Forum Thread
QueenBee's Diary
Forum-Index → Diaries → QueenBee's DiaryDiary Entry : 10!
Heh okay, I calmed down.
So, I doubt anyone reads my diary entries, but that doesn't matter. I just... Sometimes I need to write out what happens or what annoys me.
Sorry for the short entry I just needed to 'write it out'.
Diary Entry: 11
So I've been crying (I'm still sad/i want to cry some more but I can't because my sister is in here with me) and I don't know why I'm crying. So lately I've been getting sad and also mad for no reason as you saw from my Diary Entry #9 . I.... Don't know why but anyone know how I can get my mind off of crying/Raging? I'm just asking. I could draw but I have been drained of my imagination lately and I've tried listening to music, but that doesn't work either.
I also go invited to my only friends birthday party and I'm planning on going because I wouldn't want to let my only friend down (plus she lives close to my cousins house ).
Diary Entry : 12
Well as the title states, I'm sick! Not like that's good or anything.
Okay so when I was crying I got a stuffy/runny nose then last night my throat hurt and I had nausea (i didn't get much sleep last night).
I had to go to the doctor(one of my fears) and miss school.
Then just a while ago I had to take a pill, and I refused so I had to get some motivation from Shia LaBeouf (Just do it! Motivational video ). I ended up doing it!(<---some gagging included) Not like it was special at all..... I might not be able go go to my friends birthday because the doctor said that what I have is contagious. I probably have a minor and temporary virus, that's all.... I hope.
I have to take a pill daily
:-) that's just great.... *sobs quietly in the corner*
Here I'll post some of the drawings I draw :3
Firestar vs. Scourge


This one to be honest is a Halloween drawing (Not creepy or gory though) I'll try to do more Halloween looking drawings though
Diary Entry : 13
Oh my gosh I can't believe how whiney I was. Anywas I'm here to explain everything. So, remember my so called "Best friend"? Well we are friends again. I know I said I wouldn't be her friend again but she was in every one of my classes so... Im not sure if that explains much. Also, I left PE and switched over to karate (I am now a purple belt) I was really happy there even though I had no friends.
I HAVE A DOG NOW! So, on April, my little brother found a puppy roaming around the dumpster so we took her in, she had no callar and she didn't have a microchip (we found that out later). I named her Bubba (a lot of people might think that name is ugly, but it fits her personality). I have to clean up after her all the time because she does her business inside because I can't find a way to make her go down the stairs (we live in apartments) or make her do her business outside. She's also scared of other dogs but she's friendly with humans.

This is when we first got her(i don't have any recent photos)
Diary Entry: 14
So I made this...
Also, we got a cat(on Saturday)! She claws Bubba so Bubba just ignores her... Most of the time. For some time I did question if I should take her back but I wanted to give her a chance , she rarely claws us and she just spends most of her day sleeping (Which means she;s awake most of the night -_- she has a bell, on her collar) she is much easier to take care of though which I'm really glad about. She also really likes walking on my laptop while am using it.