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The Academy for Unusual Children's Return || Roleplay T

Forum-Index Roleplay The Academy for Unusual Children's Return || Roleplay T
Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 703
Posted: Mon, 27/10/2014 23:49 (9 Years ago)
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After your time with a family, the academy soon reopens. New and old student return, but the academy isn't truly the same. Your old, goofy academy seems quite stricter and neater, in general. The main difference, however, is that most of the teachers are different.
And your old principal is gone.
Learning may be an actual goal in this different academy, but everyone seems to feel uneasy about the new principal.

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No powerplaying/godmodding. Yes, you have abilities but if they are too overpowered I will ask you politely to change them.
This is not a Pokemon roleplay.
Do not double post unless it has been one week or more.
Do not spam, try to post at least 2+ sentences per roleplay post.
Do not curse. This rule is simple enough.
Try to stay on topic, don't suddenly change what's going on.
No timeskips, it can easily throw everyone off. Ex: In the middle of a conversation, suddenly two days later!
You may have two characters, no more.
I think your suppose to have fun. Eh, not really sure about that part though.

Trainerlevel: 5

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 04:37 (9 Years ago)
Are you still accepting roleplayers? This looks really interesting to me.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 04:45 (9 Years ago)
(re-read the top of the first post...)

Jora stepped out of the taxi, dragging along her bags towards the school. It was her first day here, and she had absolutely no idea where she was going. Following instructions on a piece of paper in her hand, she lugged her bags into the building down the hall into the dorms. After a while of searching, she managed to find her room, which had two of everything on opposite sides of the room. She dragged her things over to the left before collapsing on her bed.

Bellatrix sat on her bed in her dorm room. She had arrived a couple of hours before, but had nothing to do. Tired from not sleeping the previous night, Bellatrix collapsed on her bed, drifting off to sleep.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 04:54 (9 Years ago)

Title: I apologize if this is considered a long post.

Matilda had never rode in a car before. She had trekked through mountains, forests, and oceans...yes, oceans. But never had she ridden in a car. She didn't know what type of car it was exactly. Metis probably would. For the first few hours, she was awed at the passing scenery, even managing to ignore the knots forming in her stomach. Then she started feeling like she was going to puke her nonexistent breakfast. Well, it was nonexistent until she created it straight out from her imagination.

