can get some rest..."
"I like that plan"
"I'll be back in a bit..." Ezri says as she walks off into the forest and comes back a bit later with a lot of moss.
Xavier looks at the pile of moss. "Okay. What's with that?"
"This is for beds." She hands him some moss.
"Oh alright." He takes the moss and starts laying it down.
She climbs to a small ledge in the cave wall and lays out her moss. She climbs back down and grabs some tinder and firewood, she lays it out and lights a small fire. She pulls out her jerky and hands Xavier some bread.
He lays the moss over his bed, and takes the bread and eats as he pulls out his book to draw.
She puts the jerky in her mouth and crawls over to Xavier, she sits next to him eating her jerky while watching him draw.
He smiles. "Someone is taking interest in my drawings.... i would like to see you draw." He hands her the pad and the pencil. "Go ahead. Just do your best. I wont judge." He looks at her waiting for a response.
She stops mid bite and stares at him for a moment, she finishes the bite, and puts down the rest of the piece, and takes the pad and pencil. She thinks for a moment and draws a very bad leaf. "See what i mean... i can't draw..."
He looks at her seriously. "How long have you been drawing? When was the last time you tried?" He takes her hand and starts helping her shade in the leaf. "Its not always about being good at something. Sometimes you need to be happy with what your capable of." He reaches into his bag to show her his first drawing, a terrible picture of a person.
"I can't remember the last time i tried to draw... The thing is i don't need to draw... i don't need it as a skill... but it is nice to know I've started in a common place." She hands him the pad and pencil, and finishes eating.
He shrugs. "I just believe that if it doesn't make you happy.its not worth doing." He starts drawing the cave they're in.
She shrugs, and walks over to Eren's head and gives him the last few bites of jerky, She climbs onto her ledge and lays there.
He sits up. "Do you want to be doing this? Stealing? Killing? Is this what you had in mind when you started." He looks down in deep thought and puts his pad and pencil away.
She thinks for a while, "Its all I've really known...when i was 6 my parents were murdered by orcs who burned down and killed my entire village... i managed to escape, i had to learn to kill for my dinner. I was eventually found and put in an orphanage, i was never adopted because i would go out and kill small animals for food... so i left and went looking for jobs, and killing came easy to me... kill a person, get money, get food..."
He thinks for a minute. "When i was 12 i found out my parents were wanted criminal's... i had accepted it thinking i would never turn out like them if i kept doing good. One day a bounty hunter came during the night. Killed my dad and tried to take my mother alive. She kicked the hunter causing her to fall and break a pot waking me. I came out with my fathers bow pulled back and fired. Well.... i missed my target... i had hit my mother..." He pauses for a moment to keep from letting a tear out. "Around a month later i started searching for the hunter. When i found out where she lived i burned her house down and the fire spread destroying the entire town. Ever since then i have been running trying to fix my my mistake but only making new ones." He stops as his voice begins to crack and a tear goes down his face.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 01:36 (9 Years ago)
The next part.

She sits up and thinks, and then quickly asks "How old are you?"
He replies, "26"
"Hmm, I'm 25..." She thinks for a while. "Lets not focus on the past... if you want I could help you try to locate your parents hunter... I know a good number of them, but for now lets sleep." She lays down and rolls over facing the cave wall thinking very deeply about his story.
He smiles. "That would be nice." He lays down. "... thank you." Then he falls asleep
Ezri doesn't sleep at all during the night, because she was thinking about their stories and how they could be connected. When she decides to get up, she goes out and finds some eggs and some edible leaves, she comes back and makes a fire and makes breakfast.
He wakes up to the smell of eggs. "Smells good" He grins. He looks at Ezri and notices the bags under her eyes. "Trouble sleeping?"
She rubs her eyes, "Yeah, there was a rock under my moss...." She hands him an egg on a plate and a bowl of greens. She gives herself the same.
He looks at her confused "The entire night passed and you didn't think to move the rock. Or the moss to somewhere else?"
She shrugs, "There were rocks all over the place up there... Tonight I'll move my bed..."
"Huh... i may just be used to sleeping on rocks..." He looks over to his fort, which is made out of rocks.
She chuckles, and eats her breakfast. "What do you want to do today?" She pulls out her daggers and axe and starts sharpening them.
He lays back against the side of the cave. "You know... i don't know... i guess i am fine with anything today."
She thinks for a moment, "Could you draw the face of your parent's hunter?"
He chuckles. "I did that years ago." He flips through the pages then stop. He stares at the picture and then hands her the book staring at her.