Real things were much easier for her to - for lack of a better word - summon. Imaginary things, were a trillion times more difficult. The white headband she always wore didn't just keep her hair in check; it kept her powers in check as well. Creating it had sent her into a two-week coma, and she had woken up with a raging fever. It was well worth it, however. She never lost control while she was wearing it. Never again would she accidentally hurt anyone again. Matilda shuddered. "No point in dwelling in the past, Mattie," she scolded herself mentally.
"Seriously, Mattie? I go to sleep for a few hours, and you're already talking to yourself? Wow, didn't know you needed me that much," a groggy voice spoke in her mind.
Mattie jumped in surprise. Metis was - once again, for lack of a better term - her other personality. Metis was Mattie, without her humanity, both literally and metaphorically.
"What kind of academy are they shipping us off too, anyway?" Metis drawled.
"It's an academy for people like us, apparently. Why are you asking me anyway? You're the thousand year old witch with the photographic memory and access to every bit of information in any kind of technology," Mattie said.
"I'm a cursed thousand year old witch," Metis pointed out. "And you're carsick. Holy Hecate, you're so carsick even I can feel it."
"Gee, I so needed a reminder," Mattie said, her stomach doing flips.
Metis was about to reply when something in the car window caught Mattie's eye. A sign that read Academy - 1 mile. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Metis snorted. "Please tell me you did not intend that pun."
"I didn't. So what do you think?" Mattie persisted.
Metis mentally shrugged. "I say you only live seven times, or whatever you mortals say these days."
"We're humans. We only live once," Mattie pointed out.
"This is no time to argue about the lifespans of mortals," Metis said.
"Hate to say you're right," Mattie grumbled.
Mattie leaned forward from her red velvet seat, her shackles clinking loudly as she moved. She'd almost forgotten that she was wearing the so-called power binding shackles. Metis had taken one look at it from Mattie's eyes, and immediately identified them as shackles that simply helped stabilize the wearer's haywire - pun not intended - powers. Humans, she had laughed. Didn't they realize binding powers like Matilda's was almost impossible?
"Driver? I think I can walk from here," Mattie said, her somersaulting stomach making her voice quiver.
Despite the fact that the driver's face wasn't facing her, Mattie could tell he was frowning. Reading people was like her second instinct ever since she discovered Metis in her body.
"I was told to drive you to the gates, miss," The driver said.
"I get carsick easily. I can walk the rest of the way," Mattie patiently replied though her stomach was not helping.
The driver turned to glance at her, then quickly pulled to the side of the road. "Don't get into trouble. Academy's just straight ahead."
Mattie grabbed her worn leather shoulder bag and clambered out of the car, her combat boots scraping against the gravel.
The driver looked at her from inside the car. "I have three kids. One of them is like you, with those powers."
"How is he now?" Mattie asked.
"He ran away," The driver said darkly.
Mattie swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm sorry."
The driver stared at her bitterly. "People like you always have to start out in life alone. Doesn't mean you'll be alone forever."
Mattie's mouth went dry, and before she could come up with a reply, the driver raised his car window and drove off, leaving a dust trail.
"Well, he was pretty okay with you walking. Probably doesn't want his car to get decorated by Unusual vomit," Metis muttered.
"You always think the worst about people," Mattie said in a flat tone.
"My own brother made several attempts on my life before finally placing this curse on me. And you wonder why I hate mortals," Metis shot back.
Mattie blew a piece of her electric blue hair out of her face, and took in her surroundings. Trees obscured her view left and right, and the road seemed to go on for eternity. It was a cloudy day, so Mattie didn't need to worry about walking with the sun glaring down at her. The air seemed more cleaner than what she was used to, and she inhaled deeply, noting that she could still smell the smoke from the car. Mattie studied the gravel at her feet for a second before speaking to Metis.[/i]
"Metis, calculations for how long we're going to be on the road if I walk?"
"I don't even need calculations for that. Knowing you, you'd take a year," Metis said curtly.
Mattie mentally glared daggers at her. "You know I don't like using my powers."
"There is plenty of energy lying around. Or you can just create a bicycle using your own energy," Metis pointed out carelessly.
Matilda bit back a retort. Metis wasn't human; she was bitter and cruel against mortals. She could care less about a few trees dying. Anger flooded Matilda, and her feet suddenly was charged with energy. Matilda frowned, feeling the buzz of power in her feet, yet she didn't feel sick. Best case scenario of creating something imaginary, Mattie would throw up a couple of times. Worst case scenario, she'd fall into a month long coma and wake up with pneumonia or some other sickness.
"Metis? How come I don't feel sick?" Matilda asked, her anger dissipating.
"I don't know," Metis replied, surprised.
Metis never admitted she didn't know something. Mattie blinked in shock before quickly shrugging it off. She'd figure out what happened later, when she got to the academy. She took one step forward, and left a trail of dust behind her as her feet did fifty miles an hour, easy.

[Holy Arceus, I think this is the longest post I've made on here.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 05:41 (9 Years ago)
(holyfudge that's a long post XD)
Bellatrix eventually woke up, and wandered to the front of the academy. Before long, she spotted what looked to be a human girl, but moving extremely fast, with a large cloud of dust streaming behind her. "Ohholymotheroffudge!" Bellatrix exclaimed, clambering up the steps to avoid getting caught in the dust.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 06:12 (9 Years ago)
[Ikr, I think I may have been too excited to RP and ended up writing all that o-o]

You know those cartoons where one of the characters ties a rocket to their back and flies off to space? Matilda knew exactly how they felt now. It seemed that she had miscalculated on how fast her supercharged feet could go, and in less than five minutes she was close to the entrance of the academy. Her vision and hearing was a blur, and she could barely control her feet from leaving the rest of her body in the dust. Her watering eyes caught sight of the front doors, and she immediately forced her feet to stop. Matilda tumbled to a stop near the front steps, making clouds of dust billow all around her panting body lying on the ground.
"...Maybe you should take the bicycle next time," Metis offered feebly.
"No kidding," Mattie grumbled out loud, still gasping for breath.
Her eyes stopped watering after a few moments, and eventually she managed to control her breathing enough to be able to sit up. The clouds of dust began to disperse, and Mattie caught sight of a dark haired girl in pigtails standing on the steps, avoiding the dust.
Pale-skinned and with sad eyes, the girl looked very familiar to Mattie. That's when it struck her. The look in the girl's eyes...it was what Mattie saw in hers every time she looked in a mirror.
"Well, you're in the right academy alright," Metis murmured.
"What's that meant supposed to mean, Sabrina?" Mattie demanded.
"You did not just call me that," Metis growled.
Mattie ignored her, and struggled to her feet. "Morning," she greeted the dark-haired girl quietly.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 06:14 (9 Years ago)
Bellatrix blinked. "Hi." she said, startled at the sudden stop. "Let me guess, super speed?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 06:25 (9 Years ago)
Matilda gave a wry smile. "If only it was that," She replied grimly, then gesturing to her still shackled hands, she added, "Kind of energy manipulation. I think of something to make or do, and use any nearby source of energy to do it."
Matilda was fully aware this was the first time she had spoken to anyone about her powers, and that it was also the most words she had spoken to a complete stranger. The heck was going on with her? Her life motto was "No one needs you, isolation is key." But the girl's eyes reminded Mattie of herself so much.
Mattie looked down at the shackles distastefully, then concentrated. Transmogrification was just energy converting into another form. The shackles dissolved into fine gold dust, floating to the ground.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 06:32 (9 Years ago)
Bellatrix stood up and walked over to a nearby tree. She then proceeded to bash her forehead against it. "Stupid stupid stupid!" She said to herself. Sighing, she slumped to the ground against the tree, the bloody head wound mending itself slowly. "First rule. I cannot have any physical contact with any living organism." She said as several of the tree's leaves shriveled up and fell off the branches. Bellatrix suddenly remembered that she wasn't alone, that the girl was still there. "Ohmigoodness sorry! Bad habits!" she exclaimed, her face flushing as she wiped away some blood.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 06:58 (9 Years ago)
(Just going to put this out here. On your form, when I saw the picture, first thing I noticed was the eyes. o-o Eyes really are the windows to the soul.)