She takes the book, trying to not look nervous, she stares at the page for a minute "And this attack was 14 years ago... I don't think I know this hunter... I only know a couple of female hunters and I don't know this one." She hands the book back to him. "I can send a message to a couple of friends who help me track people and ask if they know, would you please make a copy of that drawing?"
He shrugs. "I guess i can do that... why do you want to help me anyway?" He starts drawing another copy.
"You helped me... instead of turning me in, you made me your business partner and then turned me in and shared the profits..." She smiles, and then chuckles, "I would like to pay you back..."
He smiles. "Huh...fairs fair i guess..." He rips off the paper and hands it to Ezri.
She takes the paper, folds it up and puts it in her pack, "I need to go into town and mail this, I'll go to the next town up the path, and be back by about nightfall..." She puts her daggers under the flap in her armor and her axe on her back, and she heads out.
"Alright. See you later... actually... would you like me to go with you? In case something happens that is." He stands up ready to go if she needed him to.
She turns "Sure. If you would like to..." She turns back and keeps walking.
He smiles and starts walking.
They walk in silence for a while, and then Ezri stops all of a sudden. Looking around and sniffing the air.​
"What did you find?" Xavier starts sniffing trying to smell what she does.
She whispers "Orcs... they're close... we need to get out of here..." She starts heading back to the cave as a very large orc steps out from the shadows.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 343
Posted: Mon, 13/07/2015 13:46 (9 Years ago)
The next part of my story.

"Oh crap..." Xavier starts making his way back with her.
As soon as he catches up to her, she runs straight at the orc drawing her dagger, the orc takes out his great axe and swings at her stomach, she jumps over the axe and over him grabbing his small amount of hair, pulling back and slicing his throat. She lands behind him and keeps running.
As Xavier runs he swings his dagger whip, throwing it at the other orcs neck where it gets lodged, he then jumps onto its back and slides down with his dagger still lodged in it slicing him in half.
As they come to a small clearing there is a group of orcs standing in a square formation with weapons drawn, Ezri quickly turns and heads for the path.
Xavier whips his rope around a tree and throws the dagger end into one of the orcs causing him to fall back tripping the others, buying them enough time for them to get a bit farther away.
"Orcs apparently hold grudges for a long time... I killed their leader and brought his head as proof of his death for my reward..." Ezri shouts.
He laughs "Well that would explain a few things"
"Yeah, oh and I blamed him for burning down my village... it turns out it wasn't him..." She turns and throws her dagger at an orc, it hits him in the eye, making a couple orcs behind him trip on the body.
Xavier shakes his head and smiles "Anything else i should know?" He pulls out his bow and hits one of the orcs in the heart.
"I think that's about it... oh they may chase me until I die now that they found me..." Ezri shrugs as they run.
"Well. That sucks." He sends an arrow into the knee of another orc.
"Yes, or I could ask them if there was a way I could pay them back... but they would probably just say let us torture you something stupid like that... and then kill me..."
"Well you never know" He laughs "Feeling risky?"
"If their going to chase me until I die then it couldn't hurt to try..." She stops running and raises her hands as the orcs catch up and surround them. Ezri tries to think of something to say or do, she tries to focus her mind but can barely hear her own thoughts over the sound of her heart beating.
Xavier nods and draws his rapier in case of them attacking.
They grunt and growl and then the biggest orc pushes his way to the front, "You killed our leader! And now we kill you!!!" He yells and the other orcs cheer.
"Are you sure you want to kill me? I mean, an assassin who owes you, will always repay that debt. So I ask again, are you sure you want to kill me?" The leader of the orcs looks at Ezri confused and then looks around at his followers and he whispers with the second biggest orc, presumably his second in command.
Xavier just waits for something to happen.
The leader looks back at Ezri and then turns back and keeps talking with his 2nd.
"Look..." Xavier says. "We're killers, but you already knew that. What we do is kill people. Just give us a name and we'll be even. Sound like a plan?" He looks at the orcs.
The leader turns to him, "Our deal would not be made with you, elf. It would be with her. Do you agree to the plan?" The orc stares at Ezri, and she returns the stare, "Yes, now who is it?" The lead orc thinks for a moment, "His name is Raiden, you can find him two towns down the path to the west. If you succeed, we won't find you and we won't kill you." She nods "Deal."
"How long does she have?" Xavier asks.
"A week." The orcs laugh, and Ezri stares at them very confused, and then she walks passed them gathering her daggers from their friends corpses and they stop laughing. She mumbles to herself, "They must not know who i am..." The rest of what she says is inaudible.