Metis connected the dots for her. A rule she made for herself about no physical contact. Forgetting someone was there while she tried to headbutt a tree trunk. The shriveling leaves. Talking to herself.
"Oh, wow. Mattie, I think this girl is probably one of the most dangerous students here," Metis calmly said.
"What? How did you know?" Mattie asked, surprised. Metis had never taken interest in mortals, even the ones with powers. Mattie was baffled.
"Life force absorbing. I haven't heard of anyone having a power like that since...what 1653?" Metis muttered, mostly to herself.
The girl had remembered Matilda was there, and immediately apologized, her faced suddenly flushed.
Matilda nodded, keeping her face stoic despite the blood. "Perfectly understandable," Mattie tilted her head.
"You ought to change the subject now," Metis suddenly advised.
"Uh, so which misunderstanding mortal decided to ship you here?" Mattie asked awkwardly.
"That is the most stupid question I have ever heard in my life since my assistant Desmond asked why I didn't have a magic broomstick," Metis immediately declared.
"It's not my fault I'm socially awkward!" Mattie scowled mentally.
"Oh. Indeed. My apologies," Metis realized.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:05 (9 Years ago)
"Orphanage. Been there since forever, never been outside, I don't think. Nature is strange and fascinating, isn't it. What about you?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:13 (9 Years ago)
Matilda desperately tried to keep her face stoic, and almost failed. "Ran away from my orphanage. Social services caught me and sent me here. Nature is fascinating; I can't touch any plants though."
"Now why would you tell her that?" Metis asked.
"Because it's true. You and your freaking witch instincts make me kill every plant I touch," Matilda snapped.
"You don't even like vegetables..."
"I like trees. And fruit.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:18 (9 Years ago)
"What about grass and leaves and trees?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:24 (9 Years ago)
"Anything that grows out of the ground, I'm afraid," Matilda said. She couldn't help her gloomy voice.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:29 (9 Years ago)
"I see. Have you been inside the academy yet? I just got here a couple of hours ago and I was exploring it. Most of the rooms are locked though. I'm Bellatrix by the way." She said, guiding the girl to the front of the building.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:40 (9 Years ago)
"Matilda Haywire, and no, I haven't," Mattie followed Bellatrix back to the front steps. Matilda had no idea how she had managed to keep up a conversation with another human being. The only person she ever had a proper conversation with was Metis, and Metis wasn't even remotely human.
"Oh, by the way, I've memorized the building's blueprints," The aforementioned decided to inform Mattie.
"Really? Can you do that memory thing then?" Mattie asked.
"It's called a memory link, Mattie," Metis corrected with a sigh. "Here it comes, don't trip over your own feet again."
Matilda couldn't help wincing as Metis' memory of the blueprints implanted itself in her brain. It took her brain a split second to process it, then register it to her memory, as if she had memorized the blueprints and not Metis.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:46 (9 Years ago)
"Do you ever get the feeling like someone's listening in on what you're saying and doing and such? I'm getting that feeling like right now. Or maybe I'm just not used to actual conversation. Hmmm....."
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 07:56 (9 Years ago)
"Yeah, I feel that every moment of the day. Mainly 'cause it's true and I have a thousand year old witch living in my head 'cause her brother cursed her," Matilda muttered under her breath.
"I heard that!" Metis shouted.
Mattie ignored her and chose her words carefully. "All the time. It probably has something to do with my dragon accident in New York, though."
"So much for choosing your words carefully," Metis grumbled.
"It slipped out! And come on, the dragon I created destroyed like fifty million dollars worth of property. The government had to make up some story about terrorists disguising flying firebombs to make it look like a dragon," Matilda protested.
"It also sent you into a month long coma, being the reason you were caught by the social services and shipped off to this isolated academy," Metis reminded her.
"Oh, shush."

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 08:07 (9 Years ago)
"What's that about a witch in your head?" Bellatrix asked, leaning on a wall. "Here's a small tip. If you have secrets, try not to mutter them. Many "gifted"s tend to have sharper senses than normal humans do."
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 30/10/2014 08:22 (9 Years ago)
"Now look at what you've done," Metis groaned. "My brother will come after us now!"
Matilda studied the floor for a moment before answering, completely ignoring Metis. She decided to come clean. The principal knew why she had been sent here, and eventually the other students would too. No point in delaying the inevitable. "Thanks for the tip, I never really met any others. Only reason I ever knew about them was because of Metis. You could say she's my past life."
Metis let out another groan. "I should have never have told you the truth."
"You're not wishing you didn't tell me about the dragons?" Mattie asked.
"No. The dragons are glorious and noble creatures. They didn't deserve to die out," Metis said firmly.
Mattie pressed her left thumb and forefinger together behind her back, waiting for Bellatrix's reply. If she ended up being shunned here as well...then she had better teleport out there quick.
"You're going to kill yourself if you channel all your energy to teleport. You aren't strong enough to do that," Metis said quietly.
"Well, according to you, your brother's reincarnation will find us and kill us anyway," Matilda replied coldly.
Metis remained silent as Matilda mentally counted.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